Some FbF seem almost unbelievable. If you submitted a screenplay to make a movie with the plot, it would probably be sent back.
Those are some of my favorite FbF … and as I have a liking of stories of US Navy … and USAAC forces flying the British Spitfire … then how could I not bring up the story of the great Bob Hoover?
Full Bore and More! Had the pleasure of meeting him after I got my private license and before heading to AOCS. Had my girlfriend ( later wife of 44 years and counting) and my roomie -also a pilot - and his gal. Bob had flown the Shrike Commander routine with a large hat and a sport coat! Standing in line to shake his hand my girlfriend asked "can you do all that in your airplane (Cessna 182 RG)?" Bob overheard and said "there was nothing that I did that most any airplane can't do". When my gal said she'd love to do loops and rolls I knew she was the one for me.
10 months later Maj Beck, USMC, VT-6 T-28 Stan Officer was my off wing instructor for Acro 1. He had a Joy squeeze bottle filled with water and a styrofoam coffee cup. He told me about Hoover doing a roll and loop while pouring tea (I think) and telling the camera "nothing comes out because it is a 1 G maneuver". So Maj Beck said "aileron roll and if I get wet you get soaked". The flight line had a good laugh when we both got out of the Mighty Trojan looking like we had just showered.
thankyou, Sir. always a great way to begin a Friday.