Definitely a W....no one looks forward to a visit from 60 Minutes, but I think this was a nice effort.

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Had the same thoughts watching. Added in with how this is the only major news program the Navy has been seen is an appropriate light.

Was also struck by Gilday being over his head and just a parroting political fool. I expect that from a political appointee like what see with that fool Kendell who is hell bent on gutting the Airforce but don’t expect that from a CNO.

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Also is great to see Cartography slowly returning though must of the public don’t always register it it does show and convey the dire straights and importance of geography. Ukraine War really has seen and shown it’s importance though it still under utilized to tell the story amd reinforce the point of force requirememts.

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Saw that map in the lead of the Commander's article and immediately my blood pressure elevated. Maps/charts MUST have North at the top. As I slowly counted backwards from 10, a calm overcame me and I said "Aha!" to myself. That map was instructive.

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There are infinite ways to orient a map, but only two make sense: north up, and path up. That was basically a path up map, as China wants to move toward the top of the map.

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I have not watched that show in quite literally more than 20+ years, due to its flagrant reporting and editorial biases, as well as its routine shilling for the personal injury plaintiffs bar. How this apparently pretty well done piece, in two segments, got past the noise and fluff is a tribute to those who pressed to get this through. And a grudging-but-respectful hat-tip to CHINFO who somehow didn’t Happy Talk screw this up.

Now, we need rounds of follow-up information strikes, to mix metaphors.

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Ditto. Has been 20+ years for me too.

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I am somewhat astonished that 60 minutes didn't convert this into a woke diatribe. Well done to all who were part of it except, of course(!) our CNO.

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If the Navy had an operational level of war maritime strategy that directly informed fleet size/force structure as it had in the 1980's it would not have some of the problems noted by Reps Gallagher and Luria in the interview.

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It's a good start. And the staff and PAO's got some good licks in. I'll watch it later and take my opinions of performances.

In general, the Navy needs an integrated plan to take our case the America. Start with points for sailors to take to our friends and communities.

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The CNO lost the perfect opportunity.

From SECNAV being happy with a 298 ship "Green Initiative" to the (pardon) chickenshit CNO, we have no real leadership.

Can anyone actually realize the loss of a CVBG? It would take us 20 years to get caught up.

Have we considered smaller CV platforms?

Heading over to BABBEL in order to check out the cost of the Mandarin viruses of instruction.

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Just watched it. Well done. I'm amazed it's on CBS.

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The following applies to all of DOD and indeed the US Government:

"Over the last two decades, the Navy spent $55 billion on two investments that did not pan out."

It could be $550B, or $5.5 Trillion and it won't pan out.

WAR !! most of all you'll learn as the ground forces have that the worst enemy is behind you and wearing your uniform and is not being foolish or uninformed, but selfish and malicious. Sell outs run the government and the services and they hate passionately the honest and honorable, who are too dumb to do anything about it even when they know with certainty what happened.

However no one believes until War, so prithee Go ! and when you return - IF you return - THEN what I just said will make perfect sense. Been there, done the part where ' I TOLD you' repeatedly.

Go, and go with 200 ships and your precious Admirals, you will return more ready to listen.

God himself could not reach you manifesting in all his glory and might, so GO.

And no, you ain't getting 350 ships. You go with what you got, perhaps war shall make ye a more determined steward, and perchance we'll get a Flag officer WHO DOES SAY IT PLAINLY.

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The Navy exists to deter an aggressor, defeat an adversary and protect American interests. I am told Pentagon top 5 priorities are 1) culture change 2) climate change 3) environmental concerns 4) resilience 5) China.

China is the threat and has to be the priority. We don't have 10 years for technology investment that may not work, technology that exceeds our ability to pay for.

No one knows China's timing toward Taiwan, although an argument can be made it's short term. I am more concerned about an incident, an accident, a fog of war, a Gulf of Tonkin type event leading to a shooting conflict on any given day.

Russia destroying a drone, Chinese aggression against ships and aircraft and defying territorial limits are events that can go wrong and lead to a more aggressive response.

South Korea is vigilant believing on any given day North Korea will attack. We should adopt a similar philosophy. Our focus has to be on lethality now to counter Chinese aggression.

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<<Another example is the Littoral Combat Ship or LCS, designed to be a fast all-purpose warship for shallow waters. Thirty billion dollars later the program ran aground after structural defects and engine trouble. Within the Navy, the LCS earned the unfortunate nickname, little crappy ship.>>

I argued decades ago that the USN was not a "brown water navy" & that the little crappy ship was not a robust, reliable platform for our needs, but the "fix" was in for what was hailed as a fix to all our woes,—a reconfigurable & cheap (ha, ha!) ship.

But what ails the USN is decades of woke policies that have corroded morale.

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What was the point of interviewing the former representative from Virginia's 2nd district when the current representative (who sits on the HASC and is a a Navy veteran) actually has a vote on the matters at hand? I guess 60 Minutes is going to be 60 Minutes no matter how hard they try not to be.

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I think their point was show it is a bipartisan concern. My rep, also from VA, sends weekly messages of concern about our naval posture, as many of his constituents are in the Newport News area. He also serves on the House Armed Services committee. However, he is not a Democrat, so that would not have served the purpose. Ms. Luria has been vocal about her support, and is known throughout the state for it.

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"Admiral Gilday says the U.S. Navy's main advantage over China is America's sailors. His goal is to modernize the U.S. fleet and have those sailors serving alongside hundreds of unmanned vessels by 2045.

Admiral Mike Gilday: I think unmanned is the future. And so I think that-- some 40% of our fleet in the future, I believe, is gonna be unmanned.

Own goal. Complete distraction and off topic to the challenge at hand. On top of that, he's poorly briefed and wrong."

Sorry Sal, but I think you're giving him too much credit here. Yes, it was an "own goal" but it was an intentional one. Gilday is a politician through and through. He's been drinking the "un manned" cool aide for so long he's now making the stuff and has his own franchise. These idiots (the un manned mafia) think that this new version of transformationalist magic thinking is somehow different from the Transformationalist magic of the LCS, or the Burke, or any of the other flavors of magic thinking.

We need to quit promoting political transformationalists to high position, or we will be paying in blood.

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Why is a favor called a solid, anyway?

If a favor involves buying beer, would that be a liquid?

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Full Video:

Is the Navy ready? How the U.S. is preparing amid a naval buildup in China | 60 Minutes Video


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