This insanity is yet another reason my kids will not serve. This militant degeneracy is a symptom of late Republic collapse, and they can find someone else’s kids for fodder.

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From a family that had one or more on active duty from WWII to the present. After the latest in the 1/504 completes his enlistment, we are out. Somebody else's turn.

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Is it any wonder that ships look the way they do? No doubt the ODs and Captains are afraid to tell them/he/she/it to get over the side and scrape and paint.

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The whole point of following DEERS (which may not simply be toggled back and forth at will by the service member) is to prevent the member from wanton declarations of gender identity with an expectation everyone else will adapt. There is a rigorous process, that includes medical, which must be followed that serves to reinforce good order and discipline. And respectful treatment of everyone.

But don’t let that get in the way of your breathless indignation.

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Right, which is why there totally wasn't a slide referring to a soldier speaking to his superior about "his pregnancy". After all, who are we to believe? You, or our lying eyes?

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When I say "normal" I am referring to a standard I observed in ~95% of the people I served with for 26 years. Is it respectful treatment to force normal members to take a vaccine with known side effects that have little efficacy and give them the boot when they respectfully asked for a waiver? Is it respectful treatment to arm twist normal people to buy into gender, pronoun, CRT, faux anti-White supremacy, engage in affirmative action promotion moonbattery? Is it respectful treatment to normal hard-working military men and women to grab a transvestite off the street and go "poof" with a magic wand and make xir a 4 star Admiral? I dunno...leastways we got him off the street. And isn't it normal to get breathlessly indignant (righteously indignant) when you see vandals trashing civilization? I always thought so. But on the other hand, again I dunno...I may be walking a fine line between toad and toadie here. I get prone to hyperbole when I am breathlessly indignant.

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Each branch of the federal government has internal operating procedures, as provided by the Constitution. At some point in the past, the Overton Window of acceptance began to turn a blind eye to the Executive Branch coloring outside the lines. What harm could there be, right? And then the White House simply began to bypass Congress whenever they knew that couldn’t get an actual law passed.

I submit that this slippery slope has led us to the event horizon of a black hole.

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Problem they refuse to address, or even admit exists, is that sentence in Austin's directive that states, "Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve ..." The word qualified implies that there are minimum qualifications and disqualifying factors. A lifetime or so ago, I was in recruiting, and despite my beer soaked memory, I recall there were thousands of disqualifying factors. One testicle? Nope, can't join. Too old or too young, sorry. Serious criminal conviction? Well, it requires a waiver from CNRC that ain't gonna be granted. Mental health issues or insanity? If treated and overcome, might get a medical waiver. However, an ongoing mental problem is automatically disqualifying, as it should be considering the potential responsibilities of military service. News flash: A person who thinks they are a puppy, a pet rock, or the opposite gender is, using technical terms, bat$#it crazy and ineligible for military service.

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It's a jobs program. The people who live to enforce this have to do something for a living, and there are many departments in many schools supplying and credentialing that perceived need. The people they administer are collateral damage.

The political units will exist as long as the revolution exists. Who decides?

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The part I don't get is they cannot assess a recruit who has not been stable in their gender for 18 months post transition (an acknowledgment of potential complications), yet they can allow someone to transition on active duty, flip the DEERS switch, and go right to duty in their new gender.

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Can you clarify what it takes to “flip the DEERS switch” and provide a reference?

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DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) is the personnel database used for all of the military services. By "Flip the DEERS switch", I meant changing the sex indication from one sex to another (I don't know if DEERS has been updated to use the more preferred term "gender" over "sex"). Per all of the DOD guidance, a transgender service member is considered their natal sex until they have "completed" their transition, and only then is their sex/gender changed in DEERS. Prior to that point, all regulations and guidelines for their natal sex apply, regarding dress and appearance, housing, bathroom use, physical requirements, etc. After that point (the change in DEERS), they are considered their self-identified gender, and from that point forward, all regulations and guidelines for their new sex apply.

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My comment was pointing out the inconsistency that the DOD will not allow a transgender person to enter the military until they have been stable in their gender for 18 months, but will allow someone to transition while on active duty and have continuous uninterrupted service before, during, and after the transition. The DOD is saying there is nothing preventing a service member within 18 months of transitioning to serve.

Legally, this appears to be a avenue for there to be a lawsuit to end that recruiting restriction.

The other obvious legal gap is those "nonbinary" individuals who do not identify as male or female. If DOD policy is to allow transgender people to serve, then how can they actively discriminate against transgender people who do not identify as male or female.

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Thanks. So the formal process, which includes extensive Medical involvement and sign-off, reflects that members are NOT able to capriciously “flip the switch.”

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I never intended that the individual changed their DEERS entry. Again, my point was there is an inconsistency in how the DOD treats transgender recruits vs. transgender members in the service.

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If one of the great science fiction writers: Orwell, Asimov, Pournelle had written and submitted a story lampooning the possibility of today's gender/sex difficulties/problems in the military back in the '50s, he would have been told: "Too far-fetched. Won't sell."

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I'm old enough to remember when CPL Klinger was a comedy trope on MASH for a guy who wanted to get out of his service. Now it seems that's the gateway to enlistment. Fun times, fun times.

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Good point. I am surprised that MASH has not been "cancelled" and had all episodes with Klinger cross-dressing removed. I don't doubt this will happen.

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My son was a Marine Infantryman. He was in a catastrophic V22 crash that killed the Marine sitting next to him and the crew chief of the aircraft. All 22 Marines were injured.

He reviewed this article and said, “I’m getting out.”

A Class A accident that kills Marines is not as bad as the situation this article describes.

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What a travesty to our nation. Lloyd Austin is responsible and complicit. Son is currently a SEAL, third generation Navy. Will NOT encourage my grandchildren to go into ANY branch of the military period.

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People don't believe me when I talk about this stuff. They blink, uncomprehending, when I tell them just how bonkers the gender gibberish demands have gotten. They see my receipts and still cannot quite adjust their brains to the reality that we now live in a gender-based theocracy. The creationists no longer have bibles, they have "genders."

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If you want to understand WHY these "woke" pereversion pushers do what they do read the books of Dr. Iain Mcgilchrist. He gives the most lucid explaination for these poeple's behavour I have ever read. We are dealing with individuals who are effectively mentally ill. They exhibit many of the symptoms of borderline schizophrenics. It is nearly impossible to change their minds because their left brain no longer answers to the right brain. Not one in a hundred will change their mind. They can't. The only way to get rid of them is to remove them from their positions and incarcerate or kill them. That is the choice you have because they are going to kill you if given the opportunity. Look at any hard core Nazi or Communist and you will see the same mindset. The hand writing is on the wall or in the books. READ IT!

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I recently watched Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" documentary. Those supporting gender ideology sound like they are in a cult. It is very strange. It has its own dogma, its own blasphemies. When Walsh asked a pro-trans pediatrician if the same drugs used as puberty blockers were also used to chemically castrate sex offenders (they are), she literally responded to him like he had committed blasphemy. She was opposed to the word "drug" and "castrate". I think she accused Walsh of "violence" for using the terms.

If these people had intellectual honesty, they could rigorously debate their position, but they all went to ad-hominin attacks about word usage.

I honestly do not think this is a condition isolated to the left. It is similar to any cult-like behavior. You see the same thing in the QAnon followers.

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The American people did vote for this when they ejected Joe Biden president.

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This insanity must stop.

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