I am not sure that a couple of empty gesture bills that won't ever go anywhere count as progress, not while the demographic change in America is picking up speed. Putting our trust in the political process to sort things out is largely responsible for driving us to the edge of ruin.

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Better do well in the next election (exceed the margin of frau...er, error) or all of these Ws evaporate instantly. Normal people use language to convey information and communicate accurately. ABnormal people / progressives use language as a lever of power. Accuracy is not in the top ten reasons to use a particular word in a particular context. We've had our "rules in a knife fight moment" in the last four years (only the latest I know). Playing by the "rules" gets you killed, beating the opponent first, and resetting the environment is what needs to be done. Waiting with bated breath to see if the UniParty (TM) is up to the task. Polls are "close"...really? Or just to "explain" more "shocking" election results?

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"error" lol

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Have them bring back the Federal Service Entrance Examination. That's what will kill DIE.

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That would depend on who writes the test and what the "correct" answers are (maybe we could just use an old one from the 80's)

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The version thrown out by the Nixon administration before a Federal judge was going to throw it out.

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Good work. A small pebble can start an avalanche. I think that’s what we’re seeing.

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I will be (pleasantly) astonished if any of these survive the Senate and are signed by the President.

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I agree, noble words are easy but noble deeds are hard.

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The internal domestic enemies of America, the military and the constitution will not accept defeat.

They are quite willing to terminate the opposition and as Joe said, use F-15's against anyone who they see as enemies, that means Us.

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I agree. There are parts of our government, all branches and all levels, that aren't merely incompetent but working for the other side.

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"sexneutral." That's a new one. I thought the only two options are forward and reverse.

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Small acts of moderate courage by a few Congressmen. Sure, they are each a small letter "w" but instead of tilting at windmills it's going to take an all-out siege. Dead oxen flung by catapults, tall ladders and nimble men with swords and braver men to storm through the breach. The strategizers need to think of this as a penicillin-resistant STD. "Aux remparts!!!" ...or "♫ O'er the ramparts..." as the case may be.

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It’s all or nothing time. The GOP is so afraid of losing seats they are soft/backpedaling core principles-a defensive strategy doomed to blur the distinction between candidates in favor of progressive promises

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They are losing seats because they are soft/backpedaling core principles, and they are too weak and afraid to see it (those few that aren't just part of the same Uniparty fundraising machine as the Democrats anyway).

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Just watch for it. Both sides of the aisle will come together as shipmates as the ship of state begins to sink and it'll be sharp elbows, booted feet and eye gouges to the women, children and old men like us as they compete for the last seats on the lifeboats. Me? I am going to tell them there's a big pile of poker chips still in the main lounge. And even offer to show them exactly where.

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Tossing the Great Society legislation & challenging the Toll v. Moreno ruling would be a good start.

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If we tossed the Great Society legislation (The War on Poverty that we lost) we could easily afford a 600 ship navy.

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Remember Churin: DEI = Didn’t Earn It

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(R) needs to have a majority in all three houses of government, and learn to vote as a block for a few years to slow the swirl.

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This is the key - functioning like the Keystone Kops when you're up against the Borg will not work.

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Or perhaps more to the point: Betting on the Washington Generals to beat the Globetrotters *this* time, by gum...is probably not the way to bet.

Who hath ears, let him use a Q-Tip.

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The Problem is that most of the Rs and Ds are the same "all government all the time" team and work together to ensure our descent into collectivist despair

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That is true. I should have mentioned that flushing the RINOs out would certainly help.

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How many offices renamed with no real change in function, DEI apparatchiks given new titles, or shuttled off into another offices?

The whole thing is so deeply embedded into DoD and the university feed stock of young new DoD employees that it's a done deal.

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My hope is middle class workers that rejoiced at 2% pay increases will recognize they actually got a 6% pay cut

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It is not just DOD civilians, the whole thing is also deeply embedded into the service academies, ROTC, recruit training for all service branches, and into the services themselves. It goes even further than that - recruiters have to meet DEI quotas. I know this because my local watering hole is in a shopping center with an Armed Forces Recruiting Center (edited to add, it is now called an Armed Forces Career Center). I have heard stuff from recruiters that would scare me, if I had any sense at all.

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I've seen comments from recruiters about crazy stuff like that they had three guys ready to sign up for nukes but they were white and the recruiter was told they needed to recruit a female, preferably black, first. Which of course didn't happen and they went somewhere else.

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Yeah, exactly. I've heard it more than once, and from more than one.

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This stuff is absolute poison to our institutions. Unless we cut this cancer out of our body politic, It will eventually tear us apart... which is probably what the Cultural Marxists want. Ya got to tear it all down before you replace it.

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After hearing about Milly's quest to find the roots of white rage I don't understand why any Caucasian man would want to serve.

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Wow, excellent. But there was a "Chief Diversity Officer"? Crying out loud…

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Will funding for the Pumas that will make the elimination of those Department Heads permanent be funded?

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Why not badgers?

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One doesn't like to advocate for one's own kind, it smacks of favoritism.

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I am generally impressed with how the Senate Health Committee and the Senate Defense Committee conduct meetings. Enough to suggest you watch, if you feel discouraged. If it gets through the House, it has a good chance in the Senate.

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