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Don’t knock someone’s degree without qualifying it by their work since. Its like blaming a Luitenant for throwing spit ballls in nursery school.

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College is supposed to be something more significant than nursery school. If it isn't then we should return to the RN model of sending 13-year-olds to sea as midshipmen and save a lot of time and money.

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A decent enough point, James, but it's what they do after graduating nursery school or college that counts. It may be easy to overlook throwing spitballs when 4-5 years of age but by young adulthood pursuing a degree in an outré fluff major kind of puts one at a disadvantage, relegating them to a prolonged temporary career as a barista at Starbucks. From there, without an intervention by loved ones, it is an inevitable descent into tattoos, piercings, Marxist street activism and other behaviors destructive to self, others, society and civilization. Still, to amass $70K in student debt can be seen as a marker for poor decision-making...even if it was only a crass but pragmatic move to get credentialed. A padded C.V. can sometimes give a person traction if they are otherwise personable and are possessed of other skills learned by OJT. Me? When I was very young boy, I poured salt on the hair of a girl I had a huge crush on. It didn't have the desired result (requited love, marriage when we turned 21 and a life together). I learned from it. How fortunate that my early spitballing bahavior in a search for love and later in pursuit of majors was given a pass and I was judged on a track record of performance.

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Performance is indeed the gold standard.. A degree in any major only prepares you to be a trainee (sometimes poorly), often in a field unrelated to your major, where you will be judged by your performance.

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History poli sci double major w minors in East Asian Studies and Naval Science. 24 years in telecom the vast majority in softwsre design. Also do the occassional house on the side. Pretty sure Jefferson also wasn’t limited by his major.

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Degrees in Social Studies, Humanities and Psychology magna cum laude were the icing on the cake that got me in to a short stint as an REA electrical inspector and a longer, more lucrative run as an asphalt/road construction inspector. That's all sweaty blue collar stuff...I suspect they really wanted a guy all papered up with an official education beyond a GED & OJT. Government job. Never would have happened otherwise.

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Nursery skool? No, we're discussing college... usually 18 yrs old and up. And the college major is a solid indication of how someone prepares their mind for the rest of life. Math & science? Engineering? Well, look for a certain way of thinking. History? Poly sci? Literature? Another manner of thought process. Majoring in a foreign language? Nothing wrong with that... But don't whine when people question one's fitness to lead MarAd or Energy Dept.

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