Aug 6Liked by CDR Salamander

This the kind of diversity I feel good celebrating.

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Deck diversity..."as it should be..."!!!

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Aug 6Liked by CDR Salamander

Italian Navy punching above her “perceived” weight — if you know, you know! May not have a lot of tonnage, but very good at employing AND integrating the capabilities and knowledge they have!

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Oh the food! “Sorry skipper, our Osprey has a chip light. We will try to catch up with the ARG in a day or two..”

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"Unusual seismic activity near Ceasar Augustus' grave earlier in the week."

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CDR Sal,

The Cavour is a welcome addition to the Pacific.

I grant you that.

But Italy is a fickle ally whose commitment depends upon the government of the day.

Italy is not the UK.

I remember the Achille Lauro incident when the leftist government of Italy was quite willing to have the Carabinieri attack the Marines over the captured terrorists in the alleged name of sovereignty.

Just a cautionary note from someone with a very long memory.

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Aug 6Liked by CDR Salamander

"Italy is not the UK."

The UK is on the brink of becoming a Weimar Republic 2.0.

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I guess the UK is not the UK any longer.

It seems that Sir Keir is beholden to the loony left and jihadists.

Neil Farage cannot become PM soon enough.

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Sad to say it looks like where we are headed.

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The UK is on the brink of becoming Al-Andalus...

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So is southern Michigan.

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Pish, tush, my good man. We all know it is those dastardly Russians who are the real threat to Western-Civilization-As-We-Know-It.

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The Russians believe they are the third Rome and therefore are Western civilization.

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" attack the Marines " ummm...pretty sure those were Team Guys; don't think the friends who were there were blowin smoke...

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The UK is no longer the UK. They have decided and it’s a decision to turn their back in the West & their Allies.

There are still friends amongst them but as a nation they are no longer a secure nor dependable.

Our merchant marine has seen it’s now a transactional relationship.

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Yes! "Much more of this " PLEASE.

Not keeping track, I didn't know the Italians had an operation CV.

And a "one frigate escort" is more than our ESG's usually have isn't it?

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More like a small LHA.

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An Ital carrier? Who knew?

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Kind of a ‘pocket carrier’ - but still a carrier!

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They had one before, but the vagaries of war, and post-war penury, kept them from getting her into service....


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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by CDR Salamander

Back in the dark ages, I, as a young Ensign(!) got to visit an Italian Cruiser ( Duilio, I think) for lunch. Great food and wine. I also noted that their CIC had parquet decking and a circular staircase going up to the upper deck. Not exactly how we fared on my DDG. Also got to work with them during the Lebanon crisis in '83. Fueled their DDs and DDGs often. They liked it that I played opera to them while along side my AO.

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I loved Naples and Gaeta.

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Me too, actually. I was stationed in Naples for four years. Met CDR Mongo there.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Shouldn't this flat-top be patrolling the Red Sea? I mean, whose maritime commerce is being affected more with all the festivities going on....

Once again, US is having to pick-up the slack on maintaining stability because our 'allies' are more concerned about optics and participation vs actual effort.

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Good catch.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by CDR Salamander

Nice video of her with the skipper interviewed here:


Future Pitch Black exercises may grow in size and complexity.


Finally, you don't do the training without accepting the risks.

Military aircraft crashes near the NT's Daly River during Exercise Pitch Black


"An Italian military aircraft has crashed in a remote part of the Northern Territory during a multinational defence exercise.

NT police confirmed the crash occurred about 18 kilometres south-west of Daly River on Wednesday morning.

"The pilot has been conveyed to hospital for precautionary checks but is otherwise safe and well," an NT police spokesperson said."

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Viva Italia! good news.

(tiny side note......other good news re: shipbuilding. Canadian shipbuilder Davey interested in building U.S ships, icebreakers mentioned as likely..)

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Very interesting. I wonder (me being a civilian and all), are two carriers a viable carrier fleet? Do you get enough sailor training with just two to be able to act when needed? No idea, just curious.

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Between this, USNI News, and few other sources it's kinda' fun to realize the Italians are steaming the heck out of this ship.

Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if the air department on this ship is as worked up and as good as any US gator. Regrettably, for some reason I think they're probably way ahead if the Brits in that regard.

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Except this: ever see an Italian talk with their hands? That’s a major flight deck hazard!

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Oh no, they should be predisposed to become yellow shirts.

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I am curious how the Italians did the logistics for the CSG's long trip to Australia. Would also like to know why they didn't take the shorter route via the Suez Canal. The spin on any explanation would be interesting to pick apart. But, "Ma, Huzzah! Che Dio vi benedica tutti." Glad to see them in the game.

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How does the USN retiring half the Supply class vessels affect potential carrier combat operations?

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Shoulder patch for Service Force Pacific...


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The smartest guys in DC are probably considering these ponderous positions right now, Kevin. It's an either/or thing for them. Likely, the response to your question will come with coin toss at 1500 to beat the beltway traffic.

1. If we proportionally retire the same amount of combatant vessels, there shouldn't be a problem.

2. Who cares? If it ain't all porcupined up with guns and missiles, it don't amount to much. Stop worrying.

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No need to worry with Pete Buttigieg at DOT and overseeing MSC.

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"why they didn't take the shorter route"

You think the US is the only country conducting those critical "presence" missions?

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I think I know the answer to my question. Could be because they only have one escort. Or they don't want to provoke a confrontation. But I don't believe that a critical presence mission is going to work. They need some solid teammates to share the risk and glory of a mission of extirpation. Like a radical Huthectomy.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

I spent a few days flying with an Italian Air Force C160 crew once...from Gioia del Colle, in Puglia (between Taranto and Bari, where the 'heel' attaches to the 'boot').

Fun people, but after lunch? Jebus H. Crackerjax on a fracking pogo stick.... Lunch was great. Good food. A WHOLE LOT of wine. I had a few glasses (I wasn't crew), the crew had a few bottles - each.

Then, kicked the fires, lit the tires and we were out flying. Good thing I was somewhat numbed.

I hope the Marina Militare has as much fun.

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