What are we as a nation trying to do is the first question?

What is our policy?

If it is to conquer the world in pieces as it seems, extending “NATO” vassalage to Moscow on the way to Beijing, with New Delhi and as afterthought Pyongyang we don’t need that many ships.

We need 10,000 nukes, ABMs, a full restoration of Civil Defense, Iodine and Prussian Blue.

We also need lots more soldiers, and to rebuild the Army for peer conflict (no, it’s not). We need the Navy to get us to Europe via Atlantic. We can just March overland from there, so stop worrying.

That Sir is our policy, and apparently has been since Bosnia. Who knew?

Quite serious.

The good news is we’ll need our own industrial base back, and this part is already happening.

That we the peasants 🇺🇸 are allowed to have factories again is proof that our masters and the Kaplan class are indeed serious about world 🌎🇺🇸.

So take heart. The Republic’s dead, long live America, over every sea! Let not a rock anywhere not be democracy!

Fortified democracy!

I’m sure 1000 ships is but 15 years away.

HNY 23

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

Prepping to teach OPLAW this week and one of the required videos just mentioned Kaplan's article.... coincidence? I think not

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As a trading nation, we must have the ability to keep the SLOCs open. We no longer have that.

Pouring money into various and sundry welfare programs to ensure the reelection of politicians is how we get to places like this. Keeping power in power, at the cost of the nation, is well worth it, to those in both parties that benefit from it.

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Sea power is soon to be obsolete. Space power should be our goal. Thanks to SpaceX, we have a tremendous advantage in cost per pound putting assets into orbit. We should be pushing our weapons platforms into space while we have this ability. Orbital dominance should be our goal. It's the future and denying that fact will have us under Chinese control. Nothing says hello like some tungsten rods dropping down from the sky, where ever and whenever it is needed. Sea power is going away. We need to face that fact and get ahead of the game.

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