Apr 13, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

That's a MOST amusing screen grab 9I remember when it aired).

Thanks, Sal!

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Let no good deed go unpunished or rationalization for more government largesse go ignored…we are actually going into a “Grand Solar Minimum “ and the mother Weffer’s want everyone to starve and freeze to death, oh joy. The verbiage is now easy to spot a mile away, just look for; equitable, sustainable and mindless environmental drivel.

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Why the angst? These people have all found a niche that puts food on the table and gets their names into the public domain as experts in their field.

"Dr. Titley serves on numerous advisory boards and National Academies of Science committees, including the CNA Military Advisory Board, the Board of Directors for the Council on Strategic Risks, the Science and the National Academy of Science Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate. He currently chairs the National Academies Climate Communcations Initiative committee."

Makes ya' wonder how many of them are like some late Medieval priests who were agnostic but became priests because the living was easy.

(He was formerly agnostic about climate change, but later changed his mind after looking at the evidence of what factors influence climate–which are, according to Titley......)

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"Makes ya' wonder how many of them are like some late Medieval priests who were agnostic but became priests because the living was easy."


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Once read an article where the author claimed he was told by an environmentalist that the reason they pushed "climate change (global warming at the time)" was that it got a response. Running out of cheap, easy to get to energy and minerals, overpopulation, etc., didn't get much of a response from the public. But the idea we could change the weather, people said do something about that. So the environmental groups started pushing that.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

"Let's look out the window here in April 2023: we're good."

I expected the climate would be as fine as it ever is (YMMV depending on preference), but as of about a month ago even fertilizer isn't looking as bad as last year*, when I was pretty worried about it:


*Still not great, considering the margins farmers usually operate on. Anhydrous is still pretty high, but I was more worried about K, considering that most of it comes frum Russia, Belarus, and Fidelito's People's Republic of Canada. K is still 50% above 2021 prices but well below the peak set around the invasion of Ukraine.

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Thank you VERY much. I'll update the post as most don't read comments.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

I find that most of the comments here are the icing on the cake...informative, incisive, pithy, heart-felt and even entertaining.

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For those rare comment readers and historians, Montemayor has his review of the Eastern Solomons up on his YouTube site. He has two videos - the battle from the American perspective and the other from the Japanese. Philip Cobb gets his second Navy Cross from this battle to match his first from Midway.

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

If anybody is interested, there is a six part series on the War in the Pacific by Dan Carlin on Hardcore History. It is long, detailed and entertaining. https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-62-supernova-in-the-east-i/

The link leads to the first episode. So much of what we are seeing today, we have seen in the past. It is chilling that so many people don’t recognize it.

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ONA and Andy Marshall were inseparable. When he left / retired / was forced / aged out (was pushing 90 IIRC) they became borderline irrelevant and primarily a vehicle for the transfer of money to contractors. The climate change industry has a number of layers: true believers, who are convinced that it is all mankind's fault with a close to the surface subtext of reducing human presence on earth. Sincere, but mostly fall in the category of "useful idiots" (Stalin or Lenin?). The technocratic layer is populated by "experts" who by and large know better, but see advantage in extolling the virtues of fighting climate change (grant money, peer presteige, social credit score, and sadly, military promotion). The top layer is comprised of high level multinational businesses and state actors who use the bottom two to support whatever goals they have. Used to consider the TV show "The Blacklist" a hoot because it was so absurd (Spader is fantastic). Now I find myself wondering if it's a lot closer to reality that I ever knew. OBTW, colder weather kill way more people than warm weather by several orders of magnitude. Europe can be thankful for the warmest winter in memory keeping the ongoing conflict from having an even bigger impact than it did.

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I disagree with your comment about ONA being "borderline irrelevant". What information do you have that validates your comment "primarily a vehicle for the transfer of money to contractors"? ONA does not produce reports that get briefed to media or the Services or to contractors. ONA does not try to compete for influence with CSIS, CSBA, Heritage, CMSI, the FFRDCs, the UARCs, Hudson, Jamestown, the Mitchell Institute, and the media talking heads.

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In 2018, according to the Director of the ONA, that office hadn’t produced a net assessment since 2007, This IG report from 2022 detailed the lack of contracting accountability: https://www.dodig.mil/Reports/Audits-and-Evaluations/Article/2913927/audit-of-the-office-of-net-assessments-contract-administration-procedures-dodig/

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"Rich areas like the US and Europe would become ‘virtual fortresses’ to prevent millions of migrants from entering after being forced from land drowned by sea-level rise or no longer able to grow crops. Waves of boatpeople pose significant problems."

Damn!. We were warned 19 years ago and no one built those fortresses. Maybe our new Republican Congress will launch an investigation so that people responsible can be held accountable.

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Exactly right. I would go so far as to opine that "Wokeness" itself is a cult---and it often goes in hand with the climate craziness you so excellently describe. Recent events bring to mind the Salem witch trials---which, like much of wokeness were driven by adolescent females.

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Captain Mongo,

The beauty of it all is that you don’t have to think to be a believer. No pressure, just be a gelatinous blob and go with the flow.

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Let us not forget that DOD is suppressing religion throwing Catholic priests out of Walter Reed. Anyone I know that considers a military career I do my best to talk them out of it.

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Sigh. Lets see:

1. When I was much younger in the 1970's, the threar du jour was the inevitable global cooling.

2. In the 1980's it was acid rain. And a new ice age.

3. In the 1990's it was holes in the ozobe layer.

4. In the early 2000's it was global warming followed by the ice caps melting followed by global flooding followed by famines.

5. In the 2010's it was climate change. Which was whatever the alarmists wanted it to be.

6. Now, of course, it is still climate change.

What all the above has in common is that nobe of the dire prophecies of doom came to pass. Not one. You would think 50 years of failed predictions would induce humility, but I think this is not so because climate hysteria is useful to the American nomenklatura. Living as I do in the Middle East I assure you global cooling, if it ever happened, would be a godsend.

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Acid rain was taken care of by the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Of course, there's a side effect. With less acidic water, nutrients don't bind to soil as well. So algae blooms are more common and larger.

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It's a living.

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Is one supposed to laugh and/or groan out loud while reading this? I really enjoyed it.

You ought to revisit the old writings on Sea Strike and the new ships of the 21st century Navy (DDX, LCS, etc) from twenty years ago.

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Climate change is not new, but it is also not a good idea to fail to stop contributing to it. The real risk is the problems can be used as excuses for power grabs and wasteful non-solutions. Denial, however, is neither wise nor effective. We need to increase research and we better vastly increase mitigation measures. The sea ice isn't coming back, so the reflectivity of the planet will be below norms of the "near" past - meaning warming will continue. More energy in the atmosphere will give us more storms. Rising sea levels will matter in coastal and island communities. And desertification appears almost certain to spread. Good where I live - Alaska can feed the nation with our long sunlight hours producing super crops. But not good for lower latitudes. Don't pretend we can ignore the trends - natural or human. It is foolish to try.

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Rising sea levels or subsidence? Has Plymouth Rock disappeared yet?

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

"Denial, however, is neither wise nor effective."

Did you learn this in Climate Change catechism class?

"The sea ice isn't coming back"

Do tell.

Care to cite the definitive proof of this?

Something other than an article from The Guardian please.

"And desertification appears almost certain to spread"

Again. A definitive cite would be welcomed.

While we are waiting, I will offer this:


Arctic Sea Ice Extent Second Highest in 18 Years at the end of 2021, Now Close to 13 million square kilometers, while the Hudson Bay Finally Froze in the Last 2 weeks

As for you latter unsupportable absolutism about Desertification. Never say Never:


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Saying: "The sea ice isn't coming back,.." is denial of the fact we live in a glacial period and even worse, denial of the probability of the next glaciation.

Do you actually believe that humans are stopping the planetary orbits?

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Actually, no. I don't think humans have anything to do with planetary orbits, unless you count using them in calculations of where something we launch may go? I once worked at the Boeing Spaceflight Center on a space vehicle, and I have a tiny clue what I am talking about. What I deny is that we live in a "glacial period." In face, I live in the only place in the USA that has numbers of glaciers. Global warming was first confirmed here - by glacial loss. Glaciers used to recede feet per year. Now it is miles. To call this a "glacial period" is so out of sync with reality as to warrant a mental examination for sanity.

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More mis-focused short sighted BS: "What I deny is that we live in a "glacial period.""

"16.1 Glacial Periods in Earth’s History

We are currently in the middle of a glacial period (although it’s less intense now than it was 20,000 years ago) but this is not the only period of glaciation in Earth’s history; there have been many in the distant past, as illustrated in Figure 16.2. In general, however, Earth has been warm enough to be ice-free for much more of the time than it has been cold enough to be glaciated...." https://opentextbc.ca/geology/chapter/16-1-glacial-periods-in-earths-history/

Geological versus a human's lifetime only shows the short sighted mis-focused crazy ignorance of the true believers in Catastrophic Climate Change. The few small glaciers Mr Trevethan considers important actually stopped growing just a few hundred years ago at the end of the Little Ice Age.

You clearly are in denial of history of actual glaciations. The last major period ended ~20,000 years ago and probably covered your home or at the very least your inconsequential glaciers with many meters of ice. The next glaciation is near in geological time frames.

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“...uniformed 2-stars...” hell, how about uniformed 4-stars (think Locklear) who was in FULL BarryO ass-kiss mode when he said global warming and rising sea levels were the biggest threat to the Pacific Fleet.

Man, ol’ Sam, what a soothsayer! And don’t you KNOW the ChiComs got a good laugh out of that...and then thanked their lucky stars that an idiot like that is a senior US admiral.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

I had someone from DC come and spout that shite at a meeting. I do not play in climate silliness. I ask them to start putting up the math, and show me the feedback loops between the biology, the heat balance, the clouds, the oceanographic mixing, fresh water lenses, stratification, heat transport of the Western Boundary Currents (Kuroshio, Gulf Stream, EACdude), etc. Most of these policy flim flam artists have no idea how to mathify. Someone needs to tell them to sit down and hush up. They are stealing from the American people, redistributing money and laundering money. Eco-terror (as in fomenting terror by promising Mother Gaia's demise) is an industry.

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Noticed your bio, such as it is, LT B. Says "Retired Navy". That's good. I suspect active duty now has more minefields than when I retired 32 years ago. Used to be you worked real hard and got results, you could trust the system to move you up a rung if your CREO group or designator was in need of new blood. You didn't have to play at silliness; I could say or do something stupid and not be made to go DIW careerwise. Different world now and how sad. All those good people...one misstep away from the Cancel Flyswatter.

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For sure, no longer an LT. Those days are long gone. When I have doubts, my knees and ankles let me know. My mouth still spouts off though. I have always thought a good part of my job, (and charm) was to offer the truth. I like that nobody questions my integrity or if I mean what I say. I thought that clear, concise, and direct communication were important amongst warfighters. However, amongst staff officers? Hmmm, not so much.

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Heh! Being a 38-39 year old LTjg su_ked. Being a 40-43 year old LT? Hmmm, not so much. As a LTjg I often wore just the SWO pin and Good Conduct ribbon with 3 stars as a statement that "No, I never grounded my ship or purloined money from the Mess fund to pull liberty in Olongapo City. Those are LIES, LIES, LIES!"

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Some DKs did that in Thailand. lol

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I have heard that the gravitation pull to the weak-minded is heavy in those faraway exotic adult Disneyland's. Me? I just painted orphanages or went to a Christian Science reading room and drank red Kool-Aid and ate ginger snaps.

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George Carlin on "Save the Planet"


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