Truth can, and should be, spelled with a capital T. Otherwise, the cultural relativists/Marxists and cry-bullies win and leave all of us defenseless. But then, none of the DC “leadership” lost any flesh in the wars of the past 20+ years.

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Per Confucius: "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name."


Apparently, we are no longer permitted to follow Confucius. Cultural appropriation, or something.

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" `I don't know what you mean by "glory,"' Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. `Of course you don't-- till I tell you. I meant "there's a nice knock-down argument for you!"'

`But "glory" doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument,"' Alice objected.

`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less.'

`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.'

`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master-- that's all.'"

Lewis Carroll - Through the Looking Glass. We are all on the other side of the looking glass now.

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Confucius was canceled during the Cultural Revolution.

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As someone who received a phone call at 11:15 last night from my daughter that she'd arrived at RTC GLakes, Thursdays here are extra irritating, and not a little bit terrifying...

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I wish your daughter the best of luck. Our son and youngest daughter were, at one time, considering enlisting. Both have chosen to go down different paths.

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Thank you! Shes my youngest, and felt the pull of family history. That and the fact that there wasnt literally any civilian trade or career path that interested her.

My next youngest will likely be shipping out for the Army in a month or less. Try as I did, seems his boat-phobia was stronger than history and all my attempts LOL!!

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Best of good fortune to your daughter, ExJS. Have two daughters myself. The eldest wasn't interested in the military. The youngest joined AFROTC in college but got dropped because of a heart murmur. It broke her heart, but years later she had some minor surgery to fix the heart. She is in her 40's now and runs marathons and does charity roller derby for fun.

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Thanks Dale! A tough break for your daughter- but glad things worked out for the best. Gotta tell you, I wouldnt wish the uneasiness Im feeling right now on anyone. Being someone who keeps up on naval and DOD affairs daily does NOT help one bit, and actually makes it much worse. While your daughter would have gone in at a much better (relatively) time, you may have dodged a bullet just the same!!!

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My S-i-L was a former SeaBee who spent his final 6 years as a career recruiter for both officers and enlisted, in Oregon. He spent 20 years in the Navy and retired a few years back. Both of his sons, my grandsons, were interested in going into the Navy like their dad had done. He told them that the Navy wasn't for them. That had to be painful for him. It was for me. But I think he steered them right.

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"That had to be painful for him. "

I can imagine. I was a hairs breadth from being in the same position!!! (and still not convinced I shouldnt have been)

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Good luck to her. She’s in a better position to navigate this shitshow than I would be.

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Thanks!! Agreed- as a female Id say shes advantaged these days. But believe me, I harped on her a LOT about being one of the "I pull my weight" girls, and not one of the...other kinds...

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That whole document. Yikes. Can't use "brownbag lunch" anymore. Not sure that brownbag originates with the so-called test mentioned in the document. I think it has something to do with lunches being carried in brown paper bags.

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Sane people now recognize that, as Sal points out, "words mean things."

But notice, that's not exactly what the DEI folks are saying. From the ODNI quote, "Words matter." Words can camouflage, arouse, subdue, and obfuscate. Properly wielded, they have the power to make a heinous idea seem palatable or to twist a sane thought so that it appears irrational, bigoted, or downright unAmerican.

We'll see if we (the conservative right and all the sane normies in the middle) have learned from 10+ years of getting beat at the "words matter" game. I'm optimistic, but time will tell.

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To be honest, I’ve always had a problem with the term “radical Muslim” or “radical Islamist”. They’re not radical, they’re just Muslims following the direction of their sacred writings. Jihad is just one of their sacraments. It’s just Muslims doing Muslim things.

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An inconvenient truth

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I'm sure you recall all the awkward efforts during the GWOT to define Islamic terrorism as "not Islam" - Islamofascism, Islamism, Islamic extremism, "Islam is a Religion of Peace", etc.

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Call as spade a spade.

I don't think Station HYPO gave much of care about the terms used for the Japanese. I am in favor of a calling something what it is. If an organization calls themselves in one thing, it fits to use the same term to refer to them.

And if it's funny, like MILF, laugh about it.

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"All the great things are simple and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." -Winston Churchill

Yeah, words matter. Brutal honesty is now a luxury.

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If you cannot name the enemy, then you cannot defeat the enemy.

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When the violence starts, be it a civil or foreign war, let's empty out the DEI offices and put them at the vanguard. Equity and such, let them fight for their words, let them fight for their ideals. Then, the lawyers supporting their diverse and wonderful and strong ideals can be the reserve force to fill in their personning gaps as they fall. I mean, they would be almost immortal since they are so strong and diverse, and diverse and strong!

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Their blood would make the landscape slick and the footing treacherous for those who would ultimately have to fight the battle.

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The enemy would also slip. We can change our cleats for the game!

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Nice! Are you going to get them from the thrift store? The U.S. has an anemic footwear manufacturing capacity. Less than 1% of the nearly 3 billion pairs of footwear purchased in this country are domestically manufactured.

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I have screw ins. Adidas, so who knows where they are actually made. Germans have a history of using slave labor. Then again, so does Nike.

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So 300 million Americans are each buying 10 pairs a year? I come from Red Wing MN, and if you want shoes that last longer than 36.5 days, we make 'em here.

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I had a pair of steel toed Red Wings resoled three times. The uppers finally wore through.

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Right you are, LT B. At the vanguard, armed with words. No guns though because they cannot compel a righteous DEI victory.

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Give them guns, if they turn around and face the rest of the force, then the treason is all for those to see and open, and they can be treated as the enemy they are. If they march forward against the enemy showing their androgenous and made up war faces droning on, "Diversity is our strength, Diversity is our strength," and manage to take out some of the enemy, then it is a win.

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Any HUMINT guy should be able to:

- Describe Mohamed's and ISLAM's timeline

- Describe in some detail the tenets that define being a Muslim

- Compare and contrast Sunni and Shia beliefs

- Roughly describe the Suni/Shia demogaphics of the major Islamic players

- Describe the mission statements of Hamas, MB, PLA, IRGC

- Define Taqiyya and its uses / limits

for a start. If you can't name evil, you can't fight it well

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Didja hear about the "HUMINT guy" who wrote that crossdressing makes him a better Intel Officer?

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Pretty simple. If it walks and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Knowing what a Quacker is doesn't make you a Cracker.

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When at college in the early 90's I was considering converting to Islam. I read the Koran much more than I ever did the Bible despite my Sunday school attendance. I also read the Hadiths and other Islamic documents. For that reason, I DID NOT convert as I read the text clearly and wanted nothing to do with it. A few years later as a JO I attended an intelligence brief that conflated Bible and Koran scriptures to give the impression that they are similar. Ironically, I was not familiar enough with the Bible at the time to call BS. Fast forward to post 9/11 when instructors at West Point and the FBI academy were run out for trying to teach what I had learned. it is bad enough that Islamic doctrine was intentionally not being taught, it was the lies that it is peaceful that is dangerous.

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One only needs to understand three major concepts:

- The Koran is perfect

- That Islam is far more than a religion, it is a belief system, political system and an all encompassing prescription for life. see rule 1

- The world is divided into: Dar al-harb, and Dar al-Islam

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Case in point these Neanderthals in Gaza attack Israel, the country that provides for their existence, knowing full well what the response will be. What else would call them but jihadists and supporters of a death cult.

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You are being very unfair to Neanderthals by comparing them to jihadists.

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They are still attacking us. They defeated us fair and square in Afghanistan and still remain undefeated in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

There, I fixed it.

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To hell with FJB; it’s FDV: F..k Democrat Voters.

THEY are the jackwagons who are responsible for the deep kimchi we are in.


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I’m glad to know someone else uses the expression “In deep Kimchi.” Every time I use it, I get blank stares.

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Based on the "dark o' the night" gift to Schumer from Mike Johnson last night, Republicans are no better.

This country has been destroyed by three Amendments 100 years ago and two corporations, the DNC and RNC.

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Losers... (Formerly Proud United States Navy)

If you find the words offense, and don't dispense with this insanity ASAP, you will end up like the first word above.


Amphib USS Boxer Sidelined by "General Complacency" and Breakdowns

Speaking of 'words', I'm surprised there haven't been calls to rename the Boxer yet.

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And nary a word at USNI.

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Did you notice that the blacked out all the words that identified the gender of the ChEng on the Boxer?

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Yes, it is very apparent. I was trained by men, who would never have answered to a girlboss. I'm delighted to have aged far beyond recall to active duty. The last time I was screened for recall was 2005.

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I didn't give a phlying phuck about the gender. Incompetence comes in all flavors.

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Yes, of course you are right. The problem is, we have been promoting incompetence based on gender for a long time. There was a time when promotion was based on merit. We are so far from that now, we can no longer trust that anyone was promoted on merit. Our enemies are delighted by this!

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Concur, although I think the term "girlboss" includes the corrosive personality that comes from entitlement and incompetence stew.

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Not only was I generally blessed with good bosses? The women bosses would made mincemeat out of any pretentious girlboss. They didn't have time for that bullschittt.

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I saw both kinds at the trade school. The good were great, but the less than good could be terrible. Rather like the men, lol

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Yep, I'm Gender Neutral. A pro is a pro. I am glad that at 71 and 100% P&T I am immune to being called up for any reason. Even with my limitations there are situations in which I would volunteer to serve again. At my discretion.

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Where do you clearly see that? Do you know who was the CHENG in the summer of 23?

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Considering the context, this pic is quite interesting...


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Mar 22Edited

All that going on, and they had time to focus on this...



Had to look 'Denim Day' up...

Not faulting anyone in the pic, they are being grossly misled from the top.

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Mar 22Edited

What's not clear is who is in the Army versus who is in the Navy. I will guarantee if any non exposed to the military civilian is asked, they will only see Army people.


The current CHENG is easy to find, but its taking some digging to find [redacted] successor ...

It is odd that the pronouns connected with one person are redacted. Why bother?

There are plenty of "he" and him" word salted throughout the document.

Lastly reading the investigation, and gauging the timeline of events, I will opine the previous CO left 'their' relief in a bit of a pickle Command Climate wise...

(I recently had to sign a statement at work acknowledging that punishment for pronoun misuse can be expected if (they them zim) is offended and its reported. One gent was already removed from his Supervisor position ...)


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Assuming that the individuals are not padding their LinkedIn profiles, Greg Crum was CHENG Boxer July 2021 to July 2023. Vince Junor is from July 2023 to present.


Chief EngineerChief Engineer

USS BOXER LHD-4 · Full-timeUSS BOXER LHD-4 · Full-time

Jul 2021 - Jul 2023 · 2 yrs 1 moJul 2021 - Jul 2023 · 2 yrs 1 mo

San Diego, California, United States


Chief EngineerChief Engineer

USS BOXER LHD-4 · Full-timeUSS BOXER LHD-4 · Full-time

Jul 2023 - Present · 9 mosJul 2023 - Present · 9 mos

San Diego County, California, United States · On-site

I freaking hate Google algorithm controls and went back to Webcrawler for this search. The S:N is worse on Webcrawler, but it doesn't assume to know what you are trying to look for.

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Good call...

Looks like it was a case of failing upwards to me, considering where [redacted] is now.

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Archibald Putt would not be surprised with the failing upwards!

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So, I am not the only one that looks at my years of service as those given to fascism, communism and supporting those who use the Constitution to wipe their collective ass?

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You can be proud of your service, along with the rest of us. It was not always like this. With a fair wind, we just might come out of this okay. We might not, but we can't give up hope.

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And one continues to wonder why INSURV reports have been removed from public scrutiny. From this NAMTS News only eight months ago, 5% of the Boxers crew have met Navy Afloat Maintenance Training excellence. Kearsarge and Bataan reported about half that number. If one in twenty (likely senior petty officers) are committed to high maintenance standards, that would normally be a great core. Should we just assume that quals are being pencil whipped now? https://namts.valkyrie.com/exams/newsletters/NAMTS_News-Jul2023.pdf

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I was the PQS Officer on LHD-xx back in the day - I'm convinced that a good portion of the quals were "creatively" received.

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Best sentence was the last:

"The command intended to begin detachment for cause (DFC) proceedings for the Boxer's main propulsion assistant (MPA); the investigation referred to unspecified allegations of assault and failure to report incidents of assault within Boxer's engineering department, including allegations involving the MPA."

Must have been a fun time

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The same newsletter (The Dive Winter 23/24.) also has an article about a man who finds that cross dressing helps him understand foreign agents.

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Shoulda read all the way down. I saw that one. The pederasts will be next.

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It would be funny if it were some other country.

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Except these clowns alter intel to suit their purposes. I wouldn't wish this on any government.

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