We need more than VLS cells. The Chinese have militarized every Chinese vessel afloat — they are all ISR platforms. Perhaps we need to think how we emulate their approach as we need to be prepared if they start taking out our space platforms. Back in WW2 the Navy commissioned a large number of yachts for such missions as weather watching…
We need more than VLS cells. The Chinese have militarized every Chinese vessel afloat — they are all ISR platforms. Perhaps we need to think how we emulate their approach as we need to be prepared if they start taking out our space platforms. Back in WW2 the Navy commissioned a large number of yachts for such missions as weather watching and rescuing downed pilots. (My father was CO of the USS Chalcedony, a 200’, stainless steel ship, built by a wealthy Hawaiian businessman for exploring the Pacific. Most of the crew were Hawaiian resident & USNR.)
and as lifeguards trailing Atlantic convoys. Takes balls to be in an unarmed yacht fishing oil soaked sailors out of icey waters as the escorts and convoy sail off to the East.
We need more than VLS cells. The Chinese have militarized every Chinese vessel afloat — they are all ISR platforms. Perhaps we need to think how we emulate their approach as we need to be prepared if they start taking out our space platforms. Back in WW2 the Navy commissioned a large number of yachts for such missions as weather watching and rescuing downed pilots. (My father was CO of the USS Chalcedony, a 200’, stainless steel ship, built by a wealthy Hawaiian businessman for exploring the Pacific. Most of the crew were Hawaiian resident & USNR.)
and as lifeguards trailing Atlantic convoys. Takes balls to be in an unarmed yacht fishing oil soaked sailors out of icey waters as the escorts and convoy sail off to the East.