Location, Location, and Location...

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Of little note in the media at the time but very important to navalists was this announcement from last fall. Japan's commitment to technical support of Indonesia's shipbuilding modernization efforts. https://www.jica.go.jp/indonesia/english/office/others/press221003.html

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May 24, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

This is common sense, Commander. What's your over/under State f*cks it up by 2030?

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I recall on a trip to Singapore in '98 having hotel trouble due to the number of people trying to get away from some unpleasantness in Indonesia at the time. I agree with Mr. Richburg in that they have exceeded my expectations.

With respect to "Help Indonesians build on their democratic institutions starting with the rule of law," I think this is a case of "Do as we say, and not as we do."

If this US intends to lead by example in this regard, we have to completely clean several federal institutions and initiate some concrete measures to restore the Old Republic. Right now the Empire is winning.

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Agree: “Richburg is exactly right here. There is cause for celebration … and also an opportunity.”

Pacific Disaster Center (@PDC-Global) has been doing humanitarian assistance there since 1996.


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Focal point of six-nation sustainable development goals is Bali, Indonesia.


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Interesting organization. I read a novel recently that relates, Odds Against Tomorrow (https://www.amazon.com/Odds-Against-Tomorrow-Nathaniel-Rich/dp/1250043646/)

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“... a philosophically searching inquiry into the nature of fear, Nathaniel Rich's |Odds Against Tomorrow| poses the ultimate questions of imagination and civilization. The future is not quite what it used to be.”

Many science-fiction authors adapt / inspire / influence Futures Studies:


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Ongoing Twitter threads influenced my adopting CTI-CFF based in Bali, Indonesia.


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We DO need to clean our own house...NOW. I fear we may not be able to do so peaceably; but that doesn't obviate the necessity of doing so.

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We must do this, before trying to help other nations. As it stands right now, no sane country would want to follow where the evil Democrats, and the spineless Republicans are taking us.

If the Left continues to have it's way, there will be Mirror East, and Mirror West, on either side of the Pacific.

The Clintons, Obama, and Biden showed that they were for sale, the Bush Administration did nothing to stop it, and the Uniparty refused President Trump's efforts.

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Since 2006, I’ve adapted crowd-sourcing to curate, expand & reorganize this outline:

These PDL-UNODIR efforts were inspired by RADM Grace Hopper, USNR (Ret)


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Expanded “Futurist Profile” for amazing Grace Hopper:


“Jay Elliot described Grace Hopper as appearing to be " 'all Navy',

but when you reach inside, you find a 'Pirate' dying to be released.”

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I recall hearing her talk at Camp Severn back in the day. She was a very intelligent person and a great speaker too. My family had been involved in computing back to the 50's so I had heard of her, but it was very interesting to get to hear her talk.

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fond nick name for the alma mater:)

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Aha! Just like 1939 Cimarron-class fast fleet oilers were all named for indigenous river names:


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Need to grow the house and get the status of most the major territories and DC resolved.

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How about figuring out what is and what isn't a reservation in Oklahoma?

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Rule of law?

The 1988 NATO definition reads: Command and control is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated [individual] over assigned [resources] in the accomplishment of a [common goal].

Neville Stanton; Christopher Baber; Don Harris (1 January 2008).

Modeling Command and Control: Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

"What should the USA and the other Quad nations do over the next dozen or so years?"

Not a goddamned thing. Let them figure it out. No need to send a Samantha Power with an USAid horde to waste US taxpayer dollars and in the end create enmity.

The urge to meddle in other peoples affairs, when our house is such a mess, must be eradicated.

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Well, if we don't spend millions of dollars to elevate acceptance of LGBT, etc people in a Muslim culture, who will? Our DOS has their very BEST people working on this stuff, so we should not question their actions! [sarc]

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John, no need for sarc tag here.

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Don't forget the historical enmity between Australia and Indonesia. All politics is local.

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History is sticky...but other nations have progressed over time as interests and mutual respect allowed.

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May 24, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

I agree, and hope that this historical enmity can be overcome. I just reflect on my time in Australia when a key, recurring message that I heard was deep concern about an overpopulated Indonesia looking south at the wide-open spaces in Australia. The US is not the only nation with migration/illegal immigration concerns. . . Then again, having a larger, mutual threat has always worked wonders in helping nations overcome adverse history. . .

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Richburg mentions East Timor. For clarity, East Timor was a Portuguese colony for 200 years until Portugal walked away from it in 1975. Indonesia rushed troops in and occupied it against the will of the populace. The UN intervened around 1991 and all parties agreed to a referendum in 1999. East Timor gained their "Not Part of Indonesia & Never Really Was" status as an independent nation in 1999. The point is that East Timor was no more a part of Indonesia than Brunei, Sarawak, Sabah or Papua-New Guinea ever was.

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Insightful. The read of the Quad is exactly correct, and what it is trying to do, and opening its arms to others who may benefit is exactly right. Targeting Indonesia and committing over time is the right approach. Sadly, partnering with nations tend to come and go as fads, more so in the absence of a meaningful strategy.

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Claude Berube (@cgberube) shared update about Quad reinforcements:


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Time to trade with Malaysia. A one for one swap for their old F-18 and Su-30 for new F-18E/F.

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But bur what will the Non-Aligned Movement think? (Wrings hands)

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Is not Indonesia the major regional threat pacing Australian defense? Or is that another -sia?

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