Had no idea the USMC had gone this far down the DEI---? rabbit hole. So well meaning folks, or grifters earning a paycheck pushing DEI are two categories, how about those quietly funding the private firms who then gain contracts to push this into business and government? It all started somewhere, and has now reached critical mass and is …
Had no idea the USMC had gone this far down the DEI---? rabbit hole. So well meaning folks, or grifters earning a paycheck pushing DEI are two categories, how about those quietly funding the private firms who then gain contracts to push this into business and government? It all started somewhere, and has now reached critical mass and is self sustaining. That original funding source should be of interest to "important officials", would it not? Or not, I guess, if they don't really care to know the who and why they did it.
Had no idea the USMC had gone this far down the DEI---? rabbit hole. So well meaning folks, or grifters earning a paycheck pushing DEI are two categories, how about those quietly funding the private firms who then gain contracts to push this into business and government? It all started somewhere, and has now reached critical mass and is self sustaining. That original funding source should be of interest to "important officials", would it not? Or not, I guess, if they don't really care to know the who and why they did it.