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A "commie?" Really?
This is the type of super-heated rhetoric which is destroying liberty. Exactly, what Washington and Hamilton warned us would happen if we fell into partisanship.
Commies, as you should know, believe in the confiscation of all private property. The handful of communists in the US are subject to universal mocking and deri…
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A "commie?" Really?
This is the type of super-heated rhetoric which is destroying liberty. Exactly, what Washington and Hamilton warned us would happen if we fell into partisanship.
Commies, as you should know, believe in the confiscation of all private property. The handful of communists in the US are subject to universal mocking and derision. It is possible to have differences of opinion about policy, without being insulted. Some of us on the left gave up a considerable portion of their youth in violent opposition to communism. "Commie" is an epithet that will get you punched in the face when said within striking distance of the wrong person. Is it really a proper term for the President of the United States?
Yes, it is rhetoric, Tom. Super-heated? Not so much. Standing by idly while the sappers are destroying liberty is far worse. Commies are good at re-branding, stealth and obfuscation, but I think at their core their values have remained steadfast. Subvert, take power, keep any means necessary. "Commie" is a catch-all label when I use it. Those who ignore our Constitution, are willing to fudge elections, line their pockets at the expense of our country, lie, cheat & steal, stir up racial and political hatreds...yup, commies. There are many things that could get me punched in the face. Being White, Christian, Pro-Life, being a registered Independent (former Republican), being middle class with a decent old age nest egg, being a Boomer, ex-military, short haircut, being pro-2A, wanting Law & Order that doesn't pander to low-lifes, calling out someone who jumps line at Popeye's Chicken, wearing a MAGA hat (I don't). Using the catch-all "commie" is small potatoes. Nah, I think "commie scoundrel" was pretty specific. Doesn't take a sharp eye to spot one in 2023. IMO those who get triggered by the word either have just gotten their gong accurately rang or are, perhaps, the victims of collateral damage owing to poor marksmanship. If I ever slander someone with that label, I'll apologize. I don't know you well enough to slap that label on you, Tom, and I wouldn't because I respect the Commander's substack and the decorum herein. And I seldom slap labels on people unless a D-Bag jumps ahead of me for fried chicken. Peace.
It's a bad "catch all," and you shouldn't use it.
Look, there are commies. Real, living, breathing communists who are working for the dictatorship of the proletariat, the abolishment of private property, and a political system where the power is held by the worker's councils; the soviets. One of the real issues facing the United States is aggression from a nation where some of the leadership are, literally, card carrying commies.
When you call a political opponent a "commie" because she 's a Democrat, or he takes a different position than you on financing the Soil and Water Board's improvement project, you are hurting our country.
Americans who have different goals for their government than Donald Trump does are not "commies."
It's a catch-all that I use for those I think I see hiding behind some other moniker. I don't use it for those who just might have different opinions or beliefs but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it is a duck. I still think that if we are to be plagued by scoundrels that there'd be less misery with those who'd keep enough of the free market and liberties alive in order that they can line their pockets in perpetuity rather than the type who wants me to own nothing and be happy and eat bugs, that is, to be a compliant serf, STFU or off to the gulag or up against the wall. What true believing commie wouldn't turn his country into a statist hell-hole in order to free the proletariat? No, thanks. If scoundrels are inevitable, give an old school one. I get and appreciate what you are saying, Tom, but think you're reading my mind incorrectly. I don't communicate now as well I did back when I was talking on an R/T circuit, strictly following ACP-125 and ACP-165 as if it were the Bible. Mea culpa.
Well, once the Latin is pulled out, I have to slink off the debate field, tail between my legs.
But, your grifters and scoundrels are definitely not communists, because they are market-oriented. A free enterprise system has its faults, one of which is the fraudulent bad actor. But, the grifter, like the thief, is participating in the market. Cheating to acquire property is still a capitalistic endeavor.
We can discuss authoritarianism at another time, I don’t disagree with you about the threat of statism, but, I think the desire for a Caudillo rests equally in the hearts of those who profess conservative ideology as it does with folks with a progressive bent.