DEI at the operational side is a waste of time. It just exists to check a box and be a way to CYA when a lawsuit happens. It says the organization did tell people not to do things.

There's been a few presentations where it's been "OK, we have to spend half an hour on this, but I want to give you a break." Of course, that can change.

Of course, there's always been discriminatory things. I don't mind the existence of cultural groups in higher education, but how they game the system did start rubbing me the wrong way. It was a fun day to watch the feminists get told, "We can only give you this much for a conference, per the written policy." The Student Veterans were able to get a subsidy to go to a conference as well; IIRC the College Republicans did the same for CPAC. However, the special space the 'multicultural' groups had in the middle of the student center always rubbed me the wrong way. Otherwise, the programs for getting 'underprivileged' students in have long been a cop-out for whatever race is fashionable. Pass the flask...

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Here are some experiences I have had which bother me. What do you think should be done when a Naval Officer in charge of a group, when asked by a young enlisted Chamorro man for permission to go to sickbay replies "Why? You got AIDS or something? Which one are you?, all you little fuckers look the same to me" This all in a crowded office of men and women sailors .

On another occasion, I was on a Navy site and the Navy work crew was taunting a civilian black man they had brought in from town to work to repeatedly say :" I am just a nigger! A goddamned useless nigger! over and over again. I was able to stop that.

I was the Engineering Head of a DoD contractor company. We had been told we had to have more minorities in our staff in responsible positions if we were to continue DoD contracts. (They do pay taxes which help fund our government). I had to attend a management meeting and make a decision that we would hire a black female DCAS inspector but let her go 6 weeks afterwards (all that was required to be legal), She was thrilled to have job but was fired on the final week in order for us to be lily white again. There are racist out there, Perhaps we can't change them but we sure as hell should be able to minimize the damage they do. How would you propose to change the thinking that leads to these situations?

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"...to forcibly recompose the racial demographics of the professoriate. " <---Ignores merit, equality, the good of the university and fundamental fairness in favor of quotas and this equity boogeyman.

My eldest daughter is a UF grad. Speaking for both of us, we are appalled. That was a fine university. Gov. DeSantis and his minions should be all over this like a school of piranhas. Just sent him an email with a link to this article.

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Total Quality Leadership was a fad that now looks rather tame compared to the DIE crusade. Don't Ask Don't Tell was a golden age compared to now. Now we have insanity. Never know what you will see in the communal shower.

DeSantis has promise. He would do well to stay away from Rove though. Don't think very much of Sasse. He's not a fighter. Well not for things like US economic security. He cherishes fake civility. Like Rob Portman he wants to be "One of the Good Guys." They are all Bushites. The goal is to get wealthy and promote the US CoC even if that means devastating middle class America. Sasse will do nothing. You will find him at the country club most of the time. The strategic priorities of his "elite" class (a uniparty structure) are: ensure cheap labor through illegal immigration, wealth exfiltration via lucrative contracts with entities like China, pointless foreign wars to feed the military industrial beast. Rob Portman is now at the AEI doing the same thing. Ukraine, Open Borders, Money. It's so transparent it would be laughable, except for the damage they have done.

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"No matter the weather we'll all stick together...". My father went to UF, and I am that rara avis a native Floridian . I did go to Miami (The one in Ohio) for University, but that was when there was actual and generally honest discussion about just about everything. Not surprised about the level of DEI crap at UF--I suspect that is the case in all but a very few higher education centers these days. Good to hear about the current Governor's efforts at turning around the schools. I wish him--and my native state--well.

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Did she actually use the word "cadres"?

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I was part of an overseas operation involving DoD, a defense contractor (later sued by DoJ), and Naval Intelligence. It was all in a jungle board a Naval Base there. There were many problems with the program much more than that single incident, but I was particularly surprised by that incident. I later was a prosecution witness for DoD in the criminal trial resulting from different and major problems on that site. The civilian I mentioned had been hired on an ad hoc basis by the civilian contractor but it was on a Naval Base with Naval personnel present. I contend any service member should have stopped it I was there to provide technical support from an FFRDC (Federally Funded Research and Development Center) on behalf of yet another govt agency supporting the program. The fact that people on the site were setting the worst example possible of "the Ugly American" made me ashamed to be involved. The fact that that man would no doubt go home and tell his neighbors how he had been mistreated was not understood. They seemed not to care.

I later attended Defense Race Relations School in Florida in 1974 with military and Naval students from many US worldwide facilities. The stories of why there was fragging in Vietnam were common discussions and which belied a general lack of education regarding tolerance and respect which our military was trying to instill. The question is how we should educate our population in appropriate social behavior so they know that was wrong, should not happened and someone should have stepped in to stop it.

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I subscribe to Rufo. His project at the New College is very interesting.

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What about a enacting a law requiring that all DEI commissars and lecturers spend ten hours a week personally cleaning outhouses and emptying septic tanks?

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I do understand your position.

v/r, Mike Moore

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Sorry. The March of the Progressive Zampolit through the institutions has been successful.

We might be lucky to live long enough to watch the modern Comité de salut public purge the opposition and useful fools, but that will be a pyrrhic victory at best.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

The new fiscal year is upon us and its employee review season. While I received my yearly attaboy, I do not look forward to annual goal setting statements for the upcoming year, one of which will likely be to explain how we're upholding and living the company's values.

While not as over-the-top as other high-profile companies, it is no less a branch off the very extensive DEI-tree that has reached deep into the C-suites, and large HR companies...ahem! Workday.

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Browsing through my Ancestry matches, turns out that I am a distant cousin of Bomani Spell, Dean of Students at FAMU:


Have a mind to take a road trip to Tallahassee...

Hey Cuz!

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Imagine being dumb enough to think that anything you say at the Racists Anonymous struggle session will remain anonymous.

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