We’re a long way from the days of “Perdicaris alive or Raisuil dead.”

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The press are the hand maidens of the Left, they report what they are told to report. People still think that journalists like Edward R Murrow are running the press, but they are all long dead and gone.

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There are a near infinite number of right to far right news sources now. Where is there answer to Sal's question?

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If you question this government from the center-right you get 33+ months of pretrial confinement in a DC prison. That's why "the American people are accepting it."

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Lmao don't trespass in the capitol and you can criticize and question the govt all you like. People do it all the time, everyday, in many ways.

This kind of silliness makes a mockery of real govt repression. It's shameful

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"Lmao don't trespass in the capitol and you can criticize and question the govt all you like..."

You've exposed some serious Goose-v-Gander cognitive dissonance in your logic:


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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Well I agree we should be harsher on those people! I don't think they're trying to interrupt the transfer of federal executive power though, I think that's worth noting.

But, again, it does not erase the fact that nobody is getting locked up for saying or writing bad things about Biden and the Democrats or their policies. If they were, more than half the people I read and know would be in prison!

Let's keep things in perspective, yes? I'll admit freely that the Democrats are hypocritical about how seriously they take invasions of legislative centers of power and you admit freely that it's hysterical to talk about people getting locked up for openly criticizing the govt from the right as if that were something that's happening.

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"Well I agree we should be harsher on those people! "

Talk when they do. Until then, my point stands.

Even if you believe I am wrong, it might concern you that millions of college educated and/or veterans, professionals in military and civilian life, engineers and doctors and lawyers as well as plumbers and electricians and teachers and local police, many of whom who took an oath to support our Constitution, agree with me, and it's because of loads of evidence over the past decades, not because the bad orange man brainwashed anybody.

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But since when is the penalty for 1st-offense trespassing 7 years in federal prison? In 1940 Germany, you would've had your more successful neighbor with the better looking wife sent to the concentration camps by turning them in for failure to render the Nazi salute and the father's walk in the park looked like spy activity.

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023

Since doing it in the very serious context of 'Congress in that moment confirming the successor to a President who refuses to acknowledge his election loss'.

Also, if had just been trespassing that would have been better - but it was a violent enough riot that Congress had to flee to avoid harm. Not quite the same as a sit down in the halls by a bunch of skinny teenagers.

I'm sorry, but that's not the same as 'not saluting' or 'walking in the park'. And American prisons can suck yes, but they're not concentration camps and everyone sentenced got due process and competent legal help (often even good lawyers paid for by sympathizers like yourself, I gather).

So again, unless you plan on violently invading the Capitol on Jan 6 2024, feel free to criticize the govt as much as you like and nobody will ever stop you. Indeed, many people who think quite poorly of you will defend your right to speak loudly and prominently, if it were ever threatened by the govt. Like myself. So if you ever get a threatening message from the govt for saying mean things about Joe Biden, just email me and I will go help you out!

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I saw your shitpost the first time, you don't need to re-copy-and-paste.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

False dichotomy Andy.

Name 10 "right to far right" news sources, and you end up right back at the same NatSec DC-Chesapeake Swamp lairs.

Thats the 'source' that's tainted.

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Epoch Times.

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So, cite the example.

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So the daily wire is taking lines from the white House or the FBI or NSA or whoever? The national review? The American conservative? These are the people who are doing water-carrying for the left?

There's a much simpler explanation and it is that people don't click on stories about it and so journalists aren't spending their time writing stories about it because advertisers pay their salaries and they care about what people actually pay attention to, not what you and cdr salamander think are the proper things for people to pay attention to.

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"Wait, isn't there a shooter the FBI is grooming up in Maine that can distract the people?"

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Make that an evil white shooter that can be used to pump for more gun control in an episode that, however tragic, is a normal month in Chicago.

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or a normal week

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"people are accepting it"

there you have it. After two decades (three! Jan 1991) of endless pointless American lives lost in mid-east misadventures, after constant repeated mass killings in our own backyards, after seeing countless die due to Covid.............

the American people are simply inured to it all.

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We see that not accepting it unless we are special groups we get denounced and arrested.

At this point I just watch.

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100 percent true. If you show up to a protest with any flag but the US flag, you are all good. Try it with an American flag and you get months or years in prison and life-defining legal fees, at minimum.

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If one questions it in our nation's capitol, one goes to prison. It's fear, not inurement.

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You find yourself wondering what sort of American lives in Gaza?

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Yes. And why.

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Thirty seems low in a population in excess of 2M. That's about twice the population of Mombassa. I suspect that between NGO's, missionaries, and western consultants keeping infrastructure going that there were several hundred Americans on official business in Gaza at the time. That does not included those there visiting their Aunt Sabah with questionable timing.

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I've written a lot about the decline in Google's usefulness as it repurposes as a narrative control machine. So this is to be expected.

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try to find in google information about how climate change policies reduce economic growth. YOu won't find much. It's certainly a valid question, but oddly, Google has nothing on it.

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Possibly we "put up with it" because, on balance, we are individually too comfortable to act in a way that would sacrifice our material and personal situation.

Even those of us who, like our host, see the storm coming, can only try to warn others to prepare to act.

An uncomfortable thought, proposed on another site, is that one of the "jobs the illegal invaders can do that Americans will not" is to serve as troops for the regime in suppression of Americans who resist being "re-educated", in exchange for citizenship.

This is already being offered to foreign enlistees.

Illinois is also allowing non-citizens to become police there.

John in Indy

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We are also now certain that to act in a way that questions the central federal government WILL sacrifice our material and personal situation.

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The government is corrupt. The media complicit. Americans Don't know, don't care and are dumb.

No one knows who the American's are who are kidnapped, who is alive or who is dead.

Or they know and for some reason are hiding the number and the names.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Some licentious slave owner once said something about the price of liberty being eternal vigilance, but he's cancelled, so, whatever.

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Didn’t we ask the same question during and after the debacle of the Afghanistan “withdrawal”? Still no answer to that question. I note the the same administration occupies the White House.

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And now you see the swamp. If it hurts Hamas it isn’t reported.

We don’t have names because it makes Hamas look bad.

I’m pretty confident 73 million Trump voters do care.

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Everyone cares. Where is the answer to Sal's question in the Trumpverse?

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

72,999,999 voters. US needs to be more careful about whom they issue passports.

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For the same reason people tear down the posters showing the faces and names of the kidnapped Israelis.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

For the most part, CDR, it seems the nomenklatura, the ruling class, in the United States have sided with Hamas. Why is debatable - perhaps they simply hate Jews, perhaps they want to protect their grift, perhaps they believe Islam is winning and want to be eaten last, or perhaps they actually believe their own propaganda. It does not matter.

What does matter is that they are objectively siding with Hamas and Iran, and not just in the matter of hostages. No one is calling for Hamas to stop their rocket bombardments, or stop committing acts of terror,, or stop endangeering civilians or even to stop stealing relief supplies. It is as if Hamas and by extension the Palestinians are a privileged class who must be indulged regardless of the human cost.

I have also noticed that even though Hamas are proven liars, no one is trying to independently verify casualty reports. Strategy page saus over 7,000 Hamas +palestinians killed, but will not say how they are arriving at that figure.

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Strange, where have I encountered similar “special class” treatment of another group recently? Idk, probably nothing. Must’ve imagined it.

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I don’t mean this the way it sounds but we don’t know because we don’t care. For three reasons. Firstly, we are no longer an empire with a monolithic culture. Forty years ago all of America was angry and concerned about our embassy staff being held hostage in Iran. So much so, it was a principal reason President Carter lost his re-election bid. That’s what a unified culture looks like. Secondly, four in ten “Americans” are first or second generation immigrants, new to this country and not assimilated into our culture. Their bodies, votes and jobs are here, but their hearts are in the old country. Thirdly, we are a nation who has wasted it’s blood and treasure in the sands of Muslim Asia for twenty years. It’s now clear the current regime is pushing us into another war before we can even recover from the previous ones. So, no. I don’t think Americans care about what is happening in the Middle East right now.

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"So, no. I don’t think Americans care about what is happening in the Middle East right now."

I think the elites hope we don't care. With names and faces there are stories and every story is a vote loser for Dem Inc...

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Time had no problem naming Iranian hostages. A different American then. Every checkout aisle in the country before the days of internet grocery delivery. https://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19791119,00.html

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Think on this. How would today’s snowflakes respond to total victory and what this means?

The US Military had total and complete victory as the goal in WW2.

Unconditional surrender was the only acceptable outcome. After the Bataan Death March, starvation of POWs, fanatical fighting well after the battle was over.

Suicide bombers that killed 5,000+ sailors on ships. 6,200 dead marines on Iwo Jima. 12,000 dead soldiers from the Army on Okinawa.

What does this have to do with Gaza? Because hundreds of thousands of civilians died in Japan because of the fanatical military. Same here. Hamas terrorists are wholly responsible for civilian deaths and casualties. The only results acceptable is complete and utter destruction of Hamas.

And smart phone kids don’t understand this. So easily manipulated.

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"Unconstitutional" -> Unconditional ?

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Stupid auto populated words. I’ve had to correct dozens in the past weeks.

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The press is geared to be an entertainment industry, and that's what the public has come to expect, entertainment, not information. "If it bleeds, it leads," covers lurid tabloid stuff, not a hostage situation with unbounded ugliness. There won't be any Hollywood endings to this, no cute ending lines while the male and female protagonist walk off the set smiling. Regardless of the outcome, only ugliness and horror.

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When, what passes for your culture is "where's mine?", you no longer care about anything else. In every decision your baseline is "what do I get out of this". Your chances of maintaining a Republic are slim and none.

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As for national culture: deTocqueville pointed out that “America will be great for as long as it is good.” Anymore? Hey, draw your own conclusions.

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