We’re happy to waste money on foreign excursions like Afghanistan, Somalia, and now the proxy Ukraine, but fail miserably at taking care of our home based infrastructure.

This is not to say that building anything on the scale of more carrier groups makes lots of sense given game-changing hypersonic missiles. But to not be able to patrol the Arctic, clear sea lanes, etc is ridiculous.

This is the end result of a bloated system full of too many generals/admirals and not enough common sense.

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Sir, you speak the truth. Some of us older folks have been saying the same thing for decades. The truth is, much as we love America, our beautiful country, God's Own, is in moral decline and the "I gotta get mine" syndrome is killing us. It won't happen tomorrow: as you know, the Roman Empire was in decline for 500 years before it collapsed. Of course, things move much faster nowadays. But it's going to happen unless each individual American wakes up.

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Just one, wasn't ADM Schultz relieved/succeeded by a lady Admiral a few weeks ago?

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This is all well and good. Would rather increase our industrial capacity now, than chase the unobtainium “advanced tech” that everyone obsesses over for “great power competition (that’s been around for 5000 years BTW)“ that won’t be available for another decade. Capacity now >>> the 10% likelihood of something technically risky or completely new, maturing successfully.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

Sal I’m a new subscriber to your blog and I follow you on Twitter. Thanks for your work! I’m devastated about what has happened to our Navy and USCG. It is disgraceful.

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Our current condition of prostration comes from fundamentally misunderstanding the meaning of the term "peace dividend." The bean counters and big government types thought the dividend meant lots more money to waste on terrible programs. When in reality, the true meaning of the dividend contained in the "peace dividend," was...peace. Bought at a terrible cost in blood and treasure and on the verge of slipping away.

We will be lucky, indeed, if we can succeed in reforming and, to a degree, recapitalizing both the Navy and the Air Force before the danger that awaits, West of Wake, acts.

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We have been overrun by the empire builders (bureaucrats in our oversized government) who only goal is to have more supplicants under their control. You will not see any more additions to our fleets or other war material's because of this. These guys only look out for themselves, America be damned

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