Peter Ko is, apparently, the hero. I see a lot of instances where charges are brought decades after the alleged crime. Do we need to re-visit our statue of limitations?

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Over the last 3 years, especially, we have seen there is no justice system, just lawfare, or prosecutors ignoring serious crimes.

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I don't shed a tear for anyone who sold out their country, the navy, their family, and their own souls for their own short-term gain in this whole debaucle.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Don’t cry for them Argentina. Lots of solid evidence against those four clowns. I read each and every affidavit and arrest warrant concerning these guys too (I subscribed to PACER solely to read the details). You know who to feel sorry for? The ones who, looking at the overwhelming evidence against them, plead guilty and did hard time. These four d-brains walked only because they decided to roll the dice and go to trial. You could also shed a tear for the sailors who had one of these dirtbags preside over their mast case and then the sailors summarily had their lives turned upside down by corrupt senior officers doing worse things on liberty with Leonard than the mast cases that were before them.

The saddest thing is the US Marshall’s service ended up looking like jerks for letting Leonard escape to Venezuela and the Justice Department prosecutors looked like jerks for taking a slam dunk felony case and turning it into a misdemeanor and a $100 fine. There is your ineptitude and the whole San Diego office that worked on this case should be taken to task for their utter failure.

A lot of careers of people on the periphery of this scandal were ruined over this and the four who had their hands in the cookie jar the deepest just walk. That’s BS.

Pardon me if I don’t fret over these d-bags legal bills. Having to pay some money and going through some inconvenience is much better than ending up in federal prison where they belonged.

Also, don’t forget all this unfolded during COVID and Leonard’s bouts with renal cancer. Talk about impediments to a speedy trial. If Leonard was anything, he was a showman who worked a room and always took photos. The fact he had these four inSingapore on the helo pad of a swanky hotel drinking Leonard provided crystal champagne and smoking Leonard provided cubano’s after feasting on a much more than $25 meal speaks volumes of the character of these four. Leonard stated he had placed video cameras in his hanky panky rooms over the years to collect kompramat. The government had over 4 terabytes of data from Leonard’s servers. The prosecutors blew it and the dirtbags won. Yeah, just yeah.

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Pretty sure one of them were mentioned in the USNA alumni magazine Shipmate and kicked out of the alumni association . Unsure how they could kick out a lifetime member but I seem to recall it

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No one agrees with me, but I have always contended that misconduct, if it can be proven, should result in charges and sentencing for those who did it, BUT NOT vacate the charges in the case they did it for. That is, if you have proven a crime, sentence those who are guilty for that crime.

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The what (perversion, corruption of the justice system) is out in the open before us. The WHY it happens remains a mystery. Why did these four get off? Is this a case of George Carlin's "big club, and you ain't in it" protecting their own? The world wonders if that is rain or bodily fluids falling its back...

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Answer: they’re getting promoted.

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Why are you only focusing on these 4 "clowns?" How about the several "senior" officers who skated because they were flag rank??? That kind of charge just kinda disappears??? No??? Called command climate??? Who generates it?

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Welcome to America 2023. Maybe it was always that way but it seems that law and justice really took a nose dive the moment Trump rode down the escalator in 2015. It seems that America has become a banana republic.

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Well, this was some interesting reading.


Corrupt military personnel, corrupt public servants. It appears we too are well on our way to the russification of our society.

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More incompetence by TPTB

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"Errors were made?" Oh my goodness!

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Time to prosecute the prosecutors, disbar, fine, and maybe imprison them. Prosecutors will continue to abuse the courts until they have skin in the game.

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Now do Jan 6.

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Aren't we seeing this play out in the quest to convict DJT of something/anything?

Our Justice System is totally corrupt; as in, Just Us!

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