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The FFG-7 program called for an undermanned complement out of the gates. While it slowly crept up over time (…), it ultimately required a significant amount of support from IMAs to keep them as available even with a bolstered roster. I was fortunate to get a SIMA Mayport reservist billet in the early 90's and the "…
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The FFG-7 program called for an undermanned complement out of the gates. While it slowly crept up over time (, it ultimately required a significant amount of support from IMAs to keep them as available even with a bolstered roster. I was fortunate to get a SIMA Mayport reservist billet in the early 90's and the "peace dividend". I had been penciled out of my CVN-72 billet in '93 and, as memory recalls, they gave you 3 months to fit into a new billet or they IRRd you. Anyway, Mayport had OHPs and there was always something to go help fix on them.
Did you ever make it to CVN-72? I was there in the early 90s
Never been aboard her. The Reserve Detachment was at NAS Point Mugu. On active duty I was on the Vinson, CVN-70. '87-91.
Got it. Engineering Lincoln, 90-93. Left about a week before the debacle in Somalia.