13 hrs agoLiked by CDR Salamander

“self-appointed ‘word police’ Zampolits.” Love it!

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Zampolits—that's the word I was looking for. Thanks for the lesson.

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13 hrs agoLiked by CDR Salamander

It is both fitting and ironic that so much of this nonsense is coming out of the UK.

Fitting because Orwell was from the UK and much of 1984 describes how the party altered the language in order to control the people.

Ironic because the less capable the Royal Navy is the more absurd it becomes.

This is who leftists are ever since the French Revolution when Robespierre and his gang changes the names of the months because of their obsession with the number ten.

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"...at the end it is about control. If you control language, you control thought."

1984 and Newspeak.

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Now, now. The metric system rocks.

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Unless you are a satellite heading to Mars, then the planet becomes a big rock. Just ask the Mars Climate Orbiter team.

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I kind of liked shillings farthings florins and crowns.

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Metric system, soy, fluoridation, DEI, Jacobinism...same-same na Mongo.

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"Ironic because the less capable the Royal Navy is the more absurd it becomes."

Or the more absurd( wokeness, etc.), the less capable? Chicken or egg type thing, I guess...

Is the UK emulating the US, or the US emulating the UK?

Forest's mom always said... Stupid is as stupid does.

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What is so sad is that the RN produced men like Fisher Beatty Jellicoe Keyes Mountbatten Cunningham etc. What happened?

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13 hrs agoLiked by CDR Salamander


My brother and I refer to this when one piece of jargon replaces another.

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Darn! And I was expecting a link to the jive translation in Airplane.

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Not to mention the simulatneous expansion and reduction of navies to "sea stewards" instead of just, I dunno, people who fight battles on the ocean.

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Good catch. "Steward" being, especially in the British context, lower class servants ...

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Oh I didn't even think of that aspect. What a kick in the head

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"Sea Steward" dovetails nicely with ridding the oceans of plastics. Don't beat yourself up, G.K.

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Witnesseth, the renaming of every Army base, who storied histories we've grown up on, to the woke and bland variants.

No matter what they say Fort Benning will always be the home of the Infantry in my heart.

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I feel the same way about my ball cap from the USS Chancellorsville.

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They really, really don't want to be reminded of their ultimate defeat in ACW.

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It’s deeper than that. Leftist worship the almighty State with the UN being its ultimate personification. They hate anything that stands between the individual and their god like the family, church, local or national government, etc. The leftists really believe in rendering everything unto Caesar.

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The thing is, the renaming of the Army bases was about power and not the surname. Of the nine renamed bases it took me about three minutes to find Army awardees with the same surname but without the Confederate ties. An intern of any senator or representative could have done the same thing and accomplished the notional goal of de-extremizing the facilities without changing the actual name. But changing the name allowed both parties to genuflect to "The Message."










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12 hrs agoLiked by CDR Salamander

I really enjoyed working with the apparatchiks/political officers on my last couple of ships attempting to put the kibosh on terms such as "manning," "manpower," etc. because they encouraged a sexist mindset. I made sure to use those terms to the maximum extent practicable when engaging with those clowns.

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I am surprised USNA hasn’t banned the words plebe and midshipman

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If someone there reads this, they may try!

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Laughable if it wasn't so corrosive and corrupting...

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By their own definition of "Ocean Literacy" it doesn't actually apply to why the navy uses "Seablindness." As for inclusiveness, WTF cares? It reminds me of people getting their panties in a wad over "Red China" being used to designate the communists on the mainland from the Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

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I worked briefly, many years ago, with a Colonel in the Chinese Marines. He would make a gentle point to correct people that he represented the Republic of China, not Taiwan.

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I am still perplexed about Red states and Blue states here. Actually I am more pissed than perplexed.

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dunno if I'm really dumber for having read this; but then, I'm probably just too blind to sea.

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I sea what you did there.

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A typo can happen to anyone, Campbell. Me? I crank up the oxygen to my mask when I read dumb stuff. I can't count the number of brain cells I have savde.

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Guff-awe!! ;)

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The term “grandfathered in” is a prime example of it dates back to the Doomsday book in 1066. If it was that when your Grandfather was alive you got to keep it that way. Zampolits declared it racist because it was supposedly used to exempt some people from poll taxes.

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Anything or anyone they don’t like is immediately called racist.

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"Grandfathered", to more modern insensibilities, could be seen as denigrating "bastards" and children with absentee fathers (and therefore, as it must necessarily follow, grandfathers). A bird in the hand is worth two in flight...leave no stone unterned. Or something.

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"a bird in the hand is worth two in flight"


Well done:)

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

The Marxist penchant for appending "literacy" to fields of knowledge fits with the idea that people only need to know what they are told to know, according to the needs of the state. "Seablindness" rightly implies a performance-impairing lack of knowledge, and the state cannot tolerate that. On the other hand, "ocean literacy" has a nice, cheery ring to it. Besides, learning that the ocean is wet and salty is something everyone can do, whereas learning about tides, weather and celestial navigation is hard.

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Climate Readiness is Mission Readiness

“Climate change is one of the most destabilizing forces of our time, exacerbating other national security concerns and posing serious readiness challenges. Our naval forces, the United States Navy and Marine Corps, are in the crosshairs of the climate crisis: the threat increases instability and demands on our forces while simultaneously impacting our capacity to respond to those demands… For the DON, bold climate action is a mission imperative. In this decisive decade, we have no other alternative.”

Secretary Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy

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Just unbelievably sad. Still, at least we know Global Communism can solve this manufactured climate crisis.

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Del Toro is hoping for a job with a Think Tank. I’ve met this fat slob. He is very poor. Cheap ill fitting suits. John Lehman dressed like a movie star.

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"Modern Audiences."

Quick, somebody tell The Critical Drinker he needs to critique this pile of excrement.

That said, practically every word of those excerpts made me want to laugh, cry, or most particularly hit someone, sometimes all three at once.

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Can’t wait to hear an Ocean Literacy Forum discussing the impact of global warming on NATO’s oceanic “eastern flank”… 😆

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And this was authored by a former RN officer. Sir Joseph Porter smiles.

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