Apr 15, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

You're right, of course, and it's more than mildly or moderately depressing. And it doesn't speak particularly well of me that -- in all the CDR Salanamder' stuff I've read, which is consistently worth the time it takes to read and think about -- this sad piece marks the first time I've responded. But you've spent the time it takes to explore the issue with sufficient thoroughness to expose all the cracks and leaky bulkheads. So, thanks but, geesh, it's even worse than all the running rust we've seen on combatants for the past few years. I love my Navy (over 40 years active duty), but we're really in a bad place. Aloha, Jim Newman.

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It's only by accident that we ever get more than we measure. This is true in social engineering just as it is in physical engineering. I am not by any means saying that racial diversity (the only kind of diversity being measured) is a bad thing. It may very well be part of the solution enabling the Navy to project greater power for greater lengths of time at greater range from our home shores. But we'll never know because no one will ever be allowed to conduct such a study (input = diversity; output = combat capability) since any failure of that equation would not be officially acceptable.

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