Also tugs and PSV's are crewed by guys like me, who already know that MSC's working conditions qualify for an Amnesty International campaign. The French Foreign Legion is a better employer than MSC.
Also tugs and PSV's are crewed by guys like me, who already know that MSC's working conditions qualify for an Amnesty International campaign. The French Foreign Legion is a better employer than MSC.
A friend of mine was on an EPFS when everything went gangway up in 2020. Not only was he stuck but the military failed to pay the contract mandated penalty rate and his useless union failed to secure the correct amount -instead leaving him to get only 20-30% of what he was supposed to receive. Then just to prove how utterly useless MSC is; when he quit showing up to work (he came to my company), it took them a year and a half or two years to terminate him. I have heard similar horror stories over the years. I would not under any circumstances work for MSC and would discourage anyone else from doing so.
Absolutely agreed. The Gangway Up order was cruel and arbitary. The naval crew could go ashore daily while the merchant seamen were trapped on those ships fpr over a year, moored at the docks in Norfolk. But we saw the cruelty of the .gov in the civilian side too, when a major tug company, Bouchard, went bankrupt and the crew were forced to stay on their vessels with no pay and no jobs, for several months, or be hunted down and jailed if they left the vessel... isn't it strange that the .gov is finding it hard to find civilian mariners for their ships?
Also tugs and PSV's are crewed by guys like me, who already know that MSC's working conditions qualify for an Amnesty International campaign. The French Foreign Legion is a better employer than MSC.
A friend of mine was on an EPFS when everything went gangway up in 2020. Not only was he stuck but the military failed to pay the contract mandated penalty rate and his useless union failed to secure the correct amount -instead leaving him to get only 20-30% of what he was supposed to receive. Then just to prove how utterly useless MSC is; when he quit showing up to work (he came to my company), it took them a year and a half or two years to terminate him. I have heard similar horror stories over the years. I would not under any circumstances work for MSC and would discourage anyone else from doing so.
Absolutely agreed. The Gangway Up order was cruel and arbitary. The naval crew could go ashore daily while the merchant seamen were trapped on those ships fpr over a year, moored at the docks in Norfolk. But we saw the cruelty of the .gov in the civilian side too, when a major tug company, Bouchard, went bankrupt and the crew were forced to stay on their vessels with no pay and no jobs, for several months, or be hunted down and jailed if they left the vessel... isn't it strange that the .gov is finding it hard to find civilian mariners for their ships?