And a few more - cut out personal pronouns, ditch "pride" month, eliminate transgenderism and it's long tail of social tarpits like "no deployments", eliminate quotas on selection boards, fire half of NavSea that can't design/build ships that are supposed to WARFIGHTING - not "TraaaaaansFOR- MAAAATIONAL, and ban TikTok on all personal phones while deployed. Plus some others I'm sure.
And a few more - cut out personal pronouns, ditch "pride" month, eliminate transgenderism and it's long tail of social tarpits like "no deployments", eliminate quotas on selection boards, fire half of NavSea that can't design/build ships that are supposed to WARFIGHTING - not "TraaaaaansFOR- MAAAATIONAL, and ban TikTok on all personal phones while deployed. Plus some others I'm sure.
And a few more - cut out personal pronouns, ditch "pride" month, eliminate transgenderism and it's long tail of social tarpits like "no deployments", eliminate quotas on selection boards, fire half of NavSea that can't design/build ships that are supposed to WARFIGHTING - not "TraaaaaansFOR- MAAAATIONAL, and ban TikTok on all personal phones while deployed. Plus some others I'm sure.