No wreckers or tank retrievers are seen because they apparently didn't bring them, planning on being road bound to remain out of the mud. The result is inability to disperse adequately for security. Part of the overall logistics failing, along with poor maintenance and inferior truck tires causing losses.

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Their their staff couldn’t even manage a program to crank and move vehicles on a schedule during peacetime…

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

Note the Russian Army is currently _learning_ in the hardest school. If they still exist as constituted after all this shakes out, for the next N years* they will have added the "plan and execute an opposed mass invasion in a proximate country" skill to their collective bag of tricks.

* 5 years? 10? 20? At some point the do-ers/know-ers will age out, and how well will the institutions retain the lessons learned? Look how the US military had to re-constitute COIN skills from scratch after all the Vietnam War knowledgeholders were long gone. What's the durability on organizational staff skills like this?

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It is the false “good news” that most decision makers want to hear, and believe when they hear it. US army reports on Afghanistan are more relevant and problematic than Iraq, tho the anti-imperialism is there in all cases.

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