Among other things, we need to read the old Soviet stuff on how they intended to avoid or mitigate our SOSUS lines and P-3s. The South China Sea is no longer our exclusive turf...




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How do we know we still have an undersea advantage? I fear the Navy exhausted Rickover's fumes long ago.

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We need to play Moneyball and work what advantages we have to the utmost.

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For Paul. Bryan Clark's Twitter page. https://twitter.com/clarkdefense

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I still say SSNX will use Columbia's propulsion plant and be between 434 and 476 (476.8 actually) feet and between 14560 and 17345 metric tons submerged.

Now guessing we will see a front end that has at least 1 87" tube based on this discussion. Probably 8 26" tubes again like Seawolf. Time to grow. Build 2 a year once we are done with Columbia. 40 year service life and eventually the fleet will grow.

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I am afraid our and everyone's surface ships are just targets in this age of Drones and Hypersonic missiles. I hope to be wrong. There will be a way found to negate the drone. But until then?

That means the most viable, Survivable, and deadly will be the submarine.

It seems we are in a new age of modern warfare.

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