Known to all on and considered to be part of the Front Part is friend to the blog, Midrats, and me personally, is Dr. Claude Berube; reserve Naval Officer, author, professor, and all-around good guy.
After a long record of service teaching political science and history at the United States Naval Academy and director of the U.S. Naval Academy Museum, Claude is moving on to start a new chapter.
In a highly enjoyable retrospective of his time in Annapolis, Claude becomes a guest on the podcast he started, Preble Hall, as interviews by Dr. Marcus Faulkner.
I listened to this last night and this morning. Wonderful interview!
I saw this on my feed when I got up this morning. I'll have to give it a listen on my drive home! Totally agree with the "all around good guy" assessment of Claude. Unfortunately, I graduated USNA a year or two before he showed up. Would have loved to have had him as a prof! At least I was able to get him as a guest on my own podcast recently to talk about his wargaming initiative at the academy. I hope that won't die on the vine now that he's moving on!