Another Helium Head as we used to say back in the day. I was part of NASA's study of the Modern Airship. Back in the day was early 1970's. Computer tech was limited then. I did a study of using hybrid airships in an anti sub task. I varied gas bouyancy to aerodynamic lift. The result was the task wanted an airplane. Seems Goldwater's sen…
Another Helium Head as we used to say back in the day. I was part of NASA's study of the Modern Airship. Back in the day was early 1970's. Computer tech was limited then. I did a study of using hybrid airships in an anti sub task. I varied gas bouyancy to aerodynamic lift. The result was the task wanted an airplane. Seems Goldwater's senate aide got the bug and gave NASA the task. Fun work. Frank Piasecki got the navy to let him join 4 helicopters to a 3W blimp envelope for a heavy lift configuration. One copter failed and the ship crashed. Sad. I did get to meet many of the old airship folks. There is a book written about the hybrid airship. The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed.
Another Helium Head as we used to say back in the day. I was part of NASA's study of the Modern Airship. Back in the day was early 1970's. Computer tech was limited then. I did a study of using hybrid airships in an anti sub task. I varied gas bouyancy to aerodynamic lift. The result was the task wanted an airplane. Seems Goldwater's senate aide got the bug and gave NASA the task. Fun work. Frank Piasecki got the navy to let him join 4 helicopters to a 3W blimp envelope for a heavy lift configuration. One copter failed and the ship crashed. Sad. I did get to meet many of the old airship folks. There is a book written about the hybrid airship. The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed.