I applied to an investment role with a multinational recently. There was a battery of bullshit neopronouns. I look forward to that being gone.

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They forced me into this, and I am not giving up "Attack Helicopter"

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If they ask, I’ll just say that.

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I wish the place I worked asked for pronouns, so I could finally reveal my true self: "Deez/ Nutz"

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That would mean no employment.

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Who are you to judge me!? I've always known my true self was Deez/ Nutz, how dare you deny me my lived experience?!

I've been fired before. It was awesome, milked the unemployment for 6 mo. People need to stop being so afraid of stuff.

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Here's a ray of hope, "Wall Street’s Appetite for ESG Plummets", link: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/20/wall-streets-appetite-for-esg-plummets/

Wall Street has figured out that hiring morons isn't profitable. Let's hope it catches on to other sectors.

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DEI and CRT are not going away. They will be renamed

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Bingo! It is already happening at those state-funded colleges where DEI was eliminated.

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That’s why we need to keep pointing out their BS whenever and wherever we find it

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It used to be called “Mau Mau’ing”

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"Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers," a brilliant short story by Tom Wolfe about the early salad days of American liberalism (and a prescient warning of its inherent lunacy and danger). The story is online somewhere or available in Wolfe's book "Radical Chic." Well worth reading even half a century later.

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The key indicator is when the DEI *people* go away. I don’t think they’re being fired, just transferred somewhere else in the organizations.

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They will go away, completely, at some point. It's just a question of whether that happens while we still have electricity or not. If "not" should ever be the case all the nonsense will disappear as quickly as a sack of potatoes in Ireland in 1840

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Pretty much. Too bad for the West Coast, as the Chinee will likely send a "humanitarian mission."

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If I may paraphrase Paine: “DEI, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

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When I was an Ensign in the mid-70's and we were going thru the first phase of this, called "Rights and Responsibilities Workshops", there was a certain destroyer CO who was challenged on his treatment of minority members of his crew. His answer was that he treated every single member of his crew as a Navy Bluejacket. That was my standard as well, for the remainder of my entire career (uniformed and after). Sadly, that would not be an acceptable answer today.

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That’s how I was taught as a kid, growing up in the 70s/80s, and how I still work today. It’s gotten me out of more than one lawsuit. My grandfather was just a little more in-your-face about it, once telling a guy who accused him of being racist, in front of a couple of Indians that were working for him at the time, “I am not. I hate every one of you dumb sons of b*tchs equally.” Of course, he also fired my dad from the job site three times one day, and got progressively madder every time he came back and my dad was still there working. The only person who ever got a pass was me.

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Grandparents are great like that:)

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Yup...late 80s/early 90s, we were all Navy Blue. Never gave a thought to race/color. Everyone was judged on their performance. We'll, at least by me...

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mockery. alinsky #4. 😏

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My boss went to “Am I Racist” on Tuesday (discount night) and said it was Hi-Larious! She also said when she got the tickets there were twice as many sold for that theater than for the other 7 theaters combined. I suspect that movie will actually make a profit.

As for the other good things happening on the Marxist social issues front, I just want emphasize the point that there’s still a heck of a long way to go yet. There is still a considerable push to insinuate all kinds of “anti-racist” and “minority dialogue” concepts into fields that should be focusing on core competencies. Stay vigilant and smack down attempts to divert your resources and energy from the task at hand.

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The Critical Drinker's movie review on Youtube is pretty darn good. I haven't seen the movie though.

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The Civil War question is where pedantic people like me get in trouble. To me, it wasn't fought to end slavery. However, it WAS fought to preserve the Union, and slavery was one of, and probably among the primary, reasons several states decided to leave the Union. As with most wars, it was about economics and territory, and slavery (or it's abolition) was an important component of both.

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Yup. ACW started before Lincoln was sworn in. Most northerners had similar attitudes about blacks as most southerners. While the Confederate states governmental declarations listed slavery prominently, most citizens didn't own slaves and didn't fight _for_ slavery. If it was all about slavery, Lincoln did a piss poor job of actually freeing the slaves since the Emancipation Proclamation didn't take effect until 1863, nearly two full years after the Confederates seceded, and didn't affect the legality of slavery in areas that weren't in rebellion. It wasn't until after ACW concluded that slavery was actually abolished legally, months after he was assassinated.

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I get pedantic about that too, so thanks for being 'that guy' instead of me ;)

People rightly point out that outside of a few academic Puritans, no one much cared about slavery either way, but every textbook has a list of "stuff that lead up to the war" and its all slavery related events: J Brown; Bleeding Kansas; KS-NE Act; caning of Sumner; tariffs; Dredd Scott Decision; etc. etc.

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Already has made money. $4m gate, $3m production.

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I'm not a huge fan of MW, but in this arena he's pretty good.

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White XXXX, Christian Nationalists are apostate to the official U.S. religion, “our democracy “ dogma ranges from CRT/DEI to arbiter of facts.

Multi front attack on the republic.

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This comes to mind:

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Winston Churchill, The Lord Mayor’s Luncheon, Mansion House, November 10, 1942

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Meanwhile the DEI crowd is shouting “wir wollen den totalen Krieg!”

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Cant even read it without a shiver.

Reminds me I need to watch the related King's Speech again.

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DEI is another generation of race-baiting hustlers shaking down guilty white liberals for money and undeserved privileges. The difference now is that it is illegal.

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Good news!

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Maybe white folks just need to leave the military to it's DEI mob. See what happens next.

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Achilles Shrugged

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The enemy has finally been clearly identified and sighted. However, the battles still remain to be fought, the war to be won. Don't be fooled by the premature glad tidings—the work has not even yet begun.

And keep in mind that demographics are NOT on the side of truth and light. That's gonna be a big problem for a very long time to come.

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DEI = Dint Earn Its.

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DEI won't die until the senior mgmt that pushed this crap realize it has made their businesses non-competitive via incompetent employees. (By then it may be too late.) The schools won't do anything but shuffle things around and rename it. Cut their money off and they'll prostitute themselves to keep the corporate funds flowing.

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Those CEO's have to realize it, AND care. As long as their compensation is driven by board members and holding companies [Blackrock cough cough] they will drive the company into the ground to support the Party line.

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Exactly. Businesses failing is part of the business plan these days. Financialize it, bet on it failing cuz you know it's coming, bribe the bankruptcy judge. Nothing matters when those running a company don't own it, they just run it for the absentee owners.

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If DEI/ Woke disappear, it's because they served their purpose. Basic negotiation: if you think you can get 5, you don't ask for 5. You ask for 10. Then bargain down to 5 or better. Woke et al. is just asking for 10, and seeing how much they can get before the last round of negotiation. Then they repeat the trick, asking for 15 next time in order to get 10, and on and on until they get 100% socialist utopia.

The Left has been doing that shit for 100+ years, you'd think people would catch on.

Every school I see has a fag flag; every fed level politician kisses the Wailing Wall; White males are the only demographic that votes in the majority for Republicans; Republicans aren't even conservative; Whites become a minority in ~20 years even with 0 immigration and 100% current enforcement.

We aren't winning...

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