In the name of diversity from a space force officer…


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Something about stereotypes being confirmed?

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Never take someone seriously when they're part of a group with a 40% chance of suicide in the next two decades. And remember, shehe doesn't deploy. Can't forego the 5 o'clock shadow treatments.

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Barf; Retch; I can't unsee this travesty of thought!

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Yup. I'm tasting a bit of bile at the back of my throat, too.

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If it is a national security imperative to ensure mentally ill people are fully represented in our military then it's no wonder

a) we haven't won more than a skirmish in 30 years (Iraq 03 tactical temporary win but major strategic blunder)

b) we have a recruit crisis because normal people want nothing to do with these lunatics, and

We are no longer a serious country

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I'll ask what I posted before on this subject. What person of talent and skill is likely to pursue a career with any organization whose leadership is so eager and willing to embrace absurdity? What person of talent wants to work for an organization where you have to navigate this minefield of distorted reality knowing that one wrong step can lay waste to a career and person's personal and professional reputation. Talented people will go where their abilities can flourish while those who spend their days seeking to be affirmed by others for their distorted grasp of reality will do what they do best... they'll get promoted up the ranks.

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I have been forced to watch Women's Beach Volleyball.

The fact it doesn't have higher ratings than MLB, NBA, and NFL is proof we don't deserve to continue as a civilization.

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I think that DEI -- I call it "DIE" -- just had its Titanic moment. Harvard's board, with Captain Gay at the helm, just steered DIE straight into the iceberg. And not just any iceberg, but the biggest iceberg on the highest of high seas. Harvard. As in, 1636. As in US presidents. SCOTUS justices. Congress. Business. Religion. Arts. Culture.

Cruuuunch! Whoops!

Fools. They thought that their DIE ship was unsinkable. Put Gay in charge? Hey, why not? But also go to the minor trouble to scrutinize her thin and flimsy academic past? Hey, why bother? She meets the spec, right? (Well, turns out that plagiarism-detection software these days works quite well, as we have seen in recent events.)

Think positive... The Harvard-Gay fiasco has elevated the DIE issue high into public consciousness. Up to now, only right wing cranks have bellyached about what's going on across academe, K-12, college, grad skool, law/med/business skools, boardrooms, govt offices, churches, national labs... you name it.

But Harvard-Gay has now given the whole edifice a face. Helen of Troy, whose countenance allegedly launched a thousand ships, must weep at the lost opportunity.

In the future, when one criticizes DIE, it will be possible to say something simple, like... "Hey, look what happened at Harvard." And people will get it. They'll say, "Yeah, right."

When you say, "Hey, look at all the things happening to US Naval Academy, West Point, Air Force. It's DIE in action. Just like at Harvard." And people will say, "Yeah, right."

When you say, "Hey, look at how Disney is all screwed up and making terrible movies and ruining the franchise. It's DIE in action. Just like at Harvard." And people will say, "Yeah, right."

When you say, "Hey, look at how (fill-in-the-blank) is all screwed up and making terrible (fill-in) and ruining the franchise. It's DIE in action. Just like at Harvard." And people will say, "Yeah, right."

In other words, Harvard-Gay has shifted the Overton Window... To where it is now appropriate to criticize DIE. And not just me saying it. Look at, say, the comments section of the NY Times... As in... did you see Gay's weepy, self-pitying, article of lamentations yesterday in the NY Times??

See: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/03/opinion/claudine-gay-harvard-president.html

Distilled to its essence, she says, "Buncha bad peeps took away my soccer trophy!"

Boo-hoo, Claudine. I'm astonished that the lawyers permitted that stream of consciousness BS diary entry copy-paste from the private side of the word processor into the editorial stream of the NY newspaper. Holy smokes, dear. You should've gone on a long trip to someplace warm. Hey, there's still that eternal Harvard faculty gig at $900,000 per year. Nice work, if you can get it.

But the comment section? Wow... By the hundreds of commenters, and tens of thousands of up-votes, people ripped Gay a brandy-new one. Take a gander... It's brutal.

And these are NYT readers... Not exactly a bunch of MAGA red-hat Trumpist insurrectionists, storming the Capitol cuz maybe a few votes got slightly miscounted at 3am in some Detroit or Philadelphia warehouse.

No, these NYTimers are the "educated" class. Been to skool! Kollege, even! Middlebury. Amherst. Yale. CUNY. Delaware State. They've read Howard Zinn. They know how Custer Died for Your Sins!

And they shredded Claudine Gay... Both the Jewish thing (the "context" of October 7 and all), but especially the plagiarism. Cuz most of those NYTimers have enough academic background to know that you don't shoplift passages sans attribution. Cuz if you do it to this guy or gal, then he/she gonna do it to you. And there goes your Google-Scholar rating, down the pipe.

As in, to the academic class of our declining culture, plagiarism is real and a serious threat. Stealing words is not like some flash-mob gang of underprivileged youths overrunning a gas station convenience store, or a swarm of unhoused druggies walking out of Walmart or Walgreens with shopping carts full of unpaid goods. No, who steals my publish-or-perish paperwork has wounded me to the heart, to sort of borrow from that dead white Shakespeare dude.

Yes, Harvard-Gay have turned themselves into a shorthand way of discrediting much/most/all(?) of the very idea of DIE. And not a moment too soon, some might say.

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A thousand likes for this please! Longterm, the k-12 schools are a critical battleground. They were similar to "intel prep of the battlefield" by creating a fertile population of DEI oppression / U.S. haters among the young. We're a couple of generations down that path, turning that Titanic will not be easy. DoD, both the active duty and GS ranks are brimming with true believers in DEI; purging that workforce / ranks will take guts and determination. The government GS ranks are an order of magnitude worse. Herculean task or Sisyphous? Waiting for the next shoe to fall...

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I think we're more than a couple generations, but it probably highly accelerated during Vietnam. In 2nd grade we had a substitute teacher who asked everybody what their parents did. One of my friends said "My Dad's in the Army."

B$%^h in her 20's teacher says "That's nice. He kills people for a living."

I left the room to report her to the principal (I was precocious and generally a PitA back then).

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What did Kipling say about Tommy?

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Nobody cares about Harvard; it's just for folks who can't get into Vanderbilt.

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And Nashville has better music.

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Easy Killer, wasn't Vandy in quite the trans scandal last year? Awful lot of money to be made by making more mentally ill people and furthering their body mutilation. Constant health care that!

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SEC football is all about body mutilation. Maybe if the pointy heads at the med school spent more time with the o-line Vandy wouldn't be at the bottom of the league.

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There goes the GPA pride of the SEC!

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Even if Gay was not a racist and plagiarist she would still be a mediocrity. Can anyone say that her scholarshiip was worthy of the presidency of Harvard?

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"Can anyone say...?" Well obviously, the board of trustees of the Harvard Corporation (oldest corp in the Western Hemisphere, BTW), were ecstatic to have this individual as president of the institution. Speaks volumes about the board members.

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Of course. She was perfect, since the board at Harvard believes the mission of the institution is to advance DEI throughout government, law, and industry.

She was put there to be exactly herself.

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And she is so stupid. Read her Op Ed in the NYT where she plays the victim.

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Has anyone read Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis? Utter trash. Poorly written, racial victim Olympic trash.

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Next you will be saying Dr. Jill isn't a real doctor.

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Clutch the pearls, gasp and swoon!

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"Next you will be saying Dr. Jill isn't a real doctor." Calumnious claptrap & slantendicular slander, Pete. Next you'll be saying that Dr. Flowers isn't a real doctor. And you'd be wrong. 1978 - DD degree from the Universal Life Church. $20 and I passed the final. ("How many in the Holy Trinity?" I answered "3", got an A+ and earned my diploma. I am a Catholic boy who can legally perform marriages in several states.) 1979 - PhD from Fergle University. Mail order, admittedly, but I paid my 25 bucks for the T-shirt and the tailored diploma was included in the package. I am a Doctor of Tree Surgery. Scored in the high 90 percentile on my GED back in 1966. Even went to OCS (briefly) in 1981. Gainsay me naught. Luke 21:15 or something.

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You should consider applying for the position of president of Harvard. There are lots of trees in Harvard Yard who need your help.

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Yes. I am a pack rat, have maybe 30-40 rusty old chains for two different size chainsaws in my workshop. All I'd ask for would be a modest per diem. Enough for mac 'n cheese and a spot at a KOA Kampground.

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Byron...brilliant!!! Top 10 post of all time on this site andI've been reading for a decade plus!

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We can take a moment to thank Elon Musk for jumping on the twitter grenade (financially) and rescuing it also. Without his "X" Gay would still be there, because very little of the intersection between HAMAS terrorists and modern leftists would have been visible. There likely would never have even been a congressional hearing.

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To paraphrase Kirk Lazarus, never go full DIE.

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The push back is going to be epic.

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So is there a WASP affinity group?

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No, but my megacorp civil employer has a Veterans connection. Mind you, they also give time as needed for my reserve duties. So I'm making both Navy checks and up to 8 hours a day of my civilian pay when I'm on orders for a week day.

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No, but I am heading up the Colombian Women's Volleyball affinity group. Like Sal, I like Latinas and I cannot lie!

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Hey, me too. But I also like Swedes etc. De gustibus non est disputandum.

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Their bikini team was top notch! :-)

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I could agree with you more. We’ve all seen this insidious weed slowly creeping into our navy and beyond. It’s a massive death cult out to kill the country. The aftermath of their campaign of destruction I can only visualize as a trash dump.

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See a fair number of optimistic comments. Nope, stop, hold your horses. This ain't going away. It may slow down for a while, most likely it will get a new name and continue. The Progressive Left likes it's chaos and more importantly we as a society lack the discipline to stop it. It may drop from sight for a while. But it will be there under the surface and like herpes and the terminator, it will be back.

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Good point, Jet. But it's very much okay to appreciate the elegant serendipity of DIE's "own goal" on this one. Is this Harvard-Gay fiasco a key point in the overall arc of events? Is this the day after the Battle of Midway? Let alone the Stalingrad of DIE? Too early to tell. But it's an important development in terms of elevating public understanding of the issue.

Meanwhile, the Left (and its precious DIE) is all about power; or more accurately, power and money. Take it from others and keep it forever. And then there are deep-rooted costs of DIE that far exceed just the number in the budget line for salaries and benefits. Because there's a Zampolit-like aspect to DIE: the constant, hyperjudgmental search-and-destroy mission against wrongthink, state enemies, meddlers, shirkers, saboteurs. This political-social element of DIE is pure organizational friction, if not sand in the gearbox. It's ruinous to even the worthy investments.

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Little skeptical on your call. Mainstream media has quite a few voices claiming her firing was over plagiarism and that's how most people will hear it.

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We'll see. Nobody knows until things play out and even then, we might not really know. It's a hard slog against an adaptive opponent. In my optimistic moments, I like to think of the Molotov Cocktail bottle as half-full, not half-empty.

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Don't forget the overarching cry of "Racism", "Racial Animus", Race, Race, Race!

Did I say Race?

Also, like other government agencies, bureaus, programs, etc., they cannot let the "Revenue Stream" disappear.

I am afraid it is an uphill battle and not sure if anyone other than "Orange Man, Bad" can accomplish the task at hand. Not even sure we are not too late.

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I don't think the Bad Orange Man can do it alone, but if the people have the strength to put the Bad Orange Man in office again, with support in the chambers of Congress, maybe we can do something.

Edit: I forgot. You forgot "racism."

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DEI won’t die with a couple of headlines. It takes chaos and trauma to reshape ingrained beliefs particularly on a macro scale

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Worthy of a second reply. Sharpton is on the case!


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Whenever I see or hear the Reverend Al, I like to close my eyes and visualize him at 260 lbs in a snow-white velour tracksuit (w/ cameltoe). It kinda gives me perspective. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F236x%2F77%2F3d%2F14%2F773d14b1b89949b223c56a17fff9cffb--big-al-track-suits.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4dea223ebc69c5113c862efbf2e740491444fe4a1a96f0c30258b380e9152a0c&ipo=images

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I can start my week with a good laugh:)

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I was going to say that. I think the DEI folks are largely breathing a sigh of relief because her individual manifest inadequacy has deflected a lot of attention from the whole "we love HAMAS, hate Capitalism, and want straight men to die" belief system that still persists.

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How ironic and brave that she was persuaded to win one for the Gipper.

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The sort of environment Soviet style purges were intended for. No more lefty Enemies of the State. I do not endorse such action but I understand it.

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I don't endorse it but they've been doing it here for decades. Just look at Larry Summers

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In varying forms, yes. Since the Clinton era they seem to believe that the "situation" dictates an escalation in tactics. To what end? To ensure what cannot be had by consensus? They fear no consequences in defying the Constitution or your liberties.

Surely nothing says "your services are no longer needed" like a Tokarev in the back of your head. However, I was thinking something more refined than the NKVD SOP.

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My concern as well, but Ackman and others seem to want to run with it.

This rot has been growing at these institutions for 60 years; if we can overcome it it will take a long time, and likely be painful. Of course, that applies to restoration of Constitutional governance as well, so maybe we'll get a twofer in the next decade or two.

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"We know most of you are just trying to do your job." Agreed. Serious professionals constrained by an unserious, debilitating agenda. That said, have you seen who has been walking the halls of Langley for the past 25 years?

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I guess the 51 "Hunters Laptop is Russian Misinformation!" aren't in that "most of you."

I think everybody who's active (at least domestically; I understand this kind of thing can't happen overnight at a foreign station)) at any of these agencies needs to be suspended immediately, the agencies reduced or eliminated, and staffed again from the ground up if necessary with people who've demonstrated some allegiance to our Constitution.

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Correct. They knew better. Kompromat, my ass. Clapper I find to be particularly disgraceful. NO IC officials should ever be signing such a document as they did.

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Marxism is a strange animal, adopting all sorts of coats, feathers, and markings to camouflage its presence and hide its intentions. DEI is Marxism.

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Academiae delendae sunt.

I'm sorry, but the cancer has gotten to Stage 4. Euthanize all five schools, wait five years, and start from scratch with mustang faculties.

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and stop all Federal money to all education institutions, with possible exception of DARPA scholarships for individual standouts

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Sal, you commented to the effect that it is a good and encouraging sign that the affinity groups that hold an organization in thrall are no longer plainly in sight. I disagree. My view is that these organizations are populated by smart people who are good at good at hiding their budget line items and other evidence of their activities.

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It means they know they are a bad thing that cannot survive the light of day. That means they are in retreat, not advance.

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Do not underestimate the Left. They will retreat, regroup and attack. They suffered three landslide defeats in 1980, 1984, and 1988 and yet here they are in control of most of the centers of power.

We are not dealing with a political ideology, but a religion whose tenets cannot be questioned by empirical evidence like their spectacular failures and the misery they have heaped upon mankind. (USSR, Red China; Cuba; North Korea, East Germany; American inner cities; etc.)

They have their version of Genesis (evolution); Revelations (climate change); prophets (Marx); scripture (It Takes a Village); martyrs (The Hollywood Ten); etc.

Eternal vigilence is needed to keep them at bay.

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I'm not so sure about 88. I think the goal of our rulers was Bush 85-93, Clinton 93-01, Bush, W 01-09, Clinton, H 09-17, Bush, J 17-25.

Obama through a wrench in 08 by being charismatic and then lurched way left visibly, allowing the people to see and energize to give enough votes to Trump in 16 to overcome the fraud.

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Bush, Sr. blew it when he broke his promise of "no new taxes." He takes responsibility for the current mess we are in with his "new world order."

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I'm still in active civilian service, though no longer in the IC. I spent the first decade+ of my civilian career (post USMC) in the IC, and a large portion of that at ODNI.

Sal, reconsider your mantra that "most are just trying to do a good job".

Like with the FBI (where I still have many friends, all basically in hiding and praying for retirement to come quick), the younger 1/3-1/2 of the workforce are ideologically committed to the party. They no longer value our generations mantra's of non-partisan service. They have been raised and inculcated to believe that anything even remotely right of center is EVIL and NAZI and RACIST and (whatever)-PHOBIC.

Ergo, anyone who does not express the right ideas on those topics is BAD, and no longer deserving of A) civil discourse and debate of ideas and B) due process and C) Freedom of speech

Their rationale goes something like this - "You wouldn't let Hitler preach Jew murder based on "freedom of speech" so anyone expressing these ideas is literally just as bad as Hitler, ergo, not worthy of free speech"

...Unless they are preaching Jew hate from the left - that's OK.

and the ODNI is the WORST of the worst.

The first DNI thought the office needed more "Joint'ness" so he made 50% of the billets detailee's.

ODNI is super top-heavy. More than 80% of all billets are GS13+, 70% are GS14+ and at least 35% are SES/SNIS

What happens when you demand hundreds of GS14, 15 and SNIS detailees from across the IC and NT-50?

You get the worst of the worst. The literal sociopaths that no one wants to work with. The literal incompetent diversity hires that are promoted up to avoid being accused of an 'ism or 'phobia.

I watched GS-15's LITERALLY sabotage other GS-15's successful programs just so they themselves could get the best marks on annual review when their program was more successful, with ZERO regard for cost to country, taxpayer and national security.

I abandoned the IC in 2014, at the recommendation of a good friend at the CIA OIG, who told me my formal complaint would go nowhere and likely get me fired (I was a contractor at the time).

However bad you imagine ODNI could be, I 100% guarantee it is worse. There is NO way to excise the rot. The next POTUS must absolutely disband and remake the effort, if it is in fact needed at all.

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Wow... Hey, I'm no intel officer. And yes; as an outsider to that community, looking in, I'm certain that there are many, many, many ways to do intel. But I always thought the basics of the job are to read what the other guy writes. Listen to what the other guy says. Watch what the other guy does. And try to figure out why the other guy thinks like he thinks and does what he does. Every real, serious task requires an open mind. Suspend the pre-judgment. Nothing new here: "Know yourself, know the enemy," said Sun Tzu.

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ODNI doesn't do "intel" they collect nothing, they analyze nothing.

ODNI "supervises" the other real intel agencies and "deconflicts" mission, budget and priorities, and serves as super-"mission manager for critical subjects" across all disciplines.

So, there is a critical target, and NSA is collecting SIGINT, and NGA is collecting IMINT and DIA and CIA are respectively collecting HUMINT and DHS and Treasury and etc are all collecting and analyzing their pieces of the pie, and ODNI is supposed to make sure everybody plays nice and shares and works together.

Instead, all they do is play favorites (since half of ODNI is detailed from those agencies) and piss EVERYONE off, and hyper politicize everything.

CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) was an ODNI office at first, and they are the HOME of all the efforts to centralize governments efforts to combat 'disinformation' which is gov-speak for 'anything the liberal status quo disagrees with'

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Sign in intel shop at FICPAC in Early 80's. "Intelligence, the worlds second oldest profession, with morals and standards only slightly better than the first".

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Pardon my detour, Dave. In my whole career in electronic warfare (part-time & full-time) from 1966 to 1981 I dutifully did ELINT missions and routine intercepts, recording signals of interest, packaging them up to be sent to PIC and its Atlantic equivalent for analysis. Even when we had nothing to report we filed a mandatory "training report" with intercepts just to show that we were in the game and still knew how to twang that tuning fork for the AN/UNQ-7B tape recorder to record a reference tone for analysis of the intercepted RF's parametrics. We RD-0334's and EW-1701's were proud to do our duty. In 1981 I got assigned to CincPacFlt staff as (A)EWO. Part of my indoc was to make the rounds of the barbed wire compounds previously off-limits to me. I got to see the NSGD in Hawaii, where for years I had sent my ELINT reports. Visited Camp H.M. Smith and PEC (Pacific ELINT Center), got a guided tour by a CTT1. I proudly mentioned to my tour guide that I was happy to see where all those ELINT reports I had mailed in all those years eventually ended up. His response? A chuckle and "Oh, those ELINT reports?...from surface ships? They poison our database. They go straight to the circular file." At that moment, I was wishing I was an NGFS supervisor again. 5 years later I was stationed at NTTC Corry Station (Cryptology's homeport) to be DIVO for CTM"A" and EW"A" School, as a Surface Warfare LDO. It just kind of reinforced my feeling of being uncleared and unclean, not being an intel type or NSA-connected. But yeah, second oldest profession. I tell myself I did admin and janitorial work, not working on my back.

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I don't think the modern crew agree with that. They think the job is to sell the narrative.

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Sadly that's what I expected based on what I saw and heard from friends who stayed in after I left the service.

All the bright young communists that celebrated Obama in 08 have been working in government for 15 years now ...

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Sweet Jesus.

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And His Mama. Time for another Novena.

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"... There is NO way to excise this rot." I have serious reservations about any optimism that things are improving. The ONLY way you would deal with this issue is if an administration spent 4 years waging unrestricted warfare taking a meat cleaver to a one or two targeted agencies where this rot has taken hold. I'm not talking about just "disciplining" individuals, I'm talking about firings in great numbers. And what administration is going to want to make their mark by focusing on this? As for the FBI? Yeah the evidences of their way of doing business these last 8 years makes it abundantly clear what kind of crap they're willing to engage in. And this business of giving a broad pass to the rank & file and that this is a DC thing? I call B.S. on that.

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If I was writing speeches for the next "R" POTUS, I would have the 'day after the election' speech start like this...

"All supervisory federal employees grade GS-15 and above, and all uniformed personnel grade O-6 and above, will be relieved of duty from their current billet effective February 1, 2025. Any of those persons wishing to continue in their current billet or role must apply to the following web-site for their current job, and describe why they are the right person for that billet, as well as acknowledging any mistakes or violations made under the previous administration. Those who are not selected will be ushered out of the service as soon as the law allows, but will otherwise warm a bench. If you were involved in any-decision making capacity with any of the following foreign policy blunders or other mistakes, do not bother re-applying as you will not be retained:"

"Withdrawal from Afghanistan"

"Mandating COVID shots and forcibly separating religious objectors"

"Failure to detect warning signs of Hamas attack on Oct 7"

"Funding/supplying the Lebanese security forces"

"The Iran Deal - in any capacity"

and about a dozen more.

We let the O-5's and GS-14's run government for a year while we sort out who needs to be promoted

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I believe your "don't bother" list is wholly insufficient and could stand a bit of "enlargement"...

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Well, I did need to actually get some real work done today, and the real list would have kept me here all night... :)

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Yeah... same here and maybe I'll eventually remember to not look at my non-business emails on Thursdays & Fridays; especially before 5 PM

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So your plan isn't some kind of decimation, huh, William? More like tenting a house for termites. What's not to like about an omelet chef who likes doing the prep work? Huzzah.

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To paraphrase Groucho Marx, "I wouldn't belong to a group which wanted me as a member". Equity of result is not Equality. If it was, I would have gotten A's instead of High C's in college. Oh, but then in the 60's there was still a culture based upon Merit.

To take it a little further, I get a kick out of ads run by the Seattle Mariners, saying proudly that the organization does all it can to promote, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Good thing they don't follow those rules when staffing the team. However, by how the team performs, perhaps they do follow that premise.

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Dave ...this is entirely unrelated but gotta ask...are you the same Dave Peterson who has done extensive research on slavery in Upson County Ga.?


Apologies if you're not.

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From the get-go, “multiculturalism” has been totally about dividing this country. Group/ethnic identities. The “Balkanization” of America.

Multiculturalism/DEI is the antithesis of the “melting pot.”

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Melting pot worked when it was a bunch of Western Europeans in the pot, not so much when you throw in the rest of the world.

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Well, we haven't really tried. So not sure.

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Don't have to try to see how bad it will end.

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In my own observation, seems to work well with Filipinos.

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Less than 2% of US population. Many are Roman Catholic. Seems Spanish colonization was to their benefit.

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Sorry different guy.

Too many of us around.

Just a little old semi retired Insurance Broker in WA, the state.


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Sorry about that...

Thanks. Gent I was thinking of is Paterson, not Peterson anyway.

This Dave Paterson, has done invaluable work researching aspects of slavery, primarily in Upson County Ga. Didn't know it until a few years ago, but my biological father descended from slaves, and his mother (my grandmother wanted to adopt me, but my mother's mother wasn't gonna have it, so I was adopted into a Navy family when dad was stationed at Wright-Pat...So I could well have grown up "black" in Lima Oh.) was from 'The Rock', a town in Upson County.

Keeping this somewhat Navy, would assume he is retired now, but was active duty USN, then worked in DoN Civil Service.


If you want to read a true look into slave life in central Georgia, free of the Gone With The Wind fiction, then I recommend his works.

Especially this book:


In His Own Words: Houston Hartsfield Holloway's Slavery, Emancipation, and Ministry in Georgia

Also, download this, slavery in this region was much more complex and nuanced than the usual Down on the Plantation narrative...


(register with Jstor, its free)

Slavery, Slaves, and Cash in a Georgia Village, 1825–1865

David E. Paterson

The Journal of Southern History

Vol. 75, No. 4 (NOVEMBER 2009), pp. 879-930 (52 pages)

Published By: Southern Historical Association

"... but as Betty Wood's study of Georgia Lowcountry rice plantations demonstrates, slaves living on these supposedly isolated plantations were quite mobile and surprisingly autonomous in their economic and social activities. Jonathan M. Bryant, writing about Greene County in middle Georgia, concludes that many slaves "traveled around at will, though they always risked being caught and whipped" if they lacked passes, but with and with out passes they visited family members, attended church, participated in work-related social gatherings, and earned wages in their free time by working for persons other than their masters. Some even lived out and hired their own time. "

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Thanks for the information.

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Look at Swarthy Sid working his way up the Victim Olympic Ladder!! :-)

It is amazing as we dig through fellow American DNA and histories what level of mix we find. Thanks for the book recommendations.

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I -LOVE- blowing up the 'Diversity' paradigm!

If/When reparations are doled out, its certain I will be denied. Why? Because...as you know...I don't look, sound, or act like I'm 'Black'. Also, although I nearly did, I didn't grow up 'Black'.

It will be a definitive admission that reparations won't be doled out by any objective percentage of DNA admixture (or if is is...what will be the threshold? one drop? 50.0005/49.0005 % split?)or any other objective measure of 'THE SCIENCE!', but by elements of culture.

Will this person(folk, unbound spirit...etc, etc) be eligible?


If the Godmother of BLM is 'Black', then objectively, so am I.

You won't find any African Americans 'pure' "Black" anyway...


"Patterns of Genetic Ancestry of Self-Reported African Americans. Genome-wide ancestry estimates of African Americans show average proportions of 73.2% African, 24.0% European, and 0.8% Native American ancestry (Table 1)."

So, if the arbiter is culture, then all these DEI hypocrites owe this lady a HUGE apology, and a giant reparations bag of cash (or stolen loot)...


And I want my Reparations!


If its about a case of victimhood to slave ancestors...

This enduring bit of litigation illustrates the kind crimes visited upon at least one slave...Minerva was the property being fought over.


She was a distant grandmother. And to prove the Plaintiff in the case above would be called a pedophile today, I have 5th cousin DNA links to descendants of his daughter, and one of his sons.

Does that mean that my distant cousins owe me money for a crime ...which legally wasnt in the early 19th century?

Of course not.

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Hell, going to Africa and you see the Natives are all shades of "Black." So... even on the Mother Continent. As for reparations. They can get F*cked and stay F*CKED. Slavery is alive and well and numerous in all the lands of "culture" they defend. Let alone the trafficking in persons DHS is complicit in right now.

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