In years past, I would look at Germany and shake my head in amazement at the capacity for a modern nation to self-destruct.

I no longer need look across the Atlantic.

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Germany has been doing it longer, but the US has taken a shorter timeline.

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Well the Germans did try to commit suicide twice last century. Maybe this century, "thrice will be the charm".

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AFAIC, this time they're on their own.

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Is anyone else optimistic that being several years behind Germany / Sweden / France / etc in the self-destruction game will prove valuable to the US? I feel like it creates a real opportunity for us to see the truth of things play out on someone else’s soil and adjust course accordingly.

Not saying it’s a certainty we’ll actually do that, but I don’t think it’s obvious that we won’t. Really depends how bad things get in Europe in the coming months

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What do you mean several years behind? Germany is still 80%+ White, the US is majority non-White under age 20. If anything the US is closer to demographically abolishing itself than anywhere in Europe

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The AfD leader as being Chamber of Commerce type makes sense, as the origins of the party were of that ilk.

There's no tradition of assimilation, is another issue. My great-grandfather's generation understood that my grandfather's generation had to speak English fluently for any kind of success. Being an unskilled laborer not speaking the language of commerce well was not a ticket to success. In the guise of 'multiculturalism' that notion was stopped in the US, and not sent to the Old World.

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Muslim do not assimilate. They simply wait patiently and conquer. There is going to be hell to pay in the near future. Hell is coming to breakfast.

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The don't assimilate, they don't create, they don't generate wealth, they don't spread any knowledge but rigid adherence to a 1300 year old economic system masquerading as a religion.

And you better believe and adhere to the RIGHT SORT of their 'religion', or you are worse than apostate.

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Unassimilated pays immediately in the form of gov't check. EZ money and reasonable comfort right outta the gate. Why would any stranger put forth more effort?

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Too true, Aaron. I'd like to flesh out your post. Coming from a mud hut, tent or cinder block hovel to a place that has Section 8 housing with hot & cold running water, a flush toilet, shower, sinks, electricity, A/C & heating and add to that an EBT style credit card, why assimilate? You have just arrived in a utopia, and you take a look around, and all you see from your Morlock POV is Eloi. Equal measures of Yum! Evoe! Yi-ha! You can factor in some ugly truths that seem to append like pine sap to some of your guest's religion, culture, genetic inbreeding and the inculcation of hate & contempt for your hosts...what could go wrong? The tar brush has passed the Turing Test and achieved singularity, and in broad strokes on its own accord paint a picture uglier than Dorian Gray.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

They're unassimilable, they all have to be removed. Turns out that turning your country into a third world $***hole for the sake of some ethnic cuisine wasn't such a good idea after all. The longer they wait the worse it will become. Those European schoolchildren bullied by ethnic gangs will grow up to be fine members of a Protection Squadron.

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"they all have to be removed"


It's 1933 again. 10 to 1 the Germans are not going there again.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

They have to or they will become a minority in their own country. You can do it now somewhat humanely, but if they wait, they'll have to do it Gaza style. And not just Germany, most of Europe, North America & anywhere else where these aliens are residing.

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Don't think the Germans have it in them to do it due to collective cultural PTSD from WWII.


I predict them (along with the rest of the EU) having some very ugly decades ahead of them that will not end well for ethnic Germans.

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The phrase you're looking for is another Dark Ages, and the brutality that will come with it to ensure European survival. WWII and the following generation are dying out. European GenXers are starting to figure out the fairy tale they were sold. They will not suffer a jabia at their throat.

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Here in the US, I don't think the Left wants assimilation. They want segregated zoos of people of differing cultures, that they can visit, and feel superior to. Assimilation would ruin the zoos, and lead to a stable population, which, again, the Left does not want.

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And they can pitch their political campaigns to each individual segregated group, all of whom will be convinced they are victims and their saviors are all Democrats. They might want to check how that has worked for the Blacks on the Dem welfare plantation.

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Bingo. The Dems pander to to the idea that everyone is a victim, but some victims are more equal than others.

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I lived in Germany '66-'69. My father was USAF and stationed at Ramstein and Echterdingen Airfield, the plane patch for Patch Barracks. He employed several Turks at the DFAC and they were good people. Then. The people running Germany since the victory of the socialist coalition in '69 have been fools. There is no way to candy coat it. Same with so-called conservatives. Chamber of commerce "conservatives" are not conservative by most measures because of their support for nearly unlimited immigration. They have been as short sighted as the overwhelmingly foolish left.

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Cheap labor can be very costly in the long run.

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Something about the rope to hang him with.

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Libertarians too, they're just shills for big business.

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I am suspicious of Libertarians when they run for office as they always siphon votes away from Republicans and make way for the even worse Democrats.

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I think the first bunch of Turks were ready to try to fit in. Not all Muslims are like those Turks.

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Turks got along well with Germans when I was there, and were good people. My father never told me to stay away from them, but he did with a couple of the Germans he employed.

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A friend lived in Turkey (Istanbul primarily) in the mid-to-late 60s. They, like much of the middle east, were far more secular then. He'd married a Turkish girl and remembered his father-in-law during Ramadan, staring out the window at sunset, unlit cigarette in one hand and scotch on the window sill, waiting for it to go down.

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Ataturk gave Turkey a future by putting a lid on Islam in the country. The military was the guarantor of the freedom that came with it. This last time, they failed, and Erdogan has taken advantage of it to drag the country back to what it was before Ataturk.

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I call it pathological altruism.

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CDR, the American Social Democrats would like you to hold their beer.

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Beer? Pfft! Smoking Loon chardonnay maybe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/files/2013/12/booze.png

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Booze? Pfft! Depending on where I was stationed I swilled Coors, Miller quarts, Bud, Kirin, Peroni or Primo. After it got to the point of Annie Greensprings Berry Frost, "Morgan-Davis" Blackberry and peppermint schnapps shots, I went cold turkey & 12 step in 1978, one step ahead of the flyswatter and career oblivion. 5 promotions in the next 10 years.

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Interesting. Looks like I vote rightish but drink leftish, although I have been known to cross party lines as far as the drinking goes.

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I was in Germany. You couldn't ask for better duty than the Marshall Center in Garmsich. But away from the postcard town was the ugly housing project where all the "guest workers" lived. That was thirty years ago

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I remember the "Gastarbeiter" that lived in the apartment building next to my Aunt in Munich on Schleisheimerstr in the 70s. The were brought in to build the Olympic facilities and other infrastructure at the time - the place was a sty - and was not in-ordnung

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It's amazing how well the hard left and the fanatical jihadists get along. I guess it's because they both hate western civilization. I wonder if there will be a Charles Martel or Jan Sobeiski to save Europe again.

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"Charles Martel or Jan Sobeiski"


It's not a Battle of Tours or Gates of Vienna scenario. The enemy is already amongst them.

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity" is a famous line from "The Second Coming" by W.B. Yeats. That's what is going on here.

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You may be right. It's more like Rome welcoming barbarians into the Empire and joint the legions.

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That worked pretty good, actually. Until it didn't.

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More like Spain, 1480

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"The enemy is already amongst them"

"As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within"


The way it looks, that "fifth column" is going to win without needing any outside help.

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Best I can do is Viktor Orbán.

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I was initially surprised wen I learned of the PLO murals right next to IRA in Belfast, but after some study and realizing they were all far Left / authoritarian and mostly got their weapons in the same places it made sense.

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Years ago, Ralph Peters (whatever happened to him?) and Tom Kratman got into a discussion about where immigration and the Europeans were headed. Peters was of the opinion that it would be a repeat of the 1930s because "no one does genocide like the Europeans". Kratman demurred, because he didn't see the stomach or physical prowess in the native Europeans to defend their culture, land and nations. Looks like Kratman was right, there won't be any jackbooted thugs running the immigrants out of the EU because there are no jacks to put the boots on. Of course, we are a good distance down that path ourselves. Remains to be seen if we can reverse the trend. An armed populace really helps, and a lot of the immigrants here don't like illegal immigration, so hope remains for the moment. Notice how critical race theory and DEI classes shape the environment by shutting down anyone who questions "the border".

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I think you underestimate a people backed into a corner.

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Contemporary Western culture does not appear to value Western civilization.

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No, they don't. They've been fed notions that "all cultures are equal"; even those that wipe their asses with their bare hands

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Hate to pop your bubble, but in the real world those who are backed into a corner usually lose. Last minute heroics and brilliant strategems are for movies, not real life.

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Heroics and brilliant stratagems are not needed. Just the will to wield the sword will do.

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Well, if not the jacks then we will get to see how well the janets do in their new Mohammedan culture.

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The difference in refugee acceptance: Young, Middle Eastern military-age male= Female Harem Porn fantasy, so good. Young, Ukrainian female= Male Harem Porn fantasy, you evil patriarchal bastard!

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Meanwhile we not only tolerate, but actively encourage unassimilated masses from all over the globe to freely enter our country without even the pretext of any background check or actual identity, and then pay to disperse them all around our country on the foolish belief that they will show up in an immigration court several years in the future. Even worse than the tens of millions described above the huge, but uncounted number of "gotaways" who are much more likely to be motivated for something other than a career as gardeners and farm workers.

Without a secure border we are not a sovereign nation. Without full obedience to our immigration laws we are dangerously close to becoming an anarchist state where no laws need be observed.

Round 'em up and send 'em back, now!

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If your immigrants have a fertility rate greater than replacement and natives do not, you are a handful of generations away from being a minority culture. By 2100, "climate change" will be the least of your worries. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/11/29/the-growth-of-germanys-muslim-population-2/

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True, but climate change is already among the lesser of my worries, outside not really looking forward to the next cycle of brutal winters or when the ice moves down through Canada again.

That said, if we really want silly things to worry about there's the 6000 year calamity cycle coming up due to polar shifts, or something ...

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I’m embarrassed at how long it took me to piece this together, but I’ve recently fleshed out my immigration view as follows:

The lynchpin of the USA’s rightfully proud pro-immigration history (melting pot, give me your huddled masses, etc) falls apart given the mature state of today’s “safety net”. In Ellis Island’s heyday, we offered little more to an immigrant than equal(ish) treatment under the law and *a chance to build* a better life. That sales pitch appeals to a certain cohort of people and, even more importantly, aligns incentives once that cohort is boots on ground. Today’s robust suite of social safety net benefits (read: handouts) draws an entirely different cohort of people and, worse, provides zero incentive alignment.

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Or, to quote Milton Friedman;

"It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state,"

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lol yeah it’s not a hard concept to wrap your head around, which is why my comment above begins “I’m embarrassed at how long it took me...”

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Don't feel too bad, there are quite a few Ph.Ds and JDs , and "political scientists" who still don't get it.

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I'll vote for any politician who campaigns on removing that stupid poem from the Statue of Liberty.

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I’d vastly prefer voting for one who ran on jettisoning our “money for nothing” welfare state in favor of a system aligned with our society’s long-term interests and simple enough that it doesn’t require untold legions of low-level govt and ngo NPCs to implement

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The government that governs least likely governs best

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TR was for immigration but immigrants had to fully embrace the American ethos. No hyphenated Americans was his goal.

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100% We were founded on principles of Life. Liberty, and the Pursuit. The welfare/nanny state has likely already destroyed us; we just don't know it yet.

Hopefully after the next bad period that likely makes 160 years ago look like a walk in the park the survivors will be able to reestablish something similar to the original intent.

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You make some good points, but overall I think this post lacks context. In other words, it is looking at this from a USA perspective, not taking into account the very different way of looking at the same things, but from a German perspective.

One example is citing Bild, as if it's representative of general German opinion. Bild basically, sad to say, is trash, a red-top paper written on a superficial level for people who often aren't all that good at reading. Of course Bild is going with the flow, coming off rather severely anti-migrant, as in "Ban Muslim Immigration!" This is about like taking Trump's half-thought-out thoughts on this seriously, even though he might have 15% of our general population behind him.

I live in Germany as an expat American. and some of their "problems" make me laugh. One is that a higher proportion of the children of the more highly educated take advantage of the very generous terms afforded everyone here to pursue higher education. Think about that one in American terms, with our creaky and over-priced system. We would love to have this German "problem."

Going on from that, we have a fair proportion of migrant children succeeding in school, not just integrating but enjoying real success in chosen professions. It's the migrant losers who get the attention, not the fact that you will often find your doctor or dentist, for example, sporting a very non-German name.

Germany has nothing if not a system to deal with pretty much anything. I think that with growing attention being paid to the problem of migrant integration, particularly Muslim migrants, they will figure out a way to cope with that. Right now, for example, it's forbidden to stage demos using "Palestinian" flags. Israeli flags are okay, on the other hand.

What can be seen as delusions might just be differences of approach, differences of opinion, when modern German history has been grossly different to modern American history. If you want to look at a delusion, just look at the one that has led to leaving guns in the hands of your lunatics (USA) vs. quite reasonably not letting even very many of your sane citizens have them (Germany). For the USA the problem there is the human heart; for Germany the problem is the gun. Only one of those approaches is deluded. QED.

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"One example is citing Bild,...... written on a superficial level for people who often aren't all that good at reading."

"........your lunatics (USA)......"

Great way to convert the audience to your point of view. Insulting both the author and the reader.

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Sounds like a Georgetown Alum...

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Perhaps, he certainly doesn't know how to sell an argument.

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Georgetown U...

Instructing snotty Elites on how to fail at Foreign Policy....

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There might be a few here who share my point of view. The rest, well, I am not in the conversion business, and they have a right to their own opinions.

Two points:

One: Bild, thank God, is not a reliable indicator for mainstream German public opinion. That's not being insulting, pointing that out, just stating that citing Bild might not be reliable, when that might not be known to those who take it as just another German newspaper.

Two: It's a documented fact that there was a recent USA gun massacre perpetrated by a lunatic (well, a "person of unsound mind") who used weapons he had been allowed to hold, post-diagnosis. Not an insult, that, just a fact.

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You were here to persuade people with an argument. The first point in your response is magnitudes better than the original comment on the newspaper.

So many other ways to get your points across without insulting audience or the readers.

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We got folks chanting for the murder of every member of entire religion and you are bitching at fustian rhetoric?

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Perhaps I may appear nonplussed or unperturbed to you.

Maybe that's because I'm surprised this didn't happen a few years ago. I've expected the Iranian proxies to act as soon as Iran had nukes and a delivery system.

Our friend muttering platitudes about German control of their chanting citizens? In the end the Germans will be cowed by their new migrant hoardes and their society will die with a barely whimper. Our Social-Democrats are doing it to this country as well. After all, where's the outrage over the American hostages Tom?

Mark my words. We'll be there soon as well Tom.

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Hamas is a dictatorship. They declared war on Israel and deserve what they got.

But, the notion that kids need to be blown up because a few folks, before they were born, voted in the dictatorial regime, is nonsense.

The right wing media machine has to keep viewers angry and afraid, otherwise they will change the channel. That’s why they beat the drums of Islamophobia. Every religion has wacked-out adherents. Here in the U.S.A. we have branches of protestantism whose leaders are as evil as any mullah in the Middle East. The ultra-Orthodox Jews are as deplorable as any of their ultra-Orthodox Muslim neighbors.

The war has gone on long enough. Time for Israel to declare victory and end it. But, after the war, they have to treat the Palestinians fairly. This is exactly the situation we faced with Davie Crockett faced off against that crooked racist in the White House. Of course, like Israel, we took the wrong path, but, unlike Israel, nobody knew what we were up to, so we got away with it.

The rest of the world is not going to tolerate Israel locking Palestinians in reservations where they succumb to poverty, depravation, and disease.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

"We got folks" ... ?

Like how you are giving these gents a pass Tom...



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True story. I am a High School Soccer coach. We had a kid transfer into our school from Germany. He was a magnificent footballer; wonderful touch, great attitude. He was a rising Senior.

We had the boy for two weeks. Admin got his grades, and his classes, and tried to fit him in our classes. At first they thought he was academically ineligible; his grades were 1s and 2s in our four point system. When he found algebra class embarrassingly easy, they discovered a 1 in Physics was an "A," not a failure. They gave up on placement, gave him a High School diploma and sent him off to community college. In Germany he was going to move onto a High School class beyond Physics. Here, we got nutin.

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What is your point Tom? That our schools suck? Our education systems are run by

rainbow flag waving liberals like you. Doesn’t surprise me that administration couldn’t figure out that maybe their grading systems are different than ours.

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"Here, we got nutin."

"...gave him a High School diploma and sent him off to community college"

Sounds like sumthin' to me.

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"Leaving guns in the hands of your lunatics"

Lunatics shouldn't be walking around unsupervised. Anyone who can't be trusted at a mall with an M-4 shouldn't be walking around free; let's not expand the walls of the prison to the whole country.

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You would trust anyone who needs to take an M4 along to go shopping?

Walmart, yeah, I suppose, lots of weirdos there, gotta be ready for anything, but Piggly Wiggly?

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

Don't have to go to Germany to travel this Road to Oblivion...


Notably, the talking heads didn't phrase the mayhem as "Mostly Peaceful".

In another couple years, American citizens will need a visa to visit the Loop in Chicago.

Spoiler Alert: The convoys overwhelmed attempts to keep them out of downtown:



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Open borders + welfare state = national suicide

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