Afghanistan, graveyard of empires.

A well run withdrawal from Kabul, 1989: Russian

A poorly run retreat, 1842: British

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"A byproduct of disinterest by most of our press who seem to want to discuss almost anything else."

Anything that makes Democrats looks bad gets memory holed.

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The Fall of Saigon was 'celebrated' in images and popular culture for decades. Weird how this fall of Kabul is basically forgotten. It's almost as if everyone in the Press is aligned with the Democratic party and only exists to preserve them in power....

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Wonder what happened to the huge pile of $100 bill packs in a room where they lined three walls about 3 1/2 feet deep maybe 6 feed wide around three sides of the room.

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Navy Marine Corps Day!!

Pls provide the link to the pod cast

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Turned a short winnable war into a FUBAR, again.

And now, Ukraine. Which will end as Saigon and Kabul did.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

I deployed to Afghanistan in Jan 2002. I could have NEVER imagined we would be there twenty years later. I was for the war(s)....until I step into a village on patrol and was transported back to the 9th century. It was mission impossible to drag them kicking and screaming to our "enlighten" 21st century. To give you a flavor our "compentence", we would be give them "aid" in the form of female hygiene products......men in an infantry unit trying to explain what tampoons are to village elders (old men). Why? Probably because some pressure group back in the states got some corporation to donate the product and the USAID put pressure on our leadership to give this stuff out. Competence......

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Or you can read this book that was published a couple years ago. : https://operationpineappleexpress.com

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