If I could "heart"/like this 10x, I would. Right on-point.

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Character matters. It always has but the Left has been successful in convincing people job performance is all that matters (a la Bill Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman.") This is an uphill battle that few have the stomach for, but you are absolutely correct in that it must be fought. To not plant the flag and fight now is to concede the slide into oblivion that is inherent in the Left's goals. I weep for our country.

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In the beginning you state you “cannot” talk about USNA, in the end you state we need brave leaders that will speak up. The Navy’s dirty secret is “USNA has produced 30 years of limited capability leaders.” Transformation is the convenient excuse for what has happened, reality is USNA lost its way and brought the Navy along on the party cruise.

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"DEI is also becoming a de facto academic discipline. " This will ensure an increasing flow of bodies to the ever-expanding bureaus of DEI in every institution. De facto political commissar system.

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Find allies; Tech, Finance, who just laid a bunch of these bums off. Finance wants money, Tech wants productivity, you want sanity back.






^ all just had layoffs. The DEI bums and CRT are worse than useless, disruptive, toxic staff.

More allies

The Woke F--d Up when they let mommy Karen see that’s what widdle child being taught in school (mostly a crowd of loud women a crowd of loud women, but these are elite or striver moms).

The major economic powers in USA are flipping on Wokeness.

Be there, not with “conservatives.”

Toss the conservatives, if you want real politics (power) then Musk, Thiel, etc.

never mind the “principles” that was always con game to lose by sellouts.

Politics is Power, find allies with power.

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"Stop that before you make Ron DeSantis president." I have started saying this systematically. When he is actutally president, I will switch to saying "You should have stopped that before you made Ron DeSantis president."

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We need to individually and collectively muster this resolve to set things back on course:

“We shall go on to the end, We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

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Commander, I need your expert opinion. You know about the CSIS latest report https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/publication/230109_Cancian_FirstBattle_NextWar.pdf?WdEUwJYWIySMPIr3ivhFolxC_gZQuSOQ It is full of egregious errors, but what to do: the authors want US to strengthen its Far East deterrence. We all here agree with that premise.

At one point in the study, the authors have a TF of 2 CV, 10 SSNs, and about 20 surface combatants approaching Taiwan and getting wiped out by China. I dont know what Kool Aid the authors have been drinking, but I'd love some.

Nonetheless, for my own education, I'd like your thought on the above.

I feel US Navy will lose zero SSNs. SSN's dont mass and slug it out with the adversary a la Jutland. China will have to find the boats first, and good luck with that.

as for the CVs + escorts, they are not going to approach lethal range of China till PLAN and PLAAF have been destroyed. As for Chinese long range anti-surface weapons like SS-21, aside from a multitude problems with that scenario, how will the missiles find the CV groups who will be electronically spoofing their locations.

Thank you

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Its actually getting better and easier than you post, Tech and Finance are making mass layoffs (thank you Elon Musk) and its not the productive or the coders, you know.

The worm has turned against DEI and CRT in the major American corporations of Finance and tech, the dispossessed commissars can push back but these aren’t Grandmothers LARPING Norman Rockwell in the Capitol, its power.

However Power shall seek allies, and so befriend the commons.

As for the conservatives retreating anywhere and everywhere 🤣 that’s what they do, all they do.

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If Mr. DeSantis runs for the Presidency, I shall vote for him. We need a Great White, to deal with the barracudas of DEI.

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