Three cheers for our host!

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20 Cheers for Sal!

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congrats ! Look forward tot he next 20!

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Have you ever thought of publishing a book compilation?

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Yes, like a "Best Of"... Problem is, w Cdr Sal every day is the Best Of...

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I have been approached a few times over the last few years. Problem is, I have a no-kidding big-kid job and only 24-hrs a day. Perhaps when I get better at time management.

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Congrats on leading milblog and Naval Warfare writing outside "traditional" spaces. Keep on going.

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Twenty years? Doesn't seem even a day over seventeen, but no matter. Congratulations. Indeed, admirable congratulations. Deep down and all over, I truly believe that you have moved more than a few needles; even big needles. Strength and honor, bro. Live long and prosper.

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Congratulations Phib! I have followed you for close to 17-18 years and still get a sense of excitement when your email pops up in my in box. I know something interesting and thought provoking will follow.

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Congratulations! Well done, thank you and keep it coming!

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Hey -congrats Sal! I started a year later motivated by your blog amongst others :)

w/r, SJS

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I will listen to the recording!

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Sal, your ongoing discussion of The Long War has been instrumental in shaping my perspective on the PRC/CCP, & numerous Great Decisions discussions. Don’t let up.

“Interesting times”, indeed.

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Speaking of the Long War. 60 Minutes Australia from Sunday reporting on RIMPAC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewDcgG8Q288

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We'll just call the past 20 years "CDR Salamander - The Early Years." All the best to you and yours.

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Since he is getting older, I guess, "early years" would be a legitimate label for what has gone before now.

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander


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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

"Hey, if nothing else, it is cheap therapy..."

Thanks CDR, ...it has been!

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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

It's been a good start, Sir. I have enjoyed the run, been taught and treated. It continues to be a pleasure to read your input, and those of Front Porch companions, both.

Thankyou. Congratulations.


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Jul 22Liked by CDR Salamander

Thanks for doing this!

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As my seafaring brothers and sisters say, Bravo Zulu, Sal! In the days of yore, we'd send a gunboat flotilla to the nearest bay or up the nearest river to the "Salplot" and fire off a enough rounds to annoy the locals. It takes some brass to do what you do. Keep moving forward! Semper Fidelis.

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