Perhaps you could lobby substack to create a new button beside the heart button. Something that conveys: "I agree with this and applaud how the article meets the need, but hate having to read every word on these DivThus"...

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Many years ago, as a young JO, I was sent to LMET held at the Amphibious School in Coronado. It was still kind of new. One of the instructors told us that LMET was the replacement for the race relations efforts instituted after the Kitty Hawk riots. That training was replaced because they found that it hardened the attitudes of those who already didn't like the other race, and inspired bad feelings in those who did not already have hard feelings. Apparently, according to this instructor, a lot of sailors didn't realize the the other race didn't like them, and had just been going happily along assuming the best. When I look at the current rounds of stuff like CRT, it looks to me like we keep making the same mistake. Sharing one's feeling about others does not always lead improved relations.

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I think it was 1973. I was an E-6 on an ancient Aircraft Carrier. My turn came to attend the Upward Seminar onboard. "Upward" was a race relations/sensitivity training session that lasted several days if I recall correctly. Everybody had to attend. The facilitators were not crew members. They included a Black female LTjg, 2 Black E-6's and a White E-7. As it was a training session, I gave it my full attention, took notes and was there to learn. On day 2 one of the E-6's was talking about stereotypes. He mentioned the prevailing belief that when Blacks move in, property values plummet. He asserted that was a straight-up falsity. Up until then, I was in a note-taking mode only. Wanting to participate, I had to address what he had just said. I raised my hand and was granted permission to speak. They encouraged that. I asked the class to listen that I had to say. I said, "Suppose a well-to-do nice Black family moved in to an all-White neighborhood that had been segregated since the Civil War. Then a few of the unenlightened neighbors put their homes on the market because they didn't want Blacks as neighbors. Now, suppose that the 'few' became 'many' in a panic of selling. I am not schooled in economics, but I have heard of supply and demand. With all those houses now on the market...an oversupply, mind you, couldn't the sale price decrease in a flooded market with panicky sellers? Would that decline in property values be a reality rather than a stereotype and wouldn't it be their own damn fault and no fault of the Blacks?"

Leapin' Gebbus! Immediately I got scowled at by 4 facilitators and had one of the E-6's imply loudly that I was racist. But it was sensitivity training and maybe my well-meaning contribution as to how perhaps stereotypes can have nuance rather than be just black & white might have been insensitive and offended someone who was hypersensitive to anything perceived to be not furthering the narrative. Up until that point, I was "getting with the program". I had participated out of a sense of duty to share a hypothetical point of view. And got hammered for. I didn't notice any of the other 30-40 attendees being offended. I clammed up and said not another word for the remainder of the training. Heh...you don't argue with an angry man sporting a post-Zumwalt afro.

The following year, I recall there was a one-time survey (supposedly anonymous) for each crew member to state what race they were. I think there were 5 or 6 categories to choose from. I picked Black. There is very little anonymity on a ship, right? That choice never hurt me. I promoted to Chief in 1974, first time up, in under 9 years. 1974 was the first year they used selection boards for promotions of CPO's. Since that time, I have been to more race relations training. I sit on my hands. Lord, I feel bad for all the good military men and woman who have to endure woke drek now.

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It's not making the same mistake.

This is policy - divide and rule.

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These actions are counterproductive if and only if a person believes that the purpose of the service academies is to provide capable junior officers who can be trained to handle even greater responsibilities for the purpose of defending the nation. On the other hand, if your purpose s to weaken the U.S. military, you couldn’t find a more direct way to do so.

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It's to poison and weaken the entire society.

It does show you how worthless, weak and craven our leadership is that they so completely embraced it from the 1970s forward.

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Follow the Money indeed.

Indeed the lack of money to spare means it's suddenly OK to notice.

Mind you diversity has gotten so hateful, toxic and pervasive that something had to be done !

Well, no actually it got dangerous to stop noticing.

They noticed Jan 6, histrionics that they are, scary !

Grandmothers wandering into the Capitol did indeed get their attention.

We actually can thank Trump for this, it suddenly became somewhat acceptable to notice the obvious, but it's also expensive and we're well past bankrupt.

But in the end it's follow the money - you see, the Petrodollar and our finances in general are just in a terrible shape. So we need the military and especially the uh, er 'core military demographic' to step up for the march to Moscow and sending the fleet to China.

We THE PEOPLE need money, so we need war, so we need a real military, so we need [shh, despised rural whytes] to be PATRIOTIC !

Follow the money, because we're gonna march and sail to get the rest.

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Ah, "diversity." I am old enough to remember when that word meant "diverse" rather than "acceptable."

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In Michener’s novel “Poland”, he discusses at length the absurd nature of the Polish parliament of the Late Middle Age and Enlightenment period, in which a single vote of “I object” by a single selfish or corrupted member would veto not only the current measure under consideration, but every other proposal voted on in hat session, and would terminate the parliament on the spot.

His observation was “When any essential part of a governing system becomes corrupt, it endangers all parts because it tempts officials to engage in parallel wrong actions.” In this case, corruption of the system has wrapped itself in the robes of a religion that will see no reason, because its tenants were never developed using reason.

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It's DIE--meaning kill Western Civilization that has given us democracy, civil rights, individual relations with God--or any higher power, rights of free expression and protection from gov. intrusion, general education, modern law and education, along with open politics, all of which do not come from China, Africa, the Middle East, any principalities in India, Polynesia, or the native America tribes but from EUROPEANS WHO ARE BASICALLY WHITE. Period.

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