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My understanding of modern Russian General Staff is that they are well-integrated as a combined force -- what I call Penta-Force (Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land). In this way they contrast with US General Staff, who compete against and snark about each other like cats.

For example, Russian General Staff got 30 odd cruise missiles -- not hypersonics -- past Ukie/NATO air defense radar (only a few miles away) to surprise the Ukrainian NTC near Liviv that US 173rd ABB built for them a few years back and where CIA train foreign mercs as fighters and personnel extractors inside Ukraine.

Russians today just are not who we are told they are by western governments and their media mouths.

Meanwhile, de-dollarization continues. Countries look at US, saying to themselves, "They stole Afghan gold, London stole Venezuelan gold, now Washington stole some 300B of Russian wealth, why should we trust the US not to steal our wealth and keep us out of global comms networks? Better we de-dollarize, not count on these fickle, selfish, violent Americans, who even allow demented perverts to rule over them? Sheesh!"

De-dollarized global currency is the end of US economy as presently constituted, all of it, and also the end of WEF's pipe dreams. Against everything Rand Corp has preached for 50 years, contra "nativism," nationalism and national sovereignties are being reintroduced and reinforced unintentionally by the very people who want them gone. What's Nuland going to do, invade Saudi Arabia to keep them dollarized?

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