Good. Keep it up!!!

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I can't help but be nervous here...the government's "interest" in race-conscious admissions at service academies is clearer/stronger than almost any other case that can be made for affirmative action in higher education. If this case succeeds, great. But if it fails, what are the knock-on effects for how the earlier decision is implemented? With universities everywhere explicitly signalling their plans to sidestep the earlier SFA decision, how much ammo does an SFA defeat in this case provide them?

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Great. There should also be a similar lawsuit with respect to promotion boards.

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Basing admission or promotion decisions on anything other than merit is clear evidence that the government has more interest in social engineering than in defending the country.

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Great! Fire for effect!

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Too bad the Department of Education shows no interest in fixing one of the root causes of the need for preferences.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

is that HMS Surprise?

my bad, if the first image with Russell Crowe was there, I missed it. I was looking at the bow wave movie shot

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A purpose of the congressional appointment process is to ensure there is a representation of our entire country serving as potential career officers. The problem is that it's imperfect, and does not force procrustean solutions that satisfy diversity commissars.

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Enough with the 'diversity is our strength' BS. Put up or shut up DOD. Lets see the academies field teams that are half female next year and see how their season goes.

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SFFA has its act together. I doubt they lose. SFFA ably supported by Veterans for Fairness and Merit. Harvard and UNC cases were clear. Discrimination on the basis of race is illegal! There is zero research that diversity has any salutary impact on performance. If such research exists, in 3 years of searching I have not been able to find it. The two sources Navy cited in TF1N report were a joke. One had to do with an investment firm and the other actually proved that diversity slowed down decision making...exactly what you want in a tactical situation, right? And, the services are already diverse! The Navy is over-represented with minorities at the enlisted ranks and only slightly underrepresented in blacks and Hispanics in officer ranks. And, it is not because our doors are not wide open. The concept of race itself is a flawed concept. It is a superficial marker of a human that has nothing to do with anything except skin color. It is meaningless. The whole concept was made up by OMB officials who were trying to figure out how to count Americans. Hispanics are not a race. They are an ethnicity, officially so they can choose any race they want....white, brown, black or none. How's that for accuracy in counting how diverse we are? It's a massive joke on the American public and kept running by race hustlers who are getting rich peddling the notion that America is still racist. Instead of focusing on DEI nonsense we need to focus on China who plans to rule the world. How diverse is the PRC? 100% of the PLA, PLAN, etc. are Han Chinese.

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right now Im rereading Reemans stuff

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Glad to see this.

Affirmative Action is a conjured up solution that didnt really exist...


From West Point To Wahoo Swamp: The Career Of Cadet David Moniac, Class Of 1822

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

This is worth a watch...


Interviewing the Man Who Ended Affirmative Action | Dr. Peter Arcidiacono |

Specific mention of the USNA starting here:


Will appeal to the STEMheads.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Making the DEI sausage, worth the read:

(bet everyone who has been a detailer will be able to relate...)


"Black people correctly sense that whites are rigging the game when they’re not looking.

They just can’t imagine the truth: that we’re rigging it for them. "

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