Close the Naval War College, now.

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No, Jim. Might be better to keep the same student population but teach them exclusively about fire fighting and damage control. Swimming lessons too.

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Rules of the road? Shiphandling?

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They used to do that at Destroyer School and the ship handling simulator was in the same FTC building as the QM 'A' school. The swimming pool is also close by the NWC. I met a couple USAF types attending the NWC at the pool.

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Close all of the service academies, and the other war colleges as well. They have all face planted.

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The current (female) NWC President was appointed with the strong connivance (if not outright direction) of the current regime. What else would one expect to be the result? Our "Progressive" masters believe in an all of government approach to their agenda. A politically neutral and professional military is anathema to them. Where better to start the rot than at the War Colleges?

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She is the past president. Current president is RADM Garvin. Not much better. He is indecisive and a status quo guy. I know from inside the tent knowledge of his past commands.

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Whoops. Missed that. Still...

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Hell, the CNO is a journalism grad from Northwestern. How important can the service academies be?

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Yeah. She is part of the movement I suspect.

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Frankly, the product of the service academies does not commend them. I think all 4 should be closed as they are simply a waste of money.

In case someone is unaware of what all the academies are: West point, Annapolis, USAF, and Coastie U.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Appears the purge started under Obama admin has nearly completed. Only compliant people need bother apply. The people running things now in large part either are aligned with this administration and largely went through high school during the Clinton era post cold war and are more in tune with feelings and tolerance of all immorality which translates across to many other things. There are probably mid level people and older professors there who have some real heartburn over what has changed there but being compliant and under the thumbs of the upper leadership dare not say anything or have basically acquired a sort of stockholm syndrome. We aren't shaping war fighters who can win against a enemy with near parity and we are fixing to get our clocks cleaned if this trend continues. When irrelevant traits and backgrounds trump merit and ability, you are picking for losers not winners. Here we are administering a social program, not a winning military.

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Where can I return my NWC diploma?

An incredible waste of taxpayer resources and the potential of an institution that fought the Pacific War 20 years before Pearl Harbor.

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Nimitz said that his stint at the NWC was valuable. He said he did not see any problems in the pacific that had not been anticipated during his course.

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And they wonder why their recruiting numbers are in the commode?

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The problem is this... US Naval War College has transformed into just another run-of-the-mill, mediocre US College. Aside from a flag or photograph hanging here & there, it is not Naval. It does not teach War. It fails at its mission of Naval War. Long ago, it ceased being a venue of martial virtues. Now it is just another New England liberal arts school, sitting upon valuable waterside real estate, where some of the grads might actually read Thucydides and Sun Tzu. I'd hate to sell it all off for another Newport housing development, but unless a new school/Navy/DOD/Presidential administration mucks it out like Hercules in the Stables, the place is better off as another expanse of McMansions. At least, then, the property will generate tax revenue.

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"US Naval War College has transformed into..."


Iron Rule: Any organization that is not explicitly conservative becomes "progressive" (with all the skewed priorities that manifest from that agenda) .

Understand this one thing about American institutions and you completely understand the problem... as well as the simple (but not easy) solution.


Kudos to Gov. Desantis for modeling the path out of the woods on this trend and firing (and replacing with warriors such as conservative activist Christoper Rufo- see link below) the entire Board of Trustees of New College; and ordering the elimination of all DEI activities; as well as identity based hiring preferences. That's how you do it. If you are not willing to do and own that (take it our root & branch), the cancer of progressivism will continue to metastasize in our institutions.


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A shame. I went there twice (1972-73 and 1984). Presidents were Stansfield Turner and Stockdale.

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Nixon/Reagan eras, it was so different. My time in uniform was under Nixon.

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That would have been interesting if you ever had office time with either. If you could, what would you have discussed with either?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

I had some time with Stansfield Turner as President of the War College, then as COMSECONDFLT and later when he was CIA Director. Brilliant man who really got NWC on a good track. I did NOT discuss the fact that he was a classmate of Jimmy Carter!!!! Never got 1 on 1 with Stockdale. In classes he was a humble man--but what a towering leadership example!!

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That’s awesome. Glad your hero’s were good men.

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What was your impression if I may ask?

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Sorry, should have been specific. What was your impression of Admiral Turner.

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Nothing wrong with the liberals arts if you mean the Great Books of the Western World. Machiavelli said that when a prince is not training for war he should be reading the biographies of great warriors. Unfortunately, the liberal arts today has come to mean worthless ethnic and gender studies whose graduates are qualified for nothing except pulling down statues of Lee and Jackson.

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and Jefferson in NYC

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Amen. There are two types of flat tires. The simple flat is a nail thru the tread, which can be repaired by using a plug and some adhesive. The other type of flat is caused by a tear in the sidewall, which only be fixed by replacing the tire. The NWC exhibits all of the signs of being the second type of flat tire. Malachi 4:1 refers to the wicked being removed root and branch. That is my considered proposal for the NWC. But then, that is also my proposal for most of the Potomac Fleet. Otherwise, we will deserve to lose the next naval war we stumble into.

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But, what would happen to the marina below the NWC. I spent some very good time there while in QM 'A' school sailing my young heart out.

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Maybe they can get Taylor Swift to appear in a video...

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It would do a lot for recruting.

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Doubtful. Recruiting will remain in the toilet until the wokeism and DEI leave the bloodstream.

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There would certainly be an increase in views and comments.

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Well, NWC's focus probably shouldn't surprise us when you look at the overall USN social media. All along I haven't seen fanfare about the extended CSG, war shots, etc. but plenty of social media about Pacific Partnership, readiness in the Pacific, training, exercises... Either INDOPACOM has the monopoly on the social media time, or there's a hesitance to showcase that work

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"These are not serious people" This is to be expected.

A friend and former colleague just suggested I apply to renew my clearance; my reply can be abbreviated as N.F.W.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

Thank you Sal for this useful analysis of something I would never thing to analyze.

As a part of a for-profit commercial enterprise, I look at all sorts of data to try to understand patterns, draw conclusions, decide on future courses of action.

You have identified a major institution's apparent blindness / complicity toward an emerging issue >> danger. At the helm of a ship, that's bad seamanship.

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In ~2050, it will be fascinating to think back on 2000-2020 and ask "which side's long game was more impactful at determining the future of America: conservatives' play to lock-up a multi-decade SCOTUS majority or the progressives' near total capture of institutions and academia?"

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I think the capture of institutions and academia has been a constant long game since the 40s. It's only in the last 2 or 3 decades we see results of generational capture, teachers and professors who were taught by radical teachers and professors who were also taught by far left teachers and professors.

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We're going to see a similar "long-tail" play out in the military (amongst other places). Recently spent a day on campus at one of our Service Academies and was floored by how effectively they've remade the student body since my last visit.

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Many people write books about the capture of academe by the left. Sen. Ted Cruz just published one, titled Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America... Very well-written, readable, nice summary of how US education has been hijacked by a particular movement: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1684513626?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

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I should add that for my money, the Proggies capture of the media is both more impressive (what happened to MJ's "Republicans buy sneakers too"?) and likely to be more impactful than their takeover of the academy.

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As a graduate and former NWC deputy PAO, let me answer where maritime affairs and strategy are: it's in the curriculum and the war gaming department. Lectures of Opportunity are designed to compliment "thought" and many times designed to challenge it (ie a minority voice). To grade NWC by their You Tube channel is missing the forest through the trees. Glad to see Chatham House rule is alive and well for Qs and As. While NOT part of the NWC Lecture of Opportunity series, the NWC Library's "Eight Bells" series fits more into the Maritime Strategy realm, thought they typically don't focus on current events. I look forward to reading your reports. That is certainly something NWC alums should do more of. Keep writing (and ranting).

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I agree that the YouTube page is not representative of the broader curriculum, etc.

However, the Navy is struggling to portray itself as a serious force, and advertise its value to the public at large. Hence the contrast with “What’s Going on with Shipping.” I think Sal’s point is that NWC is missing some low-hanging fruit to put itself out there, advocate for itself before the public on why it’s an important to main-street American commerce and vital to deterrence and disaster response. It needs to tell the American people why it matters. The Navy needs to tell its story and command its value.

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Tyler gets it … James … you’re not understanding the larger problem. Reponder.

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Agreed. I too am an NWC grad. The NWC is not just about teaching it is also about setting the direction of the Navy. I recall a plaque that said that the entire Pacific War - with the exception of the kamikazees - had been wargamed before the conflict even began. I get alarmed when I see the the NWC mired in political correctness.

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100%. Our Navy can't afford to miss any opportunity to prove its seriousness, relevance, or value (not to mention the chance to actually shape public opinion), both to the public at large but also to those currently wearing the uniform.

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USNI, US Naval Academy, USNA Museum Youtube pages all have poor subscriber numbers, stale and/or dubious content. Lots of low hanging fruit but even greater amounts that have fallen off an lie rotting on the ground. Apathy. WGOWS has almost half the subscriber count at the US Navy Youube channel - and then you have the quality of the commenters on the channels. There is an ocean of difference there.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

I first learned of Sal Mercogliano (The Other Sal) when he was a guest on Midrats [The Other Other Sal :) ] some years ago. TOS is a fascinating guy and easy to listen to. His content, like Midrats, is superlative. gCaptains article on the beginning of WGOWS. https://gcaptain.com/sal-mercogliano-youtube-milestone/#:~:text=Mercogliano%2C%20known%20by%20most%20as,salvage%20masters%20about%20the%20grounding.

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So, James, some cancer is okay?

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"Genocide Studies" is figuring out how to do it better, silly woman!

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The state of the world reminds me of a favorite singing group when I was in High School"

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What a mess! I’m becoming more and more convinced that fixing the services may demand mass firings in the Flag ranks and among the SES. At a minimum, it will require a SECNAV and CNO who are grimly determined to make the Navy into a proper fighting force.

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It is ironic that you use Beatty's command ship as an ID. Something is wrong with our bloody ships - and our entire Navy,

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"mass firings in the Flag ranks"


There is a reason why when Stalin came to power he ordered the execution of most of the general staff and replaced them with people who were on board with his agenda. Same with hostile takeover of corporations - You get rid of every C-suite exec who's gonna fight you on your new vision.

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I wonder a bit if some areas have been moved over to the classified domain. If so, it has a detrimental effect on the morale of their interested base of support. I also highly doubt that's the reason we see the mass of mumbo jumbo over the guts like we used to see. I think this issue likely resides everywhere. Certainly Naval Postgraduate School has lost some of its luster too. The LMAAAC concept seems to be the only ship concept anyone has been pushing the past few years out of there and its a concept badly in need of some work.

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If you think you can win the peace behind the SCIF door, you don’t understand how the world works.

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