Will wait and see the details. Generally speaking I'm for a "coalition of the willing" performing escort operations for merchants flagged by the coalition states, and reactive response to other flagged vessels. If, as the other Sal hints at, Maersk manipulated their ships in the Maritime Security Program Fleet to get the US and her allies to escort Maersk ships under flags of convenience, then I will be writing a letter to my rep and senators. That would require closer scrutiny at the DC level.

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“Operation Prosperity Guardian”

Someone on the Joint Staff loves irony.

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Why is the US playing Defense? How many attacks on American forces does it take to decide to retaliate. As Mike Tyson famously said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth..." Perhaps It's time to knock out a few teeth.

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The return address for complaints is Kharg Island and Bandar Abbas. What's the lead time on replacing a container unloading crane? Asking for an enemy ...

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One would think that, in the interests of multiculturalism, we’d join our capability with KSA and eliminate Shia Iran & followers. If Sunni can eliminate Shia, the multicultural response to Shia piracy is to eliminate Shia..

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Hard to not get the sense we are being totally reactive here. AND...even if we do react, it will be with unspoken U.S. "national caveats" that hamstring U.S. forces. Something to watch: replenishment of VLS cells as destroyers engage targets and run out of vampire deterrent...

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Can we finally put to rest the charade of the PLAN's anti-piracy mission in the area? They wouldn't lift a finger to help a merchantman under attack a few weeks ago and now they post garbage like this:

"The Houthis have indirectly contributed to the shift in transportation from sea to land, undermining US maritime supremacy and promoting [China's] international strategy of global multipolarity" - Xiao Yunhua, professor at the PLA National Defense University (NDU) thinks that the Houthis have "inadvertently did China a big favor"


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Wasn't it only yesterday that we talked about fighting a two front war against Iran and North Korea? How is it possible that it is now so difficult to form a task force to deal with ragged terrorists from Yemen and pirates from Somalia?

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Australia is reluctant? I remember being told that the AUKUS alliance was a game changer in the Pacific that would push back on China. What happened?

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I wonder if the weapons we left behind in Afghanistant made it to Yemen?

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The UN General Aseembly sent the worst possible message by calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The Houthis may believe that the world is not serious about combatting terrorism.

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First...lets STOP using "piracy"...this is DECLARED state of war beteeen TWO states...Israel and Yemen to stop Israeli genocidal attacks in Gaza. Yemen targets ISRAELI chartered and flagged ships...sound like "piracy" to you? Its NOT.... When Israel stops bombing civilians in Gaza then their shipping will NOT be attacked either... I dont see where the USN or NATO has any legal leg to stand on. No foreign nation buys the "piracy" excuse Washington sells anymore.

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On p. 42 of a 45 page document. (climate change was on p. 6)


Second, the United States will not allow foreign or regional powers to jeopardize freedom of navigation

through the Middle East’s waterways, including the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab al Mandab,

nor tolerate efforts by any country to dominate another—or the region—through military

buildups, incursions, or threats.

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I typically lean more isolationist, but piracy is one of those areas where I think we <i>should</i> be using a big hammer. I would love for a large coalition of maritime nations to coalesce, but I fear that with so many fingers in the pie there'll be too many restrictions on the ROE. In the long run, it would be better to take out the facilities on land that are used to launch the Houthi operations than to waste all those anti-air rockets. Destroy their toys before they get to play with them. And that's not something I see anyone but the US, possibly Japan, being involved in. And I don't trust the Biden regime to have the fortitude to carry it off.

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“Prosperity Guardian”...makes me want to wretch, absolutely, agree. Why not something more along the lines of "Operation Blackbeard"? Sounds slightly sinister and completely to the point.

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Egypt must pull billions every year for canal transits. Where is their navy?

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