Everyone knows that they can carry more than one don't be silly. I said under the New START treaty bombers only count as one warhead. That doesn't mean they can only carry one warhead --- it's a simple treaty accountability rule that helps explain the open source data that shows we only carry an average of 4.4 warheads per SLBM.
Everyone knows that they can carry more than one don't be silly. I said under the New START treaty bombers only count as one warhead. That doesn't mean they can only carry one warhead --- it's a simple treaty accountability rule that helps explain the open source data that shows we only carry an average of 4.4 warheads per SLBM.
Oh and obviously there is no missile with 0.4 parts of a warhead on it --- that comes from the math of averaging it out. I just want to make sure it's clear that I understand that before you start claiming to be the only one who understands that too.
Everyone knows that they can carry more than one don't be silly. I said under the New START treaty bombers only count as one warhead. That doesn't mean they can only carry one warhead --- it's a simple treaty accountability rule that helps explain the open source data that shows we only carry an average of 4.4 warheads per SLBM.
Oh and obviously there is no missile with 0.4 parts of a warhead on it --- that comes from the math of averaging it out. I just want to make sure it's clear that I understand that before you start claiming to be the only one who understands that too.