From what I can see, there are two rail lines from the North, in addition to the roadway, that would deliver goods from Poland. It would also seem that there is probably a lot of barge availability to ferry things across the mouth of the estuary where the bridge is located. There are options. We do need to get some NATO hulls in the area to protect shipping, though.

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Gee, isn't there some other bridge over to the east a bit, something long and out in the open between Crimea and Russia, something which I have been surprised has not yet been the target of any eastbound kinetics?

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This one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_Bridge#/media/File:Открытие_Крымского_моста_(ЖД,_6).jpg Shame if a couple of missiles were to hit it, that would take out the two track railway bridge and the four lane road bridge. It might be difficult to rebuild it... Crimea might revert to a resort island instead of a beachhead with which to take out Southern Ukraine... If I were in Ky'iv just about now, I'd be considering it...

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