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"Diversity is our strength" has to die. You can't end discrimination with more discrimination.

This is a great article and much needed. Women (properly defined) CAN do much of what men can do. But why waste them and and their time on things that men can do. Women are too valuable to society to not employ them in the most useful way. I recall one of the Scandinavian countries trying to balance gender roles and they were not able because people wanted to do what they wanted to do. Our Military should not be a socialogical experiment for people who are mentally ill. We need to be able to efficiently break things and kill people. This just another example of the DEI crap that has affected our society.

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Diversity is our strength. Our polyglot nation is blessed with a diversity of human capital, capable of engaging in trade and commerce with anyone in the world. Our free market system allows anyone to participate in the economic life of the nation. Our system of free market economics has lead to flourishing in the arts and sciences the likes of which the world has never seen. Americans are diverse in our languages. We are diverse in the religions we practice. And, we are diverse in the way we raise our families. Our system encourages diversity by prohibiting government interference in our lives.

Discrimination is the opposite of diversity.

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Tom . How do we measure diversity? Color of skin? Gender?

PLEASE provide two examples of where "Diversity has been a strength" in an organization.

Basketball. Or any sport team. Fighting Force? University?

Merit, and competence should be what matters

as well as opportunity on a level playing field.

Diversity is discrimination.

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" Our system encourages diversity by prohibiting government interference in our lives."

I had to laugh at that...pure fantasy. I will forward you a few hundred of the job applications I fill out every year that make CRYSTAL clear color of your skin and

Gender are ABSOLUTELY what the state and corporate elites obsessed over and

make sure you are NOT white or admit you are male....

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“Diversity is our strength”. Gee Tom, you sound like a 20 something year old white girl who attended all white boarding schools. But good to see you weigh in on Diversity Thursday. You’re kind, whether it be socialist, communist, or Democrat, owns this topic.

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You are right. We do. If folks would practice equality, instead of demanding equity, there would be no Diversity Thursdays.

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Your comment is everything wrong with the United States. You put "socialist, communist, or Democrat" together, like they are the same thing. You've been brainwashed to think that your fellow citizens, your neighbors, are bent on the destruction of the country we both love because they have slightly different political views.

Here's why it is so destructive. Many of us on the left think exactly as our host does on this subject. If the right is for order, and a strong government, the left is for freedom, and a strong individual. If you are an egalitarian leftist, as millions of us are, the idea of a quota is anathema. To the egalitarian, equal opportunity is the key, not equal outcomes. Instead of taking a moment, and trying to figure out what you have in common with folks, you want to call people who should be your allies, "communists."

What's the response to that? Obviously, "F.U., racist." And, the mud wrestling begins.

Meanwhile, the progressives, the real enemy of the egalitarian, is stealing a march on us both. Or as the seer put it, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

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I thought lazy white people were the problem with the United States? At least that is what you posted a year or two ago. I’d have too much fun treating your bullshit with the mocking it deserves, but even though Sal does a good job shining the light on the left’s bullshit every Thursday, he does seem to enforce a “hands off” policy on his token liberals here.

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We have more than our share of lazy white people here in the United States. If you look at the rolls of whose sucking off the government teat, my folks lead the way.

You folks never bother to distinguish between liberals and progressives; much in the same way we lump the MAGA crowd in with the small government, free enterprise loving conservatives. Where Progressives and liberals walk the same path is in the idea that the US is a diverse, multi-cultural republic, where historically, and presently, some racial groups have unfairly treated others. Where we differ is what to do about it.

To a liberal, who believes in the primacy of the individual, having the central federal government deny worthy individuals opportunities because of their racial or religious background is not a legitimate goal. You are not going to end racial discrimination by engaging in racial discrimination.

Equal opportunity is the key. Our constitution demands it. Everybody should get a fair shot, without resort to "isms."

Quotas are not equal. They are discriminatory. You don't make up for two centuries of kicking folks in the teeth by kicking somebody else in the teeth. Just stop kicking people in the mouth.

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PLEASE provide two examples of where "Diversity has been a strength" in an organization.

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