I have two questions about the money allocated for impossible green technology projects. The first is how much of it will be spent in pursuit of the impossible? The second is whose pockets this money will go into. These two questions should be at the heart of any decent investigation into government fraud.

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We will significantly differ respectfully on climate change. This being your blog, I will say no more.

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What temperature SHOULD the earth be at? Until one can answer that question, this is just throwing money down the toilet. It’s just like CRT: there is no end-state. It’s merely a pretext for control in the present.

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In the past I have described "climate change" as a "stampede to a new dogma". I now prefer your label of "neo-pagan religion", as it has indeed transcended from a dogma to a neo-pagan religion status.

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We are asked to believe a government incapable of stopping spam to my email and telemarketers calling my phone is capable of changing the weather.

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