As you know Capt. M, our Navy was all about Safety, Safety, Safety. Had a good friend on my FFG who reported aboard as an Ensign. I just happened to be on the Quarterdeck when he checked in. Chest full of ribbons and a CIB. He had done 2 infantry tours in Vietnam before lateraling over to the Navy to become a CTI(Russian/German/some Chinese). He was fully onboard with safety protocols but used to gripe/joke, "Yeah safety, where were the SOB's when I got sent out to walk point while I was recovering from a gunshot wound to the calf, had pleurisy and my bloused trousers were filled with s___ from dysentery? Safety...huh." (Jay had gotten that gunshot wound from a VC he had shot. The guy was still alive, so he gave him first aid. The VC pulled out a pistol and shot him through the calf. Jay attended to his own wound and then the VC's.) He retired an O-4 at 26 years. His last tour was at a joint command in Korea. His Army CO saw his CIB and Jay served out the tour as an O-5, as the billet was for that. Jay is a good man.
I’m sure this footage would make todays health and safety inspectors choke.
As you know Capt. M, our Navy was all about Safety, Safety, Safety. Had a good friend on my FFG who reported aboard as an Ensign. I just happened to be on the Quarterdeck when he checked in. Chest full of ribbons and a CIB. He had done 2 infantry tours in Vietnam before lateraling over to the Navy to become a CTI(Russian/German/some Chinese). He was fully onboard with safety protocols but used to gripe/joke, "Yeah safety, where were the SOB's when I got sent out to walk point while I was recovering from a gunshot wound to the calf, had pleurisy and my bloused trousers were filled with s___ from dysentery? Safety...huh." (Jay had gotten that gunshot wound from a VC he had shot. The guy was still alive, so he gave him first aid. The VC pulled out a pistol and shot him through the calf. Jay attended to his own wound and then the VC's.) He retired an O-4 at 26 years. His last tour was at a joint command in Korea. His Army CO saw his CIB and Jay served out the tour as an O-5, as the billet was for that. Jay is a good man.