I like this. There are some pretty good SciFi alternate history books out there which explore this theme. James Phillip's New England series is one of my favorites.

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Yeah, if London hadn't been so cheap towards colonial forces, we'd be learning how Lord Potomac (George Washington) put down the New England Rebellion.

I suspect we would have eventually expelled France. Spain also, as taking everything south to the beginning of South America would have made land defense easier.

And everybody watch Habitual Linecrosser's July 4th video!

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Perfidious Albion...we are well shut of them. It's a shame we fell back into fighting their wars for them in the 20th century. They never have our best interests in mind.

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Nonetheless, while we like our English cousins?

We are a far more egalitarian and far less class conscious society, all other speculative alternative universes of faithful colonialism aside. As a working class Jew of modest means, I am thankful we kicked them to the kerb. There are far less barriers in this country for non-WASP to suceed than in the Commonwealth.

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I can think of two things that would be different - the last war between Britain and France would have happened later (no Napoleon), and slavery in the South would have ended a few decades earlier, though perhaps not any cleaner.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023


“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Sam Adams

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So glad we now have taxation with representation. I just feel so represented by AOC and others like her.

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And then there's Hawaii's flag. https://usflags.design/hawaii/

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If King George had just listened, they'd have had 12 seats in the house of Lords and more than that in the Commons.

We didn't really want to leave, and even when we did, we backed up England when they needed help against the French. We helped out in WWI and WWII.

I think Texas would have still had a revolution, but we'd probably have joined the UK.

I keep reminding people that the Texas war of independence was Mexican citizens rebelling against the Mexican Emperor for not paying attention to us. I have a feeling that if America isn't careful, Texas will leave and go our own way. in many ways, we don't need DC.

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Lord North really should've considered that 1775 Olive Branch Petition.

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Bill Whittle and Team use Sal's article to start off their talk.


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