It seems easy to diagnose as I head back to my 50th at Navy tomorrow. The world has radically changed but we continue to use the same Power Point logic of the 1990s. Our senior officers are trained early not to stray too far from the herd. This leads to one disaster after another and mountains of "lessons learned" but never corrected.
It seems easy to diagnose as I head back to my 50th at Navy tomorrow. The world has radically changed but we continue to use the same Power Point logic of the 1990s. Our senior officers are trained early not to stray too far from the herd. This leads to one disaster after another and mountains of "lessons learned" but never corrected.
It seems easy to diagnose as I head back to my 50th at Navy tomorrow. The world has radically changed but we continue to use the same Power Point logic of the 1990s. Our senior officers are trained early not to stray too far from the herd. This leads to one disaster after another and mountains of "lessons learned" but never corrected.
"lessons unlearned". Seems to be some consistency there.