What do you make of the British Navy? They once ruled the waves, now their flagship prince of wales breaks down shortly after leaving port.

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That SECNAV quote reads like "Well, we can't or won't do Core Navy Stuff anymore... but I hear Australia and Japan still do things, so maybe they'll bail us out or something. Anyway, here's hoping it doesn't all fall apart before I'm out of here!"

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"But what I do know is that we can build a very large ‘Navy’ ..."

Noting the scare-quotes around that Navy noun, it seems like all CNO needs to do is reclassify all the RIBs and such as 'ships' and, bingo, there's your thousand ship 'Navy'.

Besides, the middle kingdom is busy making sure there's no place to do things like port visits with anything with any real cruising range:


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“Complacent concurrence” happens when political animals in uniform seek above all else to continue the charade that elected globalists actually care about the military, political and economic status of our country in world affairs - and all of those vectors are inter-related, whether the Left in this country want to believe it or not. We used to have flag officers willing to stand up for what’s right, knowing they would be simultaneously offering their resignations on a platter. Used to.

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To add a slight bit of light to the gloom, was down at the DDG piers at Norfolk and wanted to give a shout out to DesRon 2. Not only a sense of mission purpose, eagerness even, but a lot of preservation work going on attacking rust too. Didn't get close to the other piers, but the other ships looked in good shape, no obvious neglect. Maybe the message is getting through.

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