Been mad a long time; however, none of these proposed rules, laws, regulations will be of any effect as long as those who run the PRC own our CIC and his family.

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The elite capture goes far, far deeper than the bloodline of the Administration head.

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Correct, but the acceptance of “favors” from the CCP by them is the ultimate capture of the elite. The fish rots from the head down...I first heard that back in the 70s, but it has been true over the millennia.

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Bingo. Whatever portion of Bush the Elder wasn't property of the House of Saud was property of the PRC.

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Bottom line: Americans need to understand that the war started a number of years ago.

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Absolute truth! Since mid-1990s [Computer networking security]

[NETspionage by William Boni] https://pin.it/4ZP9mtb


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Let have been executing shaping actions for 30 years.

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"We are a nation of laws - laws we make - laws bound by our Constitution that protects American citizens and their liberties. Not only should we change - we can. It is a decision. All it takes is leadership."

I cannot agree to the first statement. Look around - the FBI and "domestic terrorists" aka Parents-at-a school board meeting. Alvin Bragg and Trump. Jack Smith and Trump. Weiss and Hunter. Garland and Weiss. LA and "no charge if stolen goods less than$1000". Lerner and The Tea Party. Look at the FTX debacle and KNOW that it will take YEARS for Bankman-Fried to be guilty of anything more serious than jaywalking. Epstein and the pax list and client list? Hillary and Comey and 36000 emails?

We will never recover from the "academic freedom" of having thousands of Chinese in US institutions of "higher learning". It has, and will cost more American lives. And saved China probably close to a trillion in unspent R&D.

We don't have the political backbone from either party to draw the line in the sand, and then jail FOR LIFE the CEO that steps across the line in pursuit of a dollar. Burn his house, jail his wife (she knew), and fine every single employee something like $500,000. They knew as well.

When the President of the damned United States has almost $30 million flowing into 10 accounts of his family, without declaration, without taxes, without anyone registered as a foreign agent, and a large percentage of the American populace yawns - well, we have already lost. The wokeness, the cultural shifts, the deepening divide between D and R, all show that this country better be prepared for hard hard times, because when the 3 month yield is at 5.54 and the 10 YEAR is at 4.16%, carnage is in the room next door, and most Americans won't give a rat's patoot about China/Taiwan because they can't pay their bills and feed their kids.

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We cannot recover from education already gained, but we can certainly plug the current leaks OF WE MAKE A DECISION TO DO SO. The difficulty is that too many in academia believe the glory of publishing is a greater goal than keeping our best intellectual property to ourselves. Ask yourself this - If war were formally declared tomorrow, would academia stop publishing?

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Garland is the American version of Beria.

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May he meet the same end.

For me, the one thing Mitch McConnell can hang his hat on is that he kept Garland off the Supreme Court.

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It's the only thing. He has outlasted his usefulness.

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Oh, IDK, Feinstein is basically a vegetable, but still serving, doing what she's told.

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Garland is the American version of Beria but he has less charm.

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There are no political parties: there's a political party in which some pretend they're in power, others pretend they're opposition, and anyone who colors outside the lines has the full force of the government stacked against them. Color inside the lines, reap the rewards, you're protected.

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Good points all around.

With respect to the Education front, my experience with PRC national undergraduate students at State University 8-11 years ago was decidedly mixed. Too many were more interested in being outside the Great Firewall for a few years, and were maybe working on campus. They also didn't work well with the American students; even worse than the Saudis. The reliance on international students has long been troubling. The PRC national math TA has been the bane of engineering students for a very long time, but there's also a good number of Indian and other nations.

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The best and most legal way to solve the issue of foreign nationals or US citizens for that matter using their US degrees in service to the PRC would be to tie US student loan funding to only those universities that can show high levels of graduate employment for companies that are neither owned nor operated in China for up to ten years.

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" 290,000 PRC nationals in our universities right now? Let’s move that decimal over one and make it 29,000."

Or how about we write them a strong worded letter protesting their theft of intellectual property. Maybe let Republicans take the lead, they can conduct a thorough investigation, write a tersely worded report that gets submitted to the Congressional record.

Zero. The number is zero Chinese students in US universities. Deport them all. Stop with the loser strategies.

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"All it takes is leadership." Why yes. and as you so eloquently state, more patrotism--less greed!

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So today China is the enemy. What happened to Russia? I feel like Winston Smith in 1984 never knowing if Oceania is at war with Eurasia or East Asia.

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Russia is still a threat and it is the interest of the US that Putin is defeated in Ukraine.

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Why is Putin a threat to us and why should we spend $1-2 billion per day to prop up Zelensky?

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To keep the money laundering machine going.

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To allow you to keep raving about your myths.

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Because the long term effect of giving Ukraine to Putin means we will see him trying for his next goals in Romania, Poland, Moldova, and the Baltics. If you think the price is high now, you ain't seen nothing.

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A Greater Russia, just as some desired a Greater Germany.

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How many American soldiers should die for Moldova or Estonia?

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Who is advocating US troops for Moldova? Stop Putin in Ukraine, and none of the rest need be concerned.

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How many Americans are currently dying to protect Ukraine? Zero. Why discuss Estonia and Moldova? Moldova is not even a treaty ally. As for Estonia, the surest path to a Putin invasion of Estonia is for the US to roll over and allow Putin to take Ukraine. Your fear mongering in service of Putin is noted, but irrelevant.

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Not to mention allowing Putin to take Ukraine encourages the CCP to invade Taiwan. If the Xi thinks he only has to sustain a lodgment for a short time before the US quits, he will invade.

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I think the reds will have a very hard time even gaining a beach head, much less sustaining it.

What I see coming down the pipe, and is just an educated guess on my part, that the attack submarine is the next capital ship. Having enough around Taiwan would make anything China tried untenable.

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I think you underestimate the PRC's ability to project power very close to their shores. Depending on the US's response, the timeliness of that response, and the US's ability to sustain their own operations; the PRC could successfully establish and hold a lodgment in Taiwan. The CSIS's evaluation was clear: if the US does not fight, Taiwan will fall.

The evaluation was also clear about another thing: If the US does fight, the casualties will be in the thousands within D+30. And right now, the US is not even willing to implement sanctions against CCP officials over the Uighur Genocide. It begs the question, how much WILL does the Biden Administration have to spend American lives to defend Taiwan?

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The DOD wasn't going to sell the old equipment we've given, and are going to give Ukraine, to us citizens. I should be able to buy a used Bradley for a $1 million, but it won't happen. Not even an M113.

So a lot of the "money to Ukraine"...... isn't.

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Because Russia wishes to disrupt the international order that serves the US national interests. Russia has demonstrated this through decades or malfeasance and bad faith. The money spent is destroying the Kremlin's ability to project power, threaten our NATO allies and disrupt the international order for decades to come. Blunting their ability to make trouble during the decade of concern with China is worth the price in and of itself.

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It's not Zelenskyy we are propping up. It's Ukraine as a separate nation, outside the Russian Empire. We did nothing in 2014 and Putin was emboldened As soon as oil prices went up, he stocked up for a push toward Kyiv.

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Ukraine is not vital to US interests, and pursuit of this foolhardy policy is costing US vassals in Europe more than it is costing Russia.

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To say "not vital" is to ignore the long term effects. What you would have the west do is abandon Ukraine and allow Putin to get set up to go for the rest of his long term goals.

Russia is in a slow collapse. The Ruble is already worth less than a penny, and his industries have been forced back into the 70s and 80s. You are welcome, however, to the myths that comfort you.

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Don't you love Schrödinger's Russia? Russia is a threat to Romania, Poland, Moldova and the Baltics at the same time it is in a slow collapse, its ruble is worth pennies and industries have been forced back to the 70s and 80s. At this rate, Putin will conquer Lisbon with nothing more than a pack of mules.

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You're simply chasing your tail. If you don't understand what is going on, then say so. At least you will have been honest.

Grow up and actually learn what is going on, instead of acting like a child.

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Bless your heart.

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Billy is either naive or a poorly designed GPU bot. The jury is still out.

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Judging by the devaluation of the ruble, I'd say it's costing Russia a lot.

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Because the US can't have more than one adversary at a time? Let's deal with this flawed assumption first.

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We live under the rule of law? What would happen if you didn't pay your taxes, lied on an application for a gun and were smoking crack while in the Navy? It depends on your last name.

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For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.

Oscar R. Benavides

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Don't come to Jesus in Latin or the FBI might label you as an extremist.

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Latin? Isn't that a language of dead white men?

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Maybe, but Latin makes for cool phrases like E Pluribus Unum.

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"Isn't that a language of dead white men?"

Isn't this the language of intersectional Marxism?

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Do Chinese libraries feature drag queens? Most of are wounds are self inflicted.

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I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Anyway, local library programing is not a federal issue.

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It's a cultural issue.

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Which is not a federal issue, so take it up with your local town council.

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"get mad" ? huh. get even

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To say "not vital" is to ignore the long term effects. What you would have the west do is abandon Ukraine and allow Putin to get set up to go for the rest of his long term goals.

Russia is in a slow collapse. The Ruble is already worth less than a penny, and his industries have been forced back into the 70s and 80s. You are welcome, however, to the myths that comfort you.

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EO. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/08/09/executive-order-on-addressing-united-states-investments-in-certain-national-security-technologies-and-products-in-countries-of-concern/

Section 8 (c)

"In the regulations issued under this order, the Secretary may prohibit United States persons from knowingly directing transactions if such transactions would be prohibited transactions pursuant to this order if engaged in by a United States person."

Note the use of the word "may" instead of "shall". This is why influence peddling matters in Mordor on the Potomac. It may apply to some people, and it shall apply to others.

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it took two months for the CCP to breach the security wall at the DuPont deal and gain access to the IP, which is a precursor to rocket fuel.

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Exactly. The Biden Administration has already stayed the implementation of sanctions over the Uighur Genocide and export controls on dual use technology in order to pursue Zombie detente. Why would these new actions actually get implemented?

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Could we start our reduction with say, Raytheon?

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Don't forget the "Confucius Institutes" infiltrating our campuses.

And, about those thousands of military age unaccompanied male Chinese who have illegally entered via our southern line on the map..... They are likely in place to do far more damage than a bunch of students.

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Weren't 3,000 reservists just sent to eastern Europe?

And how much money and weapons should we send to Ukraine before it's too much?

Anyway it's not like Putin has invaded or attacked Grenada Panama Haiti Libya Iraq Serbia Cuba Dominican Republic etc

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By your logic then, China should be able to invade Taiwan....

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By my logic it's not our problem. If you want to go and fight China be my guest.

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60% of the world shipping, 70% of the world's semiconductors and 90% of the world's most advanced semiconductors are "not our problem". BS. I doubt your lifestyle is so isolated that it will not be impacted by those losses. The PRC taking Taiwan puts all that at risk. Every American will feel it.

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I will cheer you when you march off to war.

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You can't answer the argument. That cheers me up plenty.

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You aren't worth answering. You're just another chicken hawk eager to squander lives and treasure.

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