"I will finish this DivThu with this reminder: this is Trump's Navy doing this. This is Trump's CNO. This is Trump's diversity and inclusion nomenklatura."

I disagree, to an extent. Trump inherited OBAMA'S Navy, which had 8 years to purge the ranks of decent men and to promote the sort of racial-yes-men that you now see. (And for eight years before that, George Shrub didn't care or understand what was going on.) How far down the list should Trump have gone to pick a CNO _NOT_ tainted by the diversity rot? When Trump became President, EVERY flag officer had survived through, been chosen by, the Obama filter. How many 2017 captains had been more senior than LCDR in 2009?

And Trump came into office with a LOT of other issues on his plate; "The Resistance" in the Navy ranks was nothing compared to "The Resistance" in the Never-Trump ranks of the intelligence community, which worked during his ENTIRE presidency to undercut and sabotage his efforts.

And it's still Obama and HIS team that are running the show. Biden is senile, and the Administration is being run by Obama's Girl Friday, Susan Rice. And by Commie Harris. And MAYBE by Not-A-Doctor Jill "Edith Wilson" Biden as well.

I'm not sure the situation is salvageable. For myself, I'm hunkering down, stocking up, and hoping to ride out the storm. And may God have mercy on us all.

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