We were a nation of laws til recently.

Steve Scalise and the House leadership was nearly assassinated by a hard left agitator. Nobody on the Left, ie Democrats in the House or Senate, denounced it nor the nonstop violence by Antifa and BLM.

Now we are a nation of power seekers who use the Antifa motto, “By any means necessary” to achieve their goals.

Don’t blame Trump. Blame the MSM that encouraged and aided violence. Blame Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and China Joe. The later said Antifa was just an idea.

We were a nation of laws. No more.

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This, sir, is laughable. What we have seen today is what happens when unprincipled politicians poison the gullible minds of a constituency of dullards with rank disinformation. THAT is who is responsible!

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Sorry...but that is not going to work. You can’t condemn people on the right for their violent acts and stay mum about the left. Neither are acceptable and neither should be tolerated no matter the reason.

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Yeah, cause property damage and insurrection are the exact same level.

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Property damage is worse, as governments exist, in part, to protect private property.

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Unfortunately, your facts are incorrect. It only took a few seconds to find this comment by Bernie Sanders about the shooting.

“I am sickened by this despicable act,” Mr. Sanders said. “Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society, and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action.”

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"...Real change can only come about through nonviolent action." Unlike the birth of our Nation, or the Civil War, or ....

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I'm sorry that Ashlii Babbit died today. I'm sorrier that after serving honorably, she chose to be led down an angry and self destructive trail, buoyed by social media likes and hearts that led to her death. You're right. We need to focus locally and be rid of the malcontents both far right and far left, who seek only to disrupt and not engage to build our communities into more fair, just, educated and healthy places. But divisions run deep, especially where I live. Today, I received a call from a newly elected city council member. We talked with great enthusiasm about how our smallish city could use the Mayoral office for daily comms during this pandemic to talk about facts by looping in public health officials, first responders, and economic advisers to give clarity about what's being done, and to discuss the impact this year 2 of lockdowns is having on our citizens. He nor I are on the same side of anything, yet we agree that there needs to be a voice of reason that's beyond politics and works for problem solving for the common good. Then, I checked up on my elderly, very left wing neighbor who is in her '70's. She was instantly cynical, saying that we'd never see results from any of this, that polemics would rule over everything. And I just thought.... somewhere her hope got worn down. And that's what we all have to work against. Being so worn down, we stop working toward and with one another, but see some common ground we can agree on.

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Really well put.

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Concur. You have been absolutely consistent on this topic of civic violence, regardless of what political or social ideology is behind the event being discussed. As to the actual sequences, etc., I will, with hope it will actually be dispassionately addressed in the future, leave it to other rational actors to discuss.

Perceptions, no matter how erroneous, drives reality in many historical situations. Right now, across the ideological/socio-economic spectrum, there are factions that deeply believe they have become disenfranchised or deliberately placed at a disadvantage. Those perceptions should be addressed and either acted upon, if determined to be truly real, or solidly debunked and discarded if being driven by inflammatory rhetoric and ideological fervor. I am not optimistic that will occur in the near term on any even term.

But you are very correct in that true change emanates from within the states’ legislatures and if one wants that change, it begins there.

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The Federal Government will only let the States make changes that they, the Feds, approve of. The Supreme Court will just rule unconstitutional any changes that the Feds don't approve of- they can and they have. I've come to believe that it will take an Article 5 Convention of States to force the Feds to change.

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CDR I agree in principle. Unfortunately the world is changing. Your terrible 20's isn't a decade to survive. It's a ratcheting down. It will stabilize before we have the next recession/crisis. Each time we will not come back to the previous level before we're hit with the next crisis.

Turns out collapse isn't like an apocalypse movie. It just looks like Detroit. Crime goes up. Police become more corrupt. Government as a whole becomes larger, more corrupt and more authoritarian. The wheel turns until it can't turn anymore.

History repeats. From today's version of the sixties to tomorrow's version of the seventies. Too bad we won't be able to finance the next version of the eighties. I suspect morning in America will look more like morning in Chile. With our own version of Gen Pinochet. I wonder who will be stuck with the role of Allende when the music stops?

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....Well put, sir. Wouldn't change a word.

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While President Trump was elected because he was not a politician, his failure to work with politicians was his downfall. He showed contempt for coequal branches of government. Not a recipe for establishing mutual respect. In my mind, not much different than his predecessor.

His personal failure led to the lockdowns and the riots, as he failed to grasp the resolve of his opposition. He obviously was not well advised, and perhaps was purposely misled. Everyone knew there would be problems with the rally well in advance.

The constitution is more Important than any one man. His ego included. He should have resigned in protest, or at least conceded in protest. It was obvious to all that those in power where not going to let him stay in office.

I only hope the powers that be allow him to go home in peace, and get everything back to normal. Unfortunately I have no faith they will do either.

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I see why you killed comments on your site.

You swallowed a lie. Trump did nothing of the sort, and it is foolish to accuse him of it. The Capital Police were already fighting Antifa/BLM while Trump was still talking. The majority of the supporters left after Trump's speech. Babbit was killed because of Antifa actions. There is plenty of reliable reports and analysis of what actually happened. You should have exercised your normal critical thinking skills. Instead, you swallowed leftist lies.

Bush is a prissy fool who also bought the lies.

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Seems it was more of a set up / sucker trap to deliberately entice people into the capital:


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