The Russians & Chinese are laughing at us.

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They are most likely going to tactically plan on it, and around it. As an adversary I would. THIS activity is a self-imposed vulnerability, not a new strength.

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"They also coach leaders on embodying inclusive, aware, and empowering behaviors, and create safe spaces to discuss topics of race, ethnicity, class, gender, disability, and more." ?!?!?!?!

Personnel so indoctrinated will not fare well when faced with REALITY in the field.

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I would like to believe that your conclusion is accurate. However, since the Diversity Industry keeps re-defining all of the terms we normally use, I predict they will simply define total failure as another form of victory.

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Agree wholeheartedly with the idea of assigning/calculating the costs of these programs and the silliness of some of the topics.

Also agree that dividing people into immutable groups is bad and counterproductive.

Where I differ (as a young-ish guy who just turned 30 for the second time lol) is that we actually need something for conscious cultural literacy/shaping. This "Change Agent" expansion might not be the solution (I was Navy, not CG so I'm mentally mapping the CMEO role to it) but the idea that culture will automatically adjust is flawed. Culture is created, consciously or not, by our choices and we can choose to try and make a healthier one. I've personally seen multiple good sailors (smart, hard working and in tough technical rates) get driven out by the conservative Chiefs who lounge around on Irish welfare and grouse about the good old days. In an era of brains over brawn, and recruiting shortfalls in exactly the technical specialist roles we need, I'm for "something." Two things I hate the most: the way things are and change lol

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The concept of unit cohesion is a dead concept in our woke military isn’t it? God help us and the youngsters currently serving. When the balloon goes up and it will, Darwin’s brutal lesson will once again be proven as it always is on the battle field.

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That's going to be really important when you're trying to rescue people off a sinking ship being driven onto a lee shore.

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Indeed, why only 4x a year. Let's make is 365 a year, full day sessions. Then we wont need to send ships to sea, in which case we wont need ships. Think of the $100-billion or more we'll save each year. Then when the enemy rolls around the corner we can say "Stop! You have not been diversified!" Doubtless the enemy will sink their own ships in shame and pay us trillions of dollars in reparation for hurting our feeling by not being diversified.

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Political Commissars.

Worse than being the vending machibe officer on carrier.

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