A similar thing happened immediately prior to WW2. At least one Brit soldier his service-specific knowledge of carrier aviation ops to the Japanese.

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I'm sure that the Wehrmacht regrets letting Winkle Brown attend the Schule Schloss Salem!

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His relationship with Udet was quite personable until 1939.

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The part where you get arrested if you play along with the PLA helps too. Though that should be reserved for people who understand what is going on and just want the money anyhow.

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There would be an opening for insertion of double agents here. Either real, or by destroying the credibility of any Western pilot that takes CCP gold.

Let one or two guys get picked up by the CCP intel folks and the pool of potential hires will get shallow

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Not quite the AVG is it? Find and prosecute.

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LOL, the Garland DOJ can't even manage to charge Rob Malley, Iranian agent / trusted WH advisor, who had US classified docs on Iranian Nukes on his cell phone.

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They could. They just don’t want to. Sort of like allowing Hillary and her staff to destroy their cell phones.

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It is not only aviation or even direct military related fields. Look at any major High Tech industry and you will find Chinese among senior engineering staff. American Executive sell out America for a few % points increase in profit.

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Prosecute and execute.

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Bring back the Guillotine! Line 'em up and make them watch the other's heads roll.

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short stakes

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There might still be a few Zulu who know how to properly impale someone.

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To encourage the others...

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Make it public on sundays

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Sell tickets and broadcast on pay per view. You'd be able to pay off the national debt.

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Jun 11Liked by CDR Salamander

This silliness has gone on for too long. I was Ops (O) of the USS Enterprise in 94-95. We were ordered by Airlant to let a group of senior Chinese Officers tour our CIC and video tape anything they wanted. I not only did not have any information up, but they did not see places like our ASW module. Granted, the Big E was not the latest and greatest but I sure wasn't going to go out of my way to share any useful information a bunch of Commmunists on what I told Airlant Carrier Ops was a bad idea.

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I think you have to have a lobotomy to be O-5 promotable.

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The "peace dividend" growing at a rate faster than our national debt.

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When I was the Big E ASWO and TAO in the 2000’s, they flew a large group of PRC / PLA aboard during JTFEX. They were given Carte Blanche including CIC. I ordered my ASW Module and the EW module to not answer the knock on the door until I gave the all clear. I also ordered the CIC to secure the ACDS displays. They didn’t get much. I also shifted the SATCOM guard before they came in the module. Didn’t give a single shit if I made their FAO handler angry.

I didn’t get any push back. But CDC O gave me a pat on the shoulder after they left. Funny how they pattern flight deck operations on their carriers like we do. All the way down to the flight deck jersey colors.

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God bless you sir. You did all the right things. I pretty much did the same. They got a walk though the bare CIC with screens down, no info on the boards, and no modules. I was totally against the tour and was ignored. I was Ops O for 21 out of 24 months of my tour, but did 3 months as CIC officer to bring her out of the yards and get our quals. Tour was when I was Ops but I was their escort by order of Airlant. Gritted my teeth the whole time.

I loved my TAO's. I was one of the few post-command Ops (O)'s required to go to SWOS and qualify as a TAO and ASW watch officer. Hardest tour of my career, but also one of the most rewarding.

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Thank you Skipper. . I did what you did just 10 or so years later lol. So yes it has been an on going thing and we were just Big E! Can you imagine the access they have had to our CIC, Air Ops, likely even the reactor spaces? Or other Carriers and big decks?

When they announced they were going to be “giving tours” through the ship, my CDC O told me “you’re gonna be on watch when they come through, I can’t stop it. You know what to do”. I knew he would back me up when I showed them nothing. We sanitized CDC just before they appeared and I passed the guard to our shotgun. I was ready for a bullshit brief and was only gonna give the typical life of an OS3 watchstander brief. They were less than interested and were feverishly writing notes. Likely recreated our CDC when they got home. The FAO was smirking like a lapdog. His stink eye at me was interesting. Fuck that guy.

I would have loved working for you.

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I feel and know your pain leaving shipyards and trying to breathe life again into the CDC with new crew and only one or two guys who were qualified and on operational hold just to get our missile shoot quals.

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Why are they on our ships?? This is madness. Who authorized this?? How can we be that stupid??

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“Most favored nation” trade status. During OPSO tour it was Clinton. During my tour, it was Bush.

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Who in our military would allow this?? This is treason

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thank you for being the adult in the room

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Huh. All true. I personally sicced intel onto a Chinese female who was bedding my Chief of IT. She went away. The days of the Flying Tigers are long gone.

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Maybe she liked him.

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Maybe she did. Not pertinent to the issue.

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And your Chief of IT?

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He got over it.

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I wanted to ask if he walked away with a wet wiener, and a smile, I guess he did...

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Well, he WAS smiling.

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Didn’t an Ottoman Sultan hire a Hungarian engineer to build the cannon that destroyed the walls of Constantinople?

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The FBI will look into the matter as soon as they have tracked down the last J 6 trespasser.

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Garland has to keep his priorities strait!

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Pete, the FBI still hasn't told us what type of explosives were used to breach the capiitol building's outer security doors on the afternoon of January 6th allowing hundreds of heavily armed J-6 insurrectionists to take control of the building.

Another mystery is how the Capitol Police managed to evacuate the building in the face of these armed J-6 insurrectionists without a single Congressman or Senator being injured.

Why hasn't 60 Minutes done a story on how all these Senators and Congressmen were rescued from what VP Kamala Harris has characterized as the most devastating attack on America since Pearl Harbor?

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I have yet to see anyone from Burn, Loot and Murder indicted for anything,

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A western company that builds a factory in China is no better than any pilot who sellers his services to China.

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I have to agree.

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This isn’t surprising. Our government is still sending tens of millions of dollars to Al Qaeda every week. We’re paying for our enemies to train and kill us along multiple fronts.

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Y'all need to think like underground warriors. Drones dropping firebombs on their houses. Doxxing them to the Nth degree. Hacking their email (fairly easy to do) and downloading kiddie porn to their IP address, a couple of "I'm a traitor for cash" signs in their front yards, and every time their vehicle leaves the house it has 3 flats and two buster windows. Sorry, but I hold no emotional connect to traitors a$$holes like this. Just leave the rest of the family alone.

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Put them all on blast. Fucktwits. Going forward we need to inculcate in our current aviators including all officers and enlisted from all warfare communities that you invested a shit load of years and tears during your military career, don’t give it away and if you do, there will be consequences.

Literally the AVG (Flying Tigers) in reverse.

Imagine if my cohort decided to sell our knowledge and experience in Surface Warfare or Anti-Submarine Warfare or Carrier Strike Group Operations?

We wouldn’t and anyone that sells their United States military expertise needs to be held accountable.

This is the MIC only working for China.

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Root cause: we no longer have a unifying national identity

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Very very true. No loyalty.

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Bring back a DRAFT for National Service.

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I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but after what happened at Tiananmen Square in 1989, we should have realized that we just could not do business with China.

But G. W. H. Bush had been the ambassador to China...

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Then there was Johnny Chung who compared the Clinton White House to a Metro turnstile. You put your coins in and the gates open.

And let's not forget Slick Willy's bff Charlie Trie.

My favorite were the Buddhist monks and nuns who had taken vows of poverty but still managed to make large campaign contributions to Al Gore. Maybe that's how they became impoverished.

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What kind of person would take a job like that, where you betray your comrades, your service, and your nation?

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